This CHEAP RC Jet Boat is so GOOD!

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This CHEAP RC Jet Boat is so GOOD! This is the TY XIN 768 Brushless RTR rc jet boat. In this video we take this RC speed boat to the lake to see how it performs. Let us know your thoughts about this RC boat in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen

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[Music] Trying to float oh I just submerged it You see that it's gone it feels so good To be doing boat week number two this Year on the RSC Sailors and we just Featured a brand new amazing proo that's A lot like the big brother to this this Is an offbrand Smaller and definitely cheaper but still Very powerful RC boat and I'm excited to Try it check this out this one is jet Powered and water cooled let's take a Look under the hood together oh look we Have double water sealing latches there We go brushless power you better believe I'm going to throw it in this murky Water and try to flip it over because Thank goodness we brought two vehicles Cuz I've got a kayak in the back of one In case one of these flips that doesn't Have selfing or it gets stuck in some Lily pads so fingers cross that doesn't Happen but you never know let's put this In the wall and have some Fun Oo a lot of faith in my basic knowledge Of boats here we Go Uhoh uh oh Oh no I might be getting Wet oh Yeah why' I do that I don't know okay Why did you think it was soft riding cuz It had a flywheel on it all right we

Should have brought Jan's claw it's all Right I'll get it yeah you sure okay Well just take my S okay Abby's going to get it that means She gets to drive it first at Least thanks Abby she wor sand Good job [Laughter] Abby I think you just wanted to wait out In the water it actually felt pretty Good yeah okay so you have earned Driving first for [Laughter] Sure Oho Nice basically if I flip it kayak's Coming out that's it Yeah I think the flywheel is on there Just to help wait the motor some to help Its performance I'm very surprised you See these buttons though yes did you Push those no no you might have wanted To try to push the Button well you're welcome to push them If they start pulsing the motor then oh Thank goodness that was not upside down But we have the kayak so not the end of The world just press the buttons and That's the nice thing about Jet Boats Putting it upside down again okay she Just wants to get back out in the Water a beat Yeah A Nope

Nope guess bind yeah my button nope I Was just wrong I was so wrong About the weighted wheel of that the fly Wheel oh that's powerful You can now this one because it doesn't Have a Rudder sticking down there and a Prop chopping through the Water it's not kicking up quite the Rooster tail but you guys notice we're Standing on the shoreline today not the Dock that's amazing iuts are to be Desired I think I'm not sure what I Think those are cran nuts cronuts cuz They're crazy boat Donuts you can drive This right up to the Shoreline boom and Not have to worry about damaging Anything with the boat I love jet boat This is maybe one of my favorite Jet Boats Ever cuz it's got that catamaran style Oh Abby it's not a Car yeah no reverse Zero now the downside to a jetbat that Was really cool Abby did like I'm trying To flip it really I'm trying to see if I Can actually flip it cuz people need to Know they have to have some form of Recovery oh no so this is the beauty of A jet boat yeah but it can suck it in it Can it sure can but it Powers through it The downside to a jet boat is when You're moving you have to have throttle To steer it is it Getting okay was it getting uh did you

Suck in some leaves and stuff let's Check it out and then I got to take the Controller from you oh WBY here oh yeah look at that oops my Bad so that's a downside right it's good But also bad if you do suck in leaves And stuff it's a little harder to get That out now there was a proboat jet Boat do you remember um the river boat Yeah it had a function that actually Would blast the water back out so if you Needed to clear the leaves so what do You do well in this case reverse would Be nice but we don't have it so we just Kind Of swishy swish there's about half of it Out Okay a good old yeah there you go Handy pocket knife To save the Day this is entertainment right here Well watch a Nate pick debris out of the Boat part of it I think people need to Know what to potentially Expect this is Epic all it you will think this is Awesome and entertaining so like the Video okay you're going to like it see If you can flip It it's got really good control doesn't It really nice control maybe tighter Turns than a traditional Rudder and full Blast off that's a nicely powered RC It's not too powerful it's definitely

