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This is the MJX Hyper go 14303. In this video we take this RC car out for a speed test with the family and some friends that we met. Let us know your thoughts about this RC car in the description box.
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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen
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Oh my go look at the Car we've got a very cool RC rally car And I'm excited to drive it today we're Going to do a speed test to see how fast It goes we've got some friends some Guests and neighbors of the airport Where we drive so you may hear some Extra uh kiddos out here and stuff today And that's totally awesome because Everybody loves RC and we like to share It as often as we can now you'll notice Some scribbles some signatures all over This car and that is not the usual for Our Channel this came with decals and You can sticker it up however you like But we actually attended a local rally Car event which was really cool they Came into town they came through town All these drivers were out signing uh Their signature on pretty much anything You want like t-shirts and stuff and Daniel our little one-year-old brought His brand new rally car so please Forgive me when we don't do a bashing Video of this we just want to do a speed Test because I kind of want this to be Daniel's like Shelf Queen awesome rally car it's a Brushless setup it's ready to run man it Looks cool does anybody recognize any of The signatures and it's made by a very Good brand hypergo everybody's loving Their Bashers so I have high Expectations for this to perform really
Well and uh we brought the GPS meter We're going to tape it on and see how Fast it goes let's go all right you See oh here you can play with those hold Those those for Daddy those are the Extra Tires he knows how to Drive you have like your Mario we have a Couple that like do flips and stuff like Me too even I had a mommy birthday at my Gymnastic Daniel look at those look at Those Tires what is that There we go how fast do you think That'll go Daniel I want you guys to Check out these headlights really fast I Don't want you guys to chase it okay see The tail lights and reