NEW Course DOUBLED in SIZE! – BRAND NEW!!! Axial SCX24 Jeep Gladiator!!!

Check out the SCX24 here:
Our friend’s new course doubled in size. He has put so much work into his mini crawler course, so we had to bring the brand new Axial SCX24 Jeep Gladiator out to have fun on it! Let us know what you think of his RC car course and the newest Axial SCX24 in the comments.
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Check out the SCX24 here:

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What is going on in the world of mini Crawlers you guys we're featuring these Awesome mini Crawlers on the greatest Little mini crawler course that we have Ever had in a decade on our Channel and No one's watching these mini crawler Videos so let us know in the comments is It just you and mini crawlers is it our Mini Crawler videos I don't know but today We're here to show you the newest Release by axial Jeep Gladiator okay Looks really good I like the collar That's kind of what they're doing with The last couple of many releases is just Introducing some more colors some this In my opinion a little bit more exciting And I think we have some electronic Upgrades a few smaller upgrades we'll Have this link in the description box Where you can check it out for yourself I brought this one just as a bit of a Comparison it's kind of one of my Favorite little 24th scale crawlers and Uh yeah it's a ready to run setup comes In at a good price as I said it'll be Linked in the description box below for You to check out there's a couple other Collors or at least one other collor That they came out with not just this Green and we're going to take it through This course now we have access from a Friend to drive this mini crawler course And he has more than doubled the size

Since the last video you've seen and That's where Abby's standing right now You better believe she's going to be the First to go through the course we're Very excited to do that with you but I Will say I have a bit of a battery issue First of all uh this is where pit crew Nate comes in mine did not come with a Battery so I had to steal one from Another vehicle and I will also say I think my battery or Electronics from This one is giving me some problems cuz It gets the Jitters every now and then I Don't think it's just the battery but it Didn't seem to want to take a charge I Did charge that for about 3 hours and it Never went green this one I stole from Yet another vehicle and it only got on The charger for maybe 20 30 minutes so I've got a backup but I just wanted to Let you guys know the battery situation Before I start driving this because if We die during the video well that's why So Abby let's power this on and have Some fun it does have lights they look Good little front bumper mounted Headlights nothing on the back little Onoff switch got our brushed motor here And I like that it hinges with the Velcro probably my favorite mini crawler System we don't need body Clips that's Not going anywhere Abby let's see what You can do yay Abby is at the controls Of her new little

Gladiator and we're going to start off The Course oh I'm going to roll it no you're Not we're going to start the course Off how we have been and then Venture on To the new course if you guys Missed um this course previously we Might be able to hit it in this video But we're not sure about the battery Situation on the crawler so want to make Sure we have enough juice for the new Section cuz this is pretty exciting Matt Has done a great job especially for Being so new into the RC world that's Okay Abby distracted me that's okay you Ran into trees I did I ran into that Tree and totally fair enough we'll take It now this tends to be the hardest part Of the Course so if you guys have missed the Other videos this is the most Challenging part it looks simple but It's Challenging she thinks she's cheating But that's okay that works okay now hold On here's where it splits we could take The old bridge to mulch Mountain but now We've got a new teeter totter which is Really cool see how this works Out hey you got up on it you're going to Have to back up a hair and hop It oh uh Oh There this is a newer section so he's

Work in Progress we had to use one cheat code There we go let's see how it Does and that's why Teeter totters are Awesome let's check out the rest of the Course he has added some kind of half Half buried limbs here to really Showcase our shocks Suspension Nice then we go into this really steep Tire climb Abby this is going to be kind Of Crazy okay good Angle is that almost 45Β° that's good oh And then it gets a little steeper okay Nice oh this is going to really Challenge our Crawlers You might have to back up a little Abby or dig in TR to get repositioned Before I get this is so cool guys I'm Not a good backwards Driver and he has a path going under the Tire too No now in all fairness we've not had Anything on this section of the course But you did it you did it it just needed Speed very nice I was getting worried That it wouldn't be able to do that now Which way should I go well so yeah you Can either turn left here and go Down Under the tire or you can turn right and Kind of hit this very cool pipe that's Okay A little steep oh yeah nice drop With the glass rock back

