BRAND NEW!!! Pro Boat Blackjack 24″ Catamaran BRUSHLESS RC Speed Boat V2!

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This is the brand new, just announced Pro Boat Blackjack 24″ Catamaran BRUSHLESS RC Speed Boat. In this video we take it out for its maiden voyage. Let us know your thoughts about this RC boat in the comments.
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Okay now I did for sure there no Questions About words try trying to Hype myself up Cuz I just got done driving this little Tug boat now we're getting right into The brand new Pro booat Blackjack 24 This is a 4S RC boat water cooled Brushless power and before I forget cuz I made this makes really good by the way Before there we go okay We want to take advantage of our water Cooling one RC boat before I left that On by Accident and yeah they knocked this one Out of the park let's take a look under The hood you guys are going shouldn't it Be 21 though shouldn't that be 21 no 20 it's 24 in boat I got yeah I Got you I got you here we go here we go Magic Moment look at that giant motor That is going to rip and I came fully Prepared with a recovery kayak just in Case look at the hoses that are run Through there professionally run Beautifully ran it's not just thrown in There Loosey Goosey two batteries yeah That's right oh man is this 6s well it's Four it's four Us 2 batter big daddy is 8s which we made a mistake that last Time and we ran at 6s but it runs 6s Really well really good so there's Actually two things that I don't love About this boat and I'm not not totally Sure about those I want to confirm them

While I run it today and today is the Perfect day to test this RC and if my Theories are true or they're not I'll Let you guys know what those two things Are later in this video so we've got to Put the batteries in and test this to See how it performs I am very very Excited boat so this is one of the new Features that they were really happy About with this and that's the battery Tray and I think that's really good cuz We can we can get our battery mounted in Here nice and snug really really snug With these straps and then slide it in So I'm very happy that this exists Now because mounting batteries in boats And RC planes to get the right balance And right CG can be very difficult but With this tray System it's still difficult There there we go it goes that far Forward that's it wow yeah it's for Balance yeah that seems wild it might Not be easier to get the battery in but At least it's better right I've put Batteries in boats before that are Just barely held in and when they start Rocking around in there it can really Tear up the wires and throw off your Balance so this part's easy getting it Down in the boat maybe not so much and Believe it or not that's not one of the Two things that I was a little bit Worried

About oh wow that's a cool way to Connect yes I agree I like that a Lot Should four beeps 4S that's going to be Powerful Abby all right this thinks that The wind picked up right when we threw This on the water but let's just rip it While we've got the camera battery Oh my gosh that's amazing I think I just Got wet here we go it's going to rip it By us while we still have camera Juice okay now I did for sure there's no Questions that wow wow and Powerful okay here we go camera the uh Camera number one by call back to camer Number Two this thing sounds and feels so hobby Grade and Powerful it is insane here we Go let's rip it [Applause] Again maintaining that curve oh yeah Wipe out and we're upside down and that Right there is why I brought the kayak I Knew it would like from happen if going To get the kayak out and go recover the Boat [Music] All right some boat friends okay they Recovered us we're going to see if There's any water in here we're going to Share the Fun there's probably water in there I'm Guessing so here's the plug think so We'll find out pull plug tip it

Up there's a little Water not a lot most of it came from the Hose yeah so it'll run better if we get It nice and balance cuz this is a brand New boat it's not even out have push off Okay whatever works I'm going to throw It in have you ever driven RC boat Before okay you know this steers and you Got the throttle right there yeah I have It set on 50% so it'll slow it down just A little bit okay punch it so right now This boat is set on 50% speed limit we Might bump him up to 75 cuz it does seem A little slow I'll give you more power In a second but we got a little guy that Was on a boat that helped save the RC Flipped it for us and I didn't have to Run out and get the kayak so that's Super cool and this hobby would be Nothing if not for the ability to share It we always Havey to share It you pretty good you want me to give You a little more power now okay so Check this out on the back of the Controller you just hit that switch We're going to go to 75 100%'s crazy so We'll do 75 and see what you think about That that's a lot faster so get ready For the power especially on the straight Stretches Don't hit your guys Boat it'll scream on 75 he's just Getting used to it Though very cool how long's the battery

Life going be I don't know we want to Make sure we save enough time for I'm Guting your sisters or friends Sister Okay you want get them the okay All right you guys want to try 75% it's A little more powerful so here we go Hold it with this hand you steer it with This hand and then you squeeze the Trigger to give it Power get out there go fast go straight Go really fast look at that even on 75% This thing kicks up a rooster tail she Got to flipped around to the 180 there you go Oh not a lot of people in the World right in front of Dad's boat okay So we'll wait for your dad to reach down Flip it Over good you Ready there we go all right okay so see What you got [Applause] We got three different drivers trying Out RC Bo today for the first time I'm Guess I haven't got to touch it Yet that's never going to get the put Away got it okay throttle just a little Bit the boat and as long as you don't Hit them or The nice And usually when you're not steering if You just give it throttle it'll start Going really

