What’s New in Siemens NX

Hello, and welcome to our first ever
premier release of Siemens NX. Here at Siemens Digital Industries Software, we're focused on helping our customers
create tomorrow's innovations today in the most sustainable and productive way. We've got some incredible
things to share with you today. So let's get into it. I'd like to start by introducing
Xcelerator, our integrated portfolio of software, services and
application development platform that encompasses all of
Siemens software's products and technologies. Mechanical design
in Xcelerator is driven by NX. NX is the industry leading
mechanical engineering solution. It gives you complete design
freedom, allowing you to create and iterate on your ideas. With NX 2007, this is the
best release of NX ever. Earlier this year, the industry
market analysts CIM data commented that Siemens continues to innovate and
re-imagine CAD design in a way that truly looks to the future of design. And this shows that we're
continuing to innovate, helping our customers embrace complexity
and reach their productivity goals. Our customers across all industries love
using NX, like Princess Yachts, who've seen significant design efficiencies using
NX, enabling them to create more complex interiors and better overall designs.

Or JCB who are driving towards a more
sustainable future with 100 hundred percent electric, zero emissions, E-tech range
thats leveraging the digital twin to enable more consistent collaboration with a
single source of data. And Red Bull Racing, working to an aggressive F1 race schedule. Through productivity gains with NX Red
Bull Racing, were able to compress the time from initial design through to wind
tunnel testing down to just 10 days. Productivity is a key driver for
all our customers. In a recent study by lifecycle insights, it was discovered that more than 94% of
company executives felt that either a good amount or some amount of productivity
improvement was needed from their product engineering teams. Productivity,
and the ability to do more with less clearly affects the success of the products being designed and also
the companies creating them. Taking the latest release of NX is one of the best
ways to help you achieve your productivity goals. For today's session, we're going
to focus on a workflow that shows you how to automatically create new parts using the all new NX topology optimizer. Then we'll show you how to test and
validate your parts before 3d printing.

We'll be showing you how you
can reduce this group of 14 parts down to just a single part nd also reduce the weight from
around four kilograms down to about two and a half kilograms. Typically this would have required
some very manual tasks by the design engineers, but NX is helping you embrace
complexity and increase productivity whilst also helping you reduce
the number of physical prototypes. So let's get into it. Imagine we're designing a next generation
electric vehicle in order to maximize the range of the battery system. We need to optimize the weights
of every single component and a design review of the team. The design manager identifies a group
of components that could be improved. The design manager sets a
target to reduce the number of components from 14 down to one and sets of weight reduction from four
kilograms down to two and a half kilograms. She creates a change
request in Teamcenter and sends it through to the design team. And now to take you through
the next stage of the demo, I'm going to hand over to Paul.

Well, thanks Ben. Well, here I am. In my next session,
it's a managed session. So I've got access to my
Teamcenter database through active workspace embedded inside of NX. And I've got some tasks
to perform in my inbox. Let's take a look at this first one. First one here is related
to the gearbox bracket that's Ben's just mentioned.
Let's delve a little further down. We can find ou exactly the details of a task and it's
to use topology optimization study, to look at reducing both the weight and
the path count of the existing bracket. Now, not only does it tell me
what's required from me, but also gives me the impacted items. So if we take a look
down here, you can see. Obviously one of the impacted items
would be the overall assembly. And we can take a look at this in
a bit more detail just by opening this up directly inside of NX. And let's take a look at some
of the other impacted items.

Again, we'll just go back
into a workspace by selecting it. Notice that the corresponding geometry in the next
session is highlighted. So we have this cross program
particularly useful to understand, you know, the impacted items and
where they fit within the sample. And again, if I want a bit more
of a level of detail, we can open this up inside of NX as well.

