adam savage here in a warehouse full of movie
props literally prop store brandon allenger thank you guys so much for inviting me to
your palace thank you it's like i i walk around and we talk and then i just sort of
wander away and wander down the aisles um we do have a lot of props here yes and the ones
in crates tend to be a lot of fun if it's in a crate you know it's something a little bit special
oh really that's that's a good i think that's a good that's a good rule yeah a good rule of thumb
is crates equals something cool something chunky and yummy all right so this just came out of a
crate and it's clearly an architectural model um what film is this from so this is evil
dead two no yeah and this is you know we love when things turn up from the 70s from
the 80s the early 90s this sort of older content especially things that haven't been seen before
so yeah it's one thing when pieces coming from another collector because odds are a lot of the
other hardcore collectors are aware that that collector had it it's sort of a scene so there's
like a set pool of content that everybody's aware of and then every now and then a little light
goes off on the radar something new shows up that's very fun for us like when you get a phone
call like this this is one of those those pieces and it came from a guy who was part of the
visual effects crew he recognized that it was a special thing and it should be saved and he's
had it in his garage for more than 30 years wow um i'm looking at its construction which seems
fairly basic i'm like some pieces of veneer and some balsa the roofing is all patterned
copper can't tell if they did the patterning them patterning themselves but it looks just perfect
functionally yeah and it's you know a lot of the models that we would handle would be more like
spaceships or aircraft or something like that like you say architectural is the word it's interesting
as a collectible but obviously this is a key setting a key piece that plays quite a lot in in
the film right well so this isn't a maquette this is actually a shooting manager yes i understand
it this is a shooting miniature specifically for uh shots and sequences where the trees are all
coming down and that sort of thing oh wow that is so cool this is also like one of my favorite kinds
of models to build there's something about like gluing slats on a dollhouse kind of thing that
just instantly makes you feel like you're about 12 years old right very traditional in a way i
guess oh man i'm looking through the door and i know the interior isn't dressed but it still looks
recognizably creepy as like right from evil dead yeah i don't know if what sort of functionality
it has i mean i can see there's still some wiring inside of it so maybe they had some sort of
lighting effects rigged at some point oh yeah or pyro that's the kind of wire i'd use for pyro okay
maybe you're right maybe less smoke effect perhaps but actually the wiring goes into it looks like
it goes into the door oh no it just terminates oh yeah there's something coming out here oh
yeah there you go there's a light okay a lamp oh man door light i love how they faked the log
cabin look by gluing these right the ends of the posts yeah yeah and this is real copper huh
yeah you can see it here on the edges it's real copper and i don't know it's i mean it's just a
fabulous looking roof there's nothing like real metal yeah you know you could use tur you could
do this with styrene it would take twice as long real metal just gives you all these great
efficiencies right i like the the way it's sort of dense and you get those textures to it and
such yeah and i mean on the extreme end you've got things like the uh mission impossible helicopter
crash where the helicopter has been plated and the plastic removed so that the plating dents
like it's made of real metal yeah specifically oh oh man here joey if you look through the
front door you can see my big dumb face sometimes it's fun when things come in just to
go through the process the the archaeology of it to try to understand exactly not only what it was
created for but what the different functionality or the the sort of gags that are built into it
are you know and what types of shots would they have used for based on what you're seeing on
the piece itself oh so now i'm looking i can see a dimmer switch and two light bulb ports okay
and back here we've got floorboards and wallpaper so there is some interior detail there's
interior detailing check this out there's a wallpaper back here yep it looks like it's a
little bit mouse eaten yeah um but you see the the light bulbs ports over there and the floor
is totally cut away so they can get access right yeah yeah i assume they had to put that wallpaper
there just in case they caught through the window i guess yeah i love the screen porch too that is
awesome dude it's creepy like the thing is is that the volumes of the interior are reminding me of
the movie because they're the correct volumes and it's creeping me out the asymmetrical
door here right well that's do i understand i remember reading that in the film the sets were
built with like the lines not perfectly parallel just so you felt weird looking at it just to
throw you off uh-huh yeah yeah what a masterpiece dude this is great what uh i'm curious
about how you guys would consider um making this sort of more permanent would you
guys build a base for this probably yeah i think especially because the model itself may not have
total structural integrity so i think if you can get it onto a nice base that then serves as like
a handling board i think that's good because you know when we just took it out of the crate now
obviously we're very gentle with it but you do wonder how stable the whole thing is and that's
one of the things that we try to do in general is when we get access to a piece you want to set
it up in such a way that it can be safely handled looked at examined right and it's not always just
about putting it on permanent display something like this you're going to need a big environment
to display it in so sometimes it's like how can we sort of make this transportable and sometimes it
starts with a crate it's like this needs a crate and and it needs to live in its crate to make
sure that it is protected well and also who who where is someone going to display such a thing is
it going to be under a coffee table are you going to hang it up on the wall i could imagine any any
one of them i think they need a cave like yours yes then you can find space you need a cave and
you need a space within the cave well i'd be happy to display this for a while we'll let you know
we'll let you know which option is coming up then that is a great piece and i love that thing that
like occasionally stuff shows up and you know how rare it is because you've never seen another thing
it's the most fun is when we get a phone call from somebody and you can immediately tell the story's
credible because we get a lot of non-incredible phone calls also but when you go okay this
is very credible person definitely worked on the film straight to imdb yes their name is there
they've sent me a picture the picture looks right i have a good feeling about this let's get out
the blu-ray let's try to screen match it that's that's the fun side of our work for sure where all
that information checks out i was going to ask you how do you know someone's not credible but i don't
think we want to give that away well yeah but it does happen not a lot but it's a yes it's a little
bit of a dark side something this is zone has been yeah i know especially with those early star
trek props there's been a couple of forgers that messed up the whole thing yes yeah it's it's it's
it can be a bit messy and you know that's why we always take a lot of pride in the authenticity
in the the vetting that we do of our content the research that we do and ultimately the coa that we
issue with everything yeah and the fact that coa means something yeah it's a great piece wow it's
really exciting to see it up close and in person do you ever how much how many
times do you get to actually uh get a director or actor from a production to
see one of these pieces up close it's somewhat rare to be honest i mean where it happens the
most is that events like comic con which obviously we haven't done for a while at the moment
but comic con you would get people coming by you get a lot of crew folks people like yourself
who i worked on that i worked on that but every now and then you would get an actor who would come
in and look at some things and sometimes they're excited and sometimes they're not it's just you
know i mean what's your experience with that do they care yeah it depends it depends on the actor
and the movie i asked gary oldman um do you still like putting on costume because you've worn so
many of my favorite costumes and he said you know you know it puts me in character but after 30 40
years the bloom gets off the rose of putting on an elaborate costume every morning yeah they've
done it yeah at the same time i'm sure russell crowe keeps all of his costumes because there's so
much character built into every one of them and he has an affection for that yeah feels i mean i
guess it's something of a personality thing but if i was in that position absolutely i'd want it
you know there's a shot from uh there's a behind the scenes shot from 310 to yuma in which ben
foster is talking about wearing that great outfit of his that white leather dirty weird gunslinger
costume and he's like i am in heaven yeah yeah great character she's such a great great character
yeah good movie too yeah wonderful film brandon thank you so much man this is the best doll house
i've ever seen hey always good to see you and happy to pull out some treasures when you come
come on by dude all right see you guys next time
Evil Dead 2’s Cabin in the Woods Miniature Model!