Fast we did not make it No show can Do so yeah you're learning you're Already learning when it's time to steer It you slow it down a little bit right And that Way Nice okay my turn it is my turn give it To Abby AB I haven't got to drive it yet All right while we still have juice Aby's going to drive it on 100% getting Jealous so today we have five different Drivers oh like I got his W yeah you did And Abby you just have to slow down a Little bit on the curves cuz all of us Have oh nice nice Abby that was perfect So we have a catamaran with a another Pontoon catamaran out there that's a lot Of fun it is We don't ever get to drive with waves And so he's got a big boat causing waves And Abby gets to ramp on those it's Funny when we got out here the lake was Glass look at that speed look at that Speed and so she's slowing it down or Trying to okay good job it did not flip She's trying to slow it down a little Bit before she hits those curves it is Running so good Abby yeah nice job driving it and it's Fun to share this RC boat with other People it's just fun to share the Hobby you're doing very good with itby I Love how balanced it

Is it's Two a good run on Full Throttle 5,000 Milliamps each making 4 S 5,000 Milliamps of Power wow you can just see and feel and Hear the power bye guys thank you guys See you There goes our rescue boat now the Pressure is really on yes do not flip it Or I have to get the kayak out it's okay To Do and it's oh you saved it very Nice oh my heart's racing because I Don't want to have to get the kayak guys I promise that as soon as we're done Running this and we do our water test I Will tell you the two things about the Boat that I maybe wasn't the biggest fan Of I like this one better than big Brother think size I love the size of it It's not too intimidating it's a good Speed it's a good Spe woo that was a 360 that was pretty Good definitely meant to do that for Sure Yeah this thing is so cool they knocked It out of the par I was a little worried It was just like a remake and they Didn't you know redesign it from the Ground up but they actually did [Applause] And it is rock and roll okay before we Lose battery I think we should bring it In and do the water the water test yes

Yes and before it flips out there cuz I Think I'm losing battery I am okay yes Okay oh no you didn't flip it did you oh No you actually are you're low on Battery low on battery okay don't don't Full Throttle it just ease it in and We'll get it it kept it's like pulsing Kind Of that lets you know it's low okay all Right all right All AB she wants me to get the kayak or To go for a swim I know it it back in With Style okay all right water test picked Up a little bit of greenery it's Actually heavy I bet there is some water In there after we do this I'm going to Talk to you guys about the two things That I just don't love about this but Everything else seems to be a massive Home run now funny this little straw the Antenna straw that was Daniel that was Daniel that did that so it doesn't come B like that that was our fun it's Actually Snapped hi we just you're welcome thank You very nice family okay let's see how Much water is in here oh okay so we're Sitting on some water but this was Upside down a lot we had three kids Driving it and of course myself and Abby Two big kids flipped it and so we're Sitting on quite a bit of water um I did Not flip it sir you did well okay never

Satat upside down but it was uh I went Under so you know lot of submerged time Uh yeah otherwise this thing is rock and Roll I love it I love the layout of it It's a very nice high performance boat Let's talk about the two things that I Didn't love probably need boat tape boat Tape would definitely help we're going To turn this off cuz that was a lot of Water so two things that I don't love Can you guess Abby I'd like to know if You can guess what would I not love About this boat I have no idea cuz I Love it all okay the fact that it's not Self- riding now some people could say So what or whatever not all boats are Self- riding you hardly ever see this Style that's it but they have they they Do the the hole the hole in the back and It can but with this kind of performance A lot of times self- riding boats Sacrifice a little bit of performance to Uh to be able to self-right okay so There's one the other most people Probably won't catch some people might Not even care but it's this now don't Get me wrong I love ic5 connectors That's a 2s battery with an ic5 Plus Plug the hard case I do not love that They chose ic5 because most people that Have 2s batteries are running Ic3 I think they did that so more Current can run through there that's my Guess and they're doing that with more

Things like the lowy promoto MX so it's Not the first thing to do it but it is Less popular battery connector type Those are the two things that I don't Necessarily love about this but Literally everything else about it is Absolutely amazing if you want a high High performance rcbo and you love the Way this looks and you want to check out The other color scheme that they did We'll have it linked in the description Box below know that using that link does Help to support our Channel and our Family at no extra cost to you and Before we jump off here I want to say a Massive thanks to God for blessing us With the ability and the time to jump in Front of the camera and share this Experience with you also want to say a Huge thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it without your insanely Awesome support if you love awesome fast Powerful RC boats will have a hand fck Video popping up thanks for watching see You next time bye

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