So you can see the
bracket and the gear box. Again, let's just open up the
bracket now, as you can see from the assembly navigator there's 14 components currently. So we're looking to reduce that and if we take a look at the
weight, notice that the current value is just over four kilos. Now I've already got the start part
of a topology optimization study done. so let's just go and find that.
Again if I go back into active workspace,
do a search for it and it is there. And again, let's just
open this up. Now, what we'll do here is to go
through the process of setting up the topology optimization. So again, we set the
optimization feature up and we have our own environment. And one of the key things to remember
about the optimization itself is that it's now an NX feature, which means
that if any of the geometry changes, then your optimization feature will also
change to reflect any of those models. Now I'm going to perform a study.

So I'm going to edit this study. Now there's a particular analysis
type, the objective, we want to look for maximum stiffness. I can modify the resolution
of the results, again notice that the optimization navigator
updates to reflect that. And I'm just going to hide now the
original gearbox housing shaft. and the original fabricated
part but before I do that, the stages
I'm going to go through is I need to define a design space. So this is a, this, this area or this
volume, if you like is going to contain Topology optimization study.

So let's just create the design space. So again, a select the box,
notice that it automatically picks up on the material that's been
predefined for that particular box, an aluminium and now that's been added
into my optimization. Let's just hide some of
these pieces of geometry we don't want to see at the moment. So just hide that, and I now need
to look at some construction bodies and these construction bodies will. contain geometry that you
want to use as a keep out. It also contains geometry such as where
the bracket needs to be fixed to both the chassis and also the gear box itself. So let's take a look at the
construction bodies you can see here. Okay. There's, there's several different
construction bodies and I'll explain exactly what they do as
we go through and create them. So, first things first. Let's
create a construction body.

I'm going to group these together. So this one is going to be keep outs. Okay. And I'm going to specify
these two solid bodies. What I'm asking for there is I don't
want to see any of the optimization study encroach into that particular area. I need that to be kept
free of any geometry. Cause that's basically
where the gearbox will be.

I want to just remove those. And now I'm left with construction
bodies that are going to define where the brackets fix to both
the chassis and also the gearbox. And also the, we need to create some
clearance for the, for the shaft. So the gearbox can be
dropped in to position. So again, let's create some more
construction bodies again, we'll have a. This one is going to be the base
mounting posts, and I'm going to select these four bodies here to define that. And then we're going to create the
fixings for the, where the bracket is, is attached to the gearbox itself. So this. Yeah. And again, grateful for these and again, we'll, select these 12 solids
here that define where the gearbox will be again you can see the beam added to
the navigator, and then the final one is going to be the clearance
for the shaft. So again, let's just call this Shaft clearance I'm going to give it
an offset of 10 millimeters again so that the body
could see the offsets be applied.

And those are my. Construction bodies defined. So the next stage would be to add
some optimization constraints. I could add some shape constraints,
but in this case I don't need to. So let's add optimization constraint
and one, and apart from obviously reducing the part count, the other part
of the study was to reduce the weight. So I'm going to specify, but I need
this new bracket to be equal to or less than 2.75 kilograms. I need some constraints. So every topology optimization study
would require some analysis constraints. And I'm what I'm doing is I'm going to
select these four faces here to be fixed. Now there's a set number
of load cases that I want. And I'm going to specify
for specific load cases. So again, there's a default one, but I
can just add another three very easily. And I also want to add that
fixed constraint into each of the other sub cases. And it's easy to do. I can just literally just
drag and drop into this. So final piece of the puzzle, if you
like is to add some analysis loads.

Okay. So I can specify a vector or a
component in this case, I'm going to refer the vector specify, specified
value, and now I need to attach these loads to areas of the bracket. So these fixing holes, for instance. So again, I just pick on the
faces attached to those nodes, to the one side of the bracket. The other side of the bracket. And I would do that for each of the sub
cases, different, slightly different modes, slightly different direction, but
it would be done for each one of the sub cases. And then you utilize all of these sub
cases during the optimization step. When those were completed, I would
then go into the optimizer itself and stop the optimization study. Now this took around five or six minutes
to do, I'm not gonna do it here in this live in this particular session, but I
do have one that I've already completed. You can take a look at that and
let's remove the obstruction bodies.

Let's bring back the
gearbox housing and the shaft And bring back the one that I've already
completed and then you can see it. So again, I've got that
clearance that I set. So I could bring the,
gearbox in. I've got that keep out areas
as you noticed again. So there's no geometry inside of
here and I've got the construction bodies that I used for base mounting
holes and the gearbox holes included. Later that day, Paul who was in
the UK called Jeff who's based in the US to discuss some design
simulation for the new parts.

Hey Jeff, how you doing? I'm good. Hey, listen, I've got something
I'd like you to take a look at. It's a topology optimized part. It's a gearbox bracket. So I'd just like you to check it and
validated that it's fit for purpose. Okay. I can see your screen now. Okay. So you can see that it's a, you
know, it's an interesting shape. It was optimized. I just want you to check out
that there's no areas of concern that we need to be aware of. Okay. I have a good idea of
how I can analyze this. Let me take a look. And when I have some results,
I will give you a call back. Appreciate it. Thanks very much. Yeah. You're welcome. Any time. Follow me along to perform a
design analysis so that we can give Paul the feedback that he needs. We will start by loading the
optimized part, which is a convergent body from the server.

We will use an application inside of NX
called pre-post to perform the analysis. We will create three files to contain all
of the CAE data that we will be generating. The SIM file will store information
such as loads and boundary conditions. The FEM file will contain our
nodes, elements and material data. An idealized part is created as a
duplicate of the CAD model so that we, as an analyst can make changes without
disrupting the workflow of the designer. Next, we need to assign a material to
the part and then generate a 3d mesh. I like to click on the lightning
bolt to get an approximation of the recommended message. Don't go any larger than this, as it can
make for a poor quality mesh, a reasonably smaller number than the recommended size
will give better results without forcing the solution to take too much time.

Now, we need to create a rigid element
with its base node at the approximate location of the center of mass of the
gearbox that attaches to this mounting bracket. We don't need to be
exact for this analysis as we are only trying to provide baseline
guidance to improve the quality of the design Use the between two points
method to get an approximate location. Now that the base node of the
rigid element has been created, we will connect it to all 12 of
the mounting holes on the bracket. Now we move on to the simulation
to create our boundary conditions and to solve our model. Our boundary conditions consists
of constraining the bracket and the four mounting locations.

The load is applied at the approximated
center of gravity of the gear box. It is meant to imitate a force of three times gravitational acceleration in the direction of travel of the
vehicle. The mass of the gearbox is used in the magnitude of
force. Solve your model using the integrated SIM center, NAS Tran solver. This should only take a couple
of minutes depending on what kind of computer you are solving on.

Now comes the reason for performing
the analysis, evaluating the results and giving recommendations to your
CAD designer. When displaying stress results, it is
a good idea to turn off any elements that are not needed, clean up the
display by turning off element edges, setting the results to average at
nodes, and finally changing the scale for effect. Let's interrogate the CAE results
so we can make recommendations to Paul. Every structural analysis will
indicate the locations of maximum stress with a red color column. You will see a few areas in the
model that have a color red.

We do not need to be concerned
as the overall magnitude of the stress is very low. The results indicate we have a good
design that will be able to handle the performance requirements for the part. Later that evening, after Jeff has
finished his simulations, he gives Paul a call to share the results. Hi Paul. Okay. Are you seeing my screen? Yes, I am. Okay. So I just wanted to point
out a couple things. First of all, when I zoom in on the
four mounting holes, you're going to notice that the red spots, you couldn't
ignore that because that's just a result of the way that I set up my model.

So those are artificially induced high
stresses based on the boundary conditions. But what I did when I interrogated
the model, look at the results. I do see that the overall stresses in the
rest of the model is very low relative to the endurance limit for the material. So I would say that you're okay from a,
from a structural performance standpoint.

That's good to hear. All right, well, thanks again. Yeah, thanks. It's always good to work with you Back at the office, Paul begins implementing the
changes recommended by Jeff. So the next stage of the
process is to start to document. the model using model-based
definition and in-particular product and manufacturing information or PMI. Before I enter the PMI application,
I have a number of commands that are available to me to document the geometry. Typically I'd select one of the
commands and start to take geometry off of the topology optimized results. But in this first instance, I'm going to use one of our
pre-configured rules, These automate the ability to apply PMI to the model. So this instance, I'm going to look at
creating the size on all of the holes In my model, I invoke the rule. It's now intelligently searching
the model to find all of the holes within the parts and applying the PMI information directly to, and
as you can see, it's found the 12 holes that connect the bracket to the gearbox
the two large holes through which the shaft passes and the four holes that are used
to connect to the bracket to the chassis.

Now, as I said, there were a number
of other commands that we can use. So if I want to add further PMI. Again, I can just pick geometry
directly off of the model and we're going to add some tolerance to that. And again, it's as easy as that,
I'm just literally picking geometry straight off our optimized results. So we could continue obviously to
completely and fully document the model. But you get an idea in this demonstration of some of the power of being able to
apply and fully document, a model, a PMI, either manually or with one of the
pre-configured rules that we have at our disposal.

The final part of this demonstration
or section of the demonstration, we're going to replace the existing bracket with this new optimized model. So let's take a look at doing that. Okay. We'll pull up a sub assembly that contains
the bracket, the original bracket and the first thing I want to
do is to remove that. I can also remove these other components.
Let's add our single piece bracket in. We know the part number let's snap that to and position it like o then we can use the assembly constraints. Our part is now being added
in to the original assembly.

If we take a look at the top level
again, let's just take a look inside. You can see our new bracket fits
nicely within the overall assembly. I've completed my tasks. I've done the topology
optimization studies. I've then done some modification
to the results, added some NX features and some PMI. And now I'm going to hand it over to my
colleague, Ashley, who's going to check to make sure that it's 3D printable. I'm just going to give him a call.

Hey, Paul, I've just done a topology
optimization study on this bracket for the gearbox, for the vehicle. I think it's come up rather well, but
I'd like for you to take a quick look at. Yeah. Okay. So like a little validation just to
make sure it's printable and I guess we should throw it into the build tray,
create some support structures and we're planning on doing this on a Renishaw, right? Correct. Yeah, that would be really good.

Sounds great. No problem. Take care. Bye. Hi everyone. So so Paul's given me this really great
topology optimized part that he sent over it's for some sort of motor Mount
gear, Mount a gearbox Mount, that sort of thing for a, for an automobile. And so we're going to print this part,
using aluminum and Additive Manufacturing. The problem here is that additive
manufacturing is really accurate these days, but it doesn't always produce
parts that are accurate within tolerance.

And if you want exact surfaces within
some really tight tolerances, then you often need to print your part and then
send it on to a downstream machining step. And that's what we're going to do here.
Now to do that, I need to alter this geometry a little bit so that it has the, the material it needs for the
post print machining so that we can machine those parts away and
get the exact surfaces we need. So I've got to print the part. That's not exactly the part that
Paul sent along, but sort of a, an interim version of the part. And then when Joe gets the part and does
the machining, he will machine it back to the exact surfaces that Paul
has designed.

Now the great thing about this particular
part is that it came out of our new topology optimization system, where
we get actual faces inside the model. So I've got my selection here,
turned to face, and you can see that straight out of topology optimization. We've got things like these
holes have actual faces in these planar regions or actual faces. So that makes it very easy. For me to go through and do the
modifications I need to do to get this part ready for printing.

If I was doing this with geometry
from some other topology optimization system, I would most likely be just. You know, sort of massaging facets and
anybody who's done that knows how terrible that is even with a really good system. So in this case, we're getting really
nice, clean geometry out with real faces I can work with, to do my job easily and
cleanly, and I'll show you how right here. First thing I'm doing Is take these holes down here at
the bottom that are pretty large, and I'm going to shrink them a bit.

Give them just a little bit more
meat so that when Joe comes along with his machining process later
and drills those out, he has enough material to work with to drill it out
and get the exact surfaces we need. So I'm going to go to my offset tool here. I'm just going to select the
face and tell it to automatically find the rest of the faces. And I'm going to bump those
in by about five millimeters. So basically I just shrunk those holes. One step took me about 10 seconds in our
new system, which is again, if you do this with facets, this is just amazing compared to that.

These top holes, I'm
just going to get rid of they're small and again, we need some meat up here, so
I'm going to tell it to loose match those. It's going to find all 12. Those i'm just going to get rid
of, we know where they're at. We know what the diameter needs to be. I'm just going to fill them in. And we'll have those ready
for machining as well. The final step is down here on the bottom. We have these four sort of feet and we
want those to be all perfectly plainer so that when we Mount this in the car, it's not going to wobble.

It's not going to torque and
have any undue stress put on it. We want those to be perfectly plainer. So again, we're going to build
up those services just a little bit and machine them back so
that they're perfectly plainer. I'll use the move command to do that. I'm just going to pick each
one of these faces here. And I'm going to move them up
by about two mils to to give us enough material to machine away. Hit. Okay. And again, this is all done what has it taken me, two minutes,
maybe to make all of these edits. If you were doing this with a system
where you had to just edit the facets, you would not be doing this in two minutes. This would be a project. So you can see how easy it is. And in our new system with the
new topology optimization, that the types of geometry returns to
get apart, prepped for printing.

The next step is to put
that into a build tray. So I'll be back in just a
minute and we'll do this. So we now have a part a that we've
designed for additive manufacturing, we've taken, we've manipulated the geometry. Now we need to put it into a build
tray and get it set up for printing. So I'm gonna go over to this part where
I have basically an empty part, I'm going to select my printer, and then I'm
going to add the parts to the build tray. Now, I don't really care
where this part comes in. It's probably going to be thrown
out in space, wherever it was, and it's native assembly at the moment.

But I don't really care because I'm
going to take that part and I'm going to run it through a new system we
have for correcting for distortion. So one of the real problems with that,
I did manufacturing, especially metal additive manufacturing is distortion. Now you can, that can throw
a part out of tolerance. It can even cause failures within
the print where you end up with a really expensive doorstop. Lots of these things can be mitigated
by controlling the distortion that the park goes through as the little
bits of metal and the different layers of the part are heated up and cooled
down within the printing process. Now, a lot of distortion problems
can be alleviated by orienting the parts in the proper orientation. And we have a tool that allows you to
do that called the NX, build optimizer. Now in the latest release of NX, we have
integrated that tool into the NX system. And it's up here under the analysis menu. If you go to more and say, thermal
distortion, you can invoke this tool.

Now what this does is you pick your part
and the tool will take your part with a couple of characteristics you handed here. It will upload your part into the cloud. It will run a hundred different
orientations of the part, running a simulation for distortion on each
one of those orientations and hand you back the orientation that has the
least amount of distortion possible. And then you can move on to
building, things like support structures and all the rest of the
things you need to do in print. But this is one way to really help
the initial print quality for parts without having to go through some, you
know trial and error type operations that have been done in the past.

So I'm going to go ahead
and invoke this system. It's going to go run and do about a
hundred different orientations, and it's going to come back with an orientation
for me, and then we'll do a few more things to it and get it set up for printing. So we'll be back in just a minute. So the systems come back the am
build optimizers, come back and it's given me this orientation as the
orientation that it believes will give me the least amount of distortion. So now the last thing to do
here is to create supports. Now I've gone over here in
my support structure library. I've got a bunch of supports created
here under this new support profile for blocks and cones and tree supports
and all those sorts of things.

And you can see that reflected
over here in the dialogue. Now I can do automatic supports
which we'll do here in a second. We also have the option to
do manual supports where I pick the areas that I want. The system finds the areas to support And I pick which ones I
actually want to be supported. I can do regions only where I make
regions that are supported, where I can do automatic, which is what I'm
going to do here, where the system finds the regions that thinks needs
to be supported and supports them. So I'll select my part. I will get a preview basically showing me
these red areas down here where the part needs to be supported and I'll say, okay,
And the system going to go through and it's going to create support structures
for my part, so that when this part is printed, it's not going to sag or distort
or have any effects of gravity on it.

Like you might see if you
didn't support it properly. Now it's not going to maybe
support all of those red areas. It showed me it's going to do a
further analysis once I hit okay. Further analysis and the preview So I may get a warning here saying
that some areas didn't actually need support just like that. But now we have a
completely supported part. I can take this part. I can set up my build strategy for my
printer, generate the actual print commands, send those to the printer
depending on you know, which printer type you have all directly inside of NX. And sometimes depending on the printer
again, I can also look at the build processor manager and open even slices
to understand what each slice, what each layer of my prints going to look like
all from, with inside the system, no STL files to drop and all completely Integrated from beginning to end. So now I've got this part, I'm
going to send it off to the printer. Once it's been printed, though, Joe has
to take over and do the machining steps to bring that part back to the actual part
that Paul designed by putting those holes back in and machining those surfaces back.

So I'll pass this portion over to Joe. Meanwhile, while the part is printing, Joe starts to
prepare for the final machining process. For this part of the demo, I'll
be taking this really nice organic looking additively manufactured
bracket and putting it into the NX manufacturing application
to do all the finished machining. The component you can see here is the
part that was designed by Paul using the latest topology optimization technology. But I'll also be working with
the data that was created in the am application by Ashley. And this will be the physical
condition of supply that the shop will be receiving the machine. Let me change the view to show you
all the components I'll be using for the final machining within NX cam.

We have the design part. This is what we'll be machining to. Here is the conditioner supply
part, which Ashley de- featured in the am application. And it's the part will be machining. We've got the standard vice feature for
the machine tool, and we've also got this custom fixturing to hold the am components. Because the part is not very prismatic
and it's very organic in its geometry. It's important that we designed the
correct fixturing to hold the component in the correct orientation for machining. These fixtures can be additively
manufactured at the same time as the additively manufactured
component or machine in situ on the machine tool itself. So let's jump into cam and take a look How I finished machining this
component. This is the manufacturing setup that's what I've created.

You can see that we're working in
the context of the machine tool. It's really important to work within
the context of the machine tool so that we can validate all the kinematics
and simulate the machine, machining the part correctly and accurately. We can also see that we've got our
component moutned in the custom fixturing, which in turn is located
in the standard vice that clamps directly to the bed of the machine tool. A real benefit of NX cam is having access
to what we call post hub. Post hub is a platform, hosting an extensive library
that we can log into and download one of the thousands of post processes
available to us to meet the needs of your machine tools on the shop floor.

Here we have the smart machine
toolkits. Smart machine tool kits not only give us a working post
processor, but also give us the full machine tool graphics and the
stimulation driver, which enables us to validate and simulate the MC code. So for this example, I'll choose
the Haas UMC and simply and dynamically download that smart
machine tool kit directly into NX. Next, we'll take a look at the machine
operations required to finish the machine and the key features of this additively
manufactured component.

The machine operations are really simple to create
in NX and work really well with the data that came directly out of the
additive manufacturing environment. Let's take a look at the
first 2 mill operations we will use. Firstly to remove the actual material
from the part I'm going to use a dynamic roughing toolpath and secondly, a helical
Holman tool path to open up the holes. Let's take a look at the material
being removed so you can get a better understanding of how cam tool paths work. So with minimal input, we're able
to create these really optimized machine toolpaths to remove the
remainder material from the bottom of the hole at the additive
component. Using the same tool. We can then open up the hole from
the reference size that came off the printer itself to the finished
design size of the component.

