Check out the Arrma Majave Grom Mega here:
How FAST is the NEW ARRMA MOJAVE GROM MEGA RC Car? In this video we do a speed test with this new Arrma short course truck and then ramp and bash it too! Let us know your thoughts about this RC car in the comments.
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Check out the Arrma Majave Grom Mega here:
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Short course trucks are what started it All on our Channel it goes way back over A decade ago is what kicked off the RC Sailors back when Abby and I couldn't Afford much we had to get some budget Bashers we wanted something that was Well rounded and so we landed on Abby do You remember their names spavas iron Track spavas okay they were cheap Garbage and they were about $150 each 11 Years ago now enter the arena the Arma Mojave Grom this is a major name brand RC car with awesome Innovation I can't Wait to show you a cool little trick up The sleeve of this car and yes it is a Smaller scale than our iron track spaas But an entire decade later it comes in At the same price 150 I think that's Kind of amazing because a person can Walk into a hobby shop or better yet Click the link in our description box to Support a family operated RC Channel Here in the United States and it won't Cost you anything extra if you use that Link to buy one of these and you can get Up and running for well under $200 again Factoring in inflation knowing that this Is a major name brand I think that's Kind of an amazing price point Arma I'm Hopeful that this will be a very high Performance RC and today's video we're Going to do a speed test and we just Randomly picked the RC sor themed Unofficially that's our collars there so
ARA one of these days we'll get an RC Sailor sticker on there uh and this one Looks great too so these would be great To race each other you can run tons of These together but I really want to know How fast it goes and then we're also Going to try to maybe break something on Our giant metal ramp let's Go nice Abby you have yet to know about The magic button press that magic button On the side of the car over there you See that P There's a button on both sides so you Have to press both of those buttons but That's how you take the body on and off I love that we push it oh it's a little Spring-loaded button see wow the armag Grom Typhon was it uh the buggy also had A very Innovative way to take on and off The body so this isn't just a rehashed Shell I love the system that they are Using here with This see there it is very Cool we've got a nice motor it is Brushed with a heat sink on it an ESC Receiver combo we do have a fan here Interestingly placed kind of in the Middle of the electronics and our Battery is over here for balance that's A two cell 1,400 milliamp with an ic2 Plug I love the IC connectors because They sit so perfectly flush and then They give us options for wire management Clips in here as well I really like this
Let's power it on and see how fast it Goes I want to hear your guesses in the Comments and Clicks in place nice I like That I love that I really love that no Body Clips that's so let's do it one More Time oh yeah that's awesome I love That now I think it would be really cool If they come out with a brushless Upgrade kit for these I that would be Awesome that definitely reminds me of The old dramaa days so if they did that Maybe charge 100 bucks for it or or so That'd be really cool all right Abby is Going to we're on we're on the lowest Speed setting now I put it on 50% so you Want to let a kid drive this or Something or a novice driver then you Can knock that speed limit down so we Will increase it as we Go ah nice ab's gotten it trimmed up a Little Bit very windy day today here we Go 50% speed limit what are your guess Is my guess is uh 15 mil hour 15 13 okay Lucky 13 oh hey I did pretty good that's 16 Mil an hour 75 yeah yeah we are oh my God 75% water your guesses my guess is We'll wait till it goes by but I've got A guess just based on percentages you Know what I'll say it 20 so you can step it up you know you Got like a 5-year-old that wants to
Drive this put it on 50% or maybe a Little older than that depends on Experience kick it up to 75 Abby what's Your guess on this one 21 21 you're Playing that game already Yeah okay let's see it o hey I was right That's a nice even number 20 and now 100% now usually these don't scale very Well cuz the power really kicks in at 100 so what's your guess Abby you can Guess either before or After it's really not too bad that's not Bad and I'll tell you guys 25 Perspective here we just featured a Brushless rally Car that I think was uh more expensive Than this and it hit about 25 M an hour So if this can hit 25 or so amazingly Arma has made a cheaper than the Offbrand brushless RC which I think is Kind of crazy so your guess is 25 I Think you know what that says 22 there's No way let me let me take the controls I Think I think you just didn't pull the Trigger far enough here we go you did Too let's reset this Okay there we go so added extra sound Effects I feel like 25 would have been a Good guess cuz from 75 to 100 only get Two more miles an hour is kind of crazy But still we're over 20 M an Hour this thr baby we got throttle Throttle rate knob or something no so This will be it that's still pretty fast
Though for a 150 that's it Mama we got it I think we Need a brushless upgrade speed kit right Still it's a very cool RC it's good Handling too 22 mph let's hit the ramp And see how the durability holds Up I mean that is death defying stand Back some this thing is going to blast To the Moon I Know it's going to pting off of this Metal Ramp oh that's pretty good actually Sound it sounded Good I love the white lettering on the Tires it looks awesome they did a really Good job on the scale look to this Car oh I just barely clipped it maybe It's your Turn I got one more and then aby's going To hit this and see if we can actually Break anything with bash Queen yeah Oh oh nice it goes through the really Tall grass too I'm actually impressed by That I didn't think it would with that Low clearance that's tall grass Okay one more Sorry all right here goes Abby The Bash Queen she's got to get down there to Line up her Jump Barbie wandered up too high oh Stuck in the super Tall Grass Oh nice Nice clean jump this time here we go oh
Crazy Corkscrew Cartwheel Nice it's a good workout at least oh Missed It oh pretty clean Nice so it handles really well I love it That it's a Short Course Truck and I'll Tell you what's exciting about this Whole deal these groms are really cool And I think everyone's excited To to see Arma release pretty much Everything in Grom form they might not Do perfect and schlog really they might Not do everything in Grom form but it's Kind of like how we all want to see U Eflight planes all INX form you just do I do that there you go you got it my Brain yeah it's not there's a sequence Of events that has to happen caffeine is The first one nice that's harder to do a Regular 180 on RC a reverse 180 is Generally Easier um why are you having to downplay Everything that I do I wasn't Downplaying it I was just saying oh it's Easier to Do Okay cuz I was trying to give listen I Was trying to give you some credit cuz It's hard it's easier to do you did a You tried to do a forward One see the see it is easier right bash You in the Shin okay we're going to stop the video
Right about Here I know what's easier to Do okay all right I hope people know I'm Joking with my dry sarcasm and hate Toward You funny hatred is funny okay okay this Looks amazing they knocked it out of the Park with the way the car itself looks I Think the speed to scale isn't bad it Would be really cool to see a brushless Upgrade down the road I do think it Could handle it maybe hitting 30 35 mph That'd be pretty cool but in its current Size form factor and speed it's Extremely durable to even hitting a Metal ramp and uh just kind of tumbling When it hits too I love this thing but But also they've got a really clean Design in here to keep all the dust dirt Debris gravel and all that stuff out From the motor which happens all the Time from experience we know and it's Even on the back side too and then of Course my favorite feature about this is The clip body system you pack and pair All that together and you've got a Really nice high performance small form Factor ready to run RC by Arma and yeah I cannot wait to see what they're going To do next with this Grom stuff because They're really really killing it I Personally think I like this color Better but let us know which color of The two do you guys like better again
These will be linked in the description Box below if you want to support our Channel and our family at no extra cost To you but earn some points while doing It order yours through the link I want To say a massive thanks to God for Blessing us today to be able to share This experience with you guys take the Time to jump in front of the camera and Just show you this thing truly running The way it was meant to be ran right out Of the box also want to say a huge Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your insanely awesome Support if you love small ready to run Not expensive RC cars Arma makes another Grom in buggy form and we had a lot of Fun with that video that will be popping Up right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye