Super Fast 45+ MPH & Affordable RC Car!! JLB Cheetah – FULL REVIEW
Hey guys Ben here from Authentech, today I'll be giving you my full review of the jlb cheetah remote-controlled car it's a 1/10 scale off-roading buggy racing car that truly…

Super Fast 45+ MPH & Affordable RC Car!! JLB Cheetah – FULL REVIEW
Hey guys Ben here from Authentech, today I'll be giving you my full review of the jlb cheetah remote-controlled car it's a 1/10 scale off-roading buggy racing car that truly…

Super Fast 45+ MPH & Affordable RC Car!! JLB Cheetah – FULL REVIEW
Hey guys Ben here from Authentech, today I'll be giving you my full review of the jlb cheetah remote-controlled car it's a 1/10 scale off-roading buggy racing car that truly…