The next thing we need to do is
look at the 12 holes that need to be drilled and machine to finish sides. You can see we've got some PMI
attached to these three holes. These three holes have a tolerance
against them, a limit of fitting fact, because they're locator
holes require a tighter tolerance to fit dowels during the assembly. What I'm about to show you is
process automation within NX Cam. What NX cam can do is look at the
features on that component and decide which tools and which operation types are
best suited to machine those features, as well as that NX will read in the
PMI data and tolerances to directly influence which operations are needed
to meet those tolerance requirements. Let's take a look at these
features in the feature navigator. As we can see, NX has found all
12 of the holes and identified three of them as having PMI data against them. If we take a look at the holes
without PMI, we can see that these three holes NX has decided
to create a spot drilling operation followed by a drilling operation and the drill will be the
finished size to finish the hole.

Let's take a quick look at
those operations being machined. Firstly, we see the spot drilling followed by the drill and that drill
will finish those holes to size. If we go back to the feature navigation
and take a look at the holes that have PMI attached to them and if I
go and find the related operations this time, you'll see that NX has
created three machine operations. It's created the spot drill operation
to spot the holes. It's created a drilling operation
using a slightly smaller tool this time. And then it's finishing the hole
size with a boring tool that the tolerance of the PMI has defined. And this is a great example of how
intelligence from the design side of NX can drive the automation of
the manufacturing side as well.

Let's take a quick look
at what that looks like. So again, we can see the spot
drill followed by the drill. Again, drilling slightly smaller. And finally, we can see the boring tool
coming in and finishing the diamond for those holes to the tolerance. So finally, let's take a look at how we
validate the program that's being created. It's really important that the MC code
that's going to run on the physical machine on the shop floor can be
validated and checked to ensure that there's no gauges, no collisions.

And that the toolpath is of
a high quality. To do that,we utilize
our machine tools. Earlier on, we downloaded the smart
machine tool kit, which contained the machine graphic to give us context of the
machine as well as the post processor so that we can output the machine toot that
matches what we have on the shop floor. But what it also gave us
was a simulation driver and that simulation driver is
going to verify and validate that the toolpath is collision free and
safe before we use it on the shop floor.

On the right hand side of the simulation,
you'll see that the post-process MC code is running down in the same
way as it will on the CNC controller And that NC code is driving the machine
tool kinematics in NX to give a true digital twin validation of the cam
program, including material removal and a much more accurate machine time. NX is the only cam tool that offers
integrated NC simulation and is a fantastic way of validating and
ensuring a safe collision free toolpath. This concludes the portion
of the demo regarding the finished machining in NX cam. And what we've seen today is how we
can take both data from design and also that data directly out to the am
application to create custom fixtures, to hold that component and to validate
the NC program that has been created to finish machine these components.

Now that the parts is printed and
machined to its final dimensions, we can assemble it back onto the vehicle. So we've covered a lot of ground
today from topology optimization, through simulation, to additive
manufacturing and CAM. To learn more about the rest of the new
capabilities being released in NX 2007, Head over to the NX design blog. Simply go to blogs.sw.siemens.com or scan
the QR code using your smartphone. Whether you're an experienced NX user or learning
NX for the first time, I'd invite you to head over to the NX design community. Simply go to community.sw.siemens.com
or scan the QR code and you'll find lots of
like-minded users ready to help. And of course the NX design
team is also there to answer your questions at all times.

Finally, you can try NX for free for 30
days using our cloud connected trials. Head over to trials.sw.siemens.com
or scan the QR code to check it out. Thanks again for joining us today
for the first ever live launch of Siemens NX. We'll be hanging out in
the chart, so continue to post your questions and we'll keep answering them. And once again, thanks for watching
and we'll see you in the next one..

As found on YouTube

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