There s Sandy I love this course it is so cool So cool and then we have this guys we've Got another tire there some more pipes And a deer up there a book Abby it's Just kind of a stomping ground I think You can kind of go where you want do What you want Oh this is so awesome Got That Rock in The middle there then there's a glass Rock oh it did that good nice you've got To try to climb up Buck Mountain that's going to roll oh no oh Man nice Abby Nice oh this is good oh don't roll It look at the focus look at the focus Let's see if she can get up this hill we Need names for this stuff I like mulch Mountain back there is this Buck Steeps I don't Know Yeah all new stomping area for us to Play around on with our mini crawlers And I love It we did that mini crawler video and it Only got a couple thousand views so I'm Hoping you guys learned to love these Mini crawler videos cuz we've got this Course now and it's amazing Now she's venturing back into the old Course probably for me to give it a shot Yeah sure let's see what I can do and I'm really glad to know this battery is Holding up this is really the only part

That it struggled with right Here she's not passing the okay now it's My Turn Nate always likes to send me to do This first so then he can show me up It's like his favorite thing to show me Up it's not true definitely is true [Music] I think sometimes where I see you Struggle the key is just a little more Speed sometimes more speed is a bad Thing Yep I love this course I I struggled Here too you Did okay let's See oh nice one what did I say what did I say he just look at the smile he just Enjoys showing me up 10 rolls off of That we caught a couple So that's pretty Good now in all fairness I don't think I Can do any better here than what you and It's just I think it's just a matter of Clearance and weight in the front of This thing cuz we got to hop those back Tires up and it's just probably hey I Did it I hate You I didn't expect that Abby I hate you no you don't it's Valentine's Day we're recording this on Valentine's Day and you're saying that Okay same way same Way let's see you did pretty good on This and I was pretty like afraid of it

Got to go with speed speed yeah that's How you do it you're welcome thank you You definitely helped him he did so good On this course didn't he no so good Which where are you going to go same way Same way same way you know what though I Don't think that was like a challenging Spot so let's go this way we back Backwards Nate's reverse skills are way Better than Me Nice Elsa's castle okay all right we'll Do that just bear in mind we have a 5-year-old daughter when we say these References that is this course my far Friend is watching it I'm sure he is This is such a nice course and I feel Very lucky to be able to play around on It yeah love love the deer up there That's so Cool I think it's to scale too isn't it Pretty much is yeah I think this is a Very appropriate place to end the video Just cuz this is a really epic I mean This is huge for 24th scale I'm very Impressed with this whole course and This actually conquered the course Really well Abby hit the course um first And so of course she's going to struggle A little bit more than me just because I Get to see where the hard parts are and How she conquered it so then I just use That way to conquer that spot so that's Why I went through it a little faster

And and I'm pleasantly surprised by its Capabilities after getting my hands on It and running it through the course at First when I saw Abby hitting a couple Spots I thought oh Jo I don't know if It's very capable but now once I've seen Her conquer those spots and then I do it Myself it is a capable vehicle and I Think its performance is great the fact That mine or ours I should say didn't Come with ABY ABY didn't come with a Battery it's just because this is an Early sample it's a ready to run vehicle Your should come with a battery um and I'm just glad that I grabbed a couple so I had a backup axial does a great job With their mini crawlers they do a great Job with their crawlers in general and I Think we should always expect that from Them at this point when when we see a Random company come out with a mini Crawler it's kind of like rolling the Dice you hope it's good but it might not Be good with axal we expect it to be Good and if it's even slightly not good We all tend to get very upset with it Because that's where the bar has been Set without Max Seal's Vehicles so if You're a collector like we are it'll be Linked in the description box below and You can pick one up for yourself there Know that using that link does help to Support our Channel and our family at no Extra cost to you and we're very

Grateful to those of you that choose to Order your RC's that way you get points That you can spend on other things which Is an added bonus too I am genuinely Curious if you missed the beginning of The video where I asked you uh what's The deal with people not watching mini Crawler videos I kind of feel like it's Groans all over again they were fun and Then they weren't as much fun not that We don't have fun with drones but the World isn't as excited about Them when that type of thing happens on Our Channel we want to know from you Guys because we do this because it's fun But we also want our viewers to have fun Watching too and if we're only going to Get a couple thousand views on a little Mini crawler video then maybe you want To see more Jets I don't know let us Know are mini crawlers not your thing Let us know in the comments to our Friend that lets us use this course a Massive thank you and I'm very impressed Because this is now more than double the Size of the old course and we did about Half of that in this video but if you Missed it we've got some mini crawler Videos that could use some love and Attention to check out the the smaller Course too so be sure to check that out And a big thanks to our friend also a Massive thanks to God for giving us the Opportunity to jump in front of the

Camera and share this experience with You guys and finally a huge thanks to Our patreon supporters because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your amazing support we'll Have a very great mini CR video that I Know a majority of you guys probably Haven't seen popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye

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