Not Underpowered water cooled I see the Water shooting out the side of it this Is a great Boat safe for kids too because that Props not exposed you know we just let Some kids drive our insanely powerful Probo and they said the dad was like Buddy you got us hooked he literally Said that to me off camera and we're Going to be in it for three boats he Said how expensive is the one you were Driving I said well it's pretty Expensive and if you're buying that Three times that's up there but they Make cheaper boats that are just as fun Especially for young ones remember guys We had the throttle limit on that boat For them at 75% so it was throttled back Some and had an exposed prop this RC B Is really what that family of three kids Should look into buying if they're going To buy three of them especially for a First taste at powerful RC boats man This is awesome they're like five Minutes into driving this and nobody's Flipped really good so okay let's really Push [Music] It trying to flp oh I just submerged it You see that it's gone it is on there it Is that was amazing that was amazing a Really Long why are your bow nuts so much

Better than mine left maybe mine just Cuz they're left did I go right so it Was oh okay let's see let's see if I can Get that go under again that was Submarine mode in a half that was Amazing wait till the water tests when We're done oh my gosh this going to be So cool look how tight those are Abby I Think I just hit the wake at the right Angle must have it just went under which Was so cool you created a Whirlpool wow oh come on come on let's Get under underwater again isn't that Funny that we're just trying to get it To go underwater it's Fun oh man tight turns aggressive we Can't get it to flip even that the it's Like skimming across the water if we hit It at the right angle come on let's jump Under again jump under that was so Cool come On oh it wants to I know it's gone too I Know we're going to get it I know we're Going to get it look at those bow nuts Abby taking a page from the Abby of Bonuts you're putting me to shame in This video well this is so Cool come On you will leave a comment you will Subscribe wow and this is Full Throttle Too so just so you guys know I'm burning This battery Up burning this battery up this is a Nice long run time look at the cool wake

That it makes on the front of the boat When it's doing That okay who is truly hypnotized now This is like 2 minutes straight of uh Bone landed it on a really cool 180 Let's bring it in there's another 180 We'll bring it in and just dock it here And do a water test cuz that was a lot Of effort can't get it to flip we tried Everything under the sun we got it to go Submerge mode under the water that was Just Crazy [Laughter] And even after all that there's about One little tiny drop right there see That I can't believe that you submerged It yeah wow I'm impressed yeah and with Any Lo with any luck we'll have a coupon Code for you guys this might be look at That so this also tells me that the Battery's connected and that's still on And we're getting a beep that tells me We have Telemetry back to the radio so If the battery did get low enough to Give us an alarm we have an alarm to say Hey it's time to bring it back or if it Goes out of range we're going on to beep Before it gets too far out of range this Is a really good boat that is so cool And like I said it's linked in the Description box below make sure you guys Get the right version it comes with Everything you need the battery the USB

Charger everything and that that what Does it come with Nate battery charger What are you doing making fun of me I Feel like you I don't know I feel like I Heard you say everything like 20 times Okay well it's it's just that's what I Was doing people will want to know cuz a Lot of times people like the probo It Doesn't come with a battery or a charger I'm just making fun of you okay okay Someone's got to do it everybody Does I knocked him off his Groove these Are these hoses keep it water cooled I'm Just it impresses me that you can get a Boat like this for this price when There's other options out there that Which cost a lot more and they're very Nice and very hobby grade and high Performance but in my opinion you know You're going to have a lot of fun with This with a fraction of the cost so Anyway it's linked there if you love it As much as we do there's a udrc boat This is what I was trying to get at that Generally Takes the Cake for boat of the Year it's black and white but it's been Boat of the year for 3 years it's a Traditional boat I love that this is a Jet boat it's got those catamaran style Runners on there this it keeps it Extremely stable this ain't rocking over At all I just I'm a huge fan and a nice Long run time too we couldn't even get That battery to drop down I want to say

A massive thanks to God for blessing us With this beautiful day to jump in front Of the camera and share this experience With you guys I also want to say a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it without your insanely Awesome support and Abby thank you for Waiting out in the water to get the boat And I kept my toes dry so thank you very Much we'll have an awesome hand and Picked budget but performance RC boat Video not sure if it competes with this You guys let us know if it's any better That video is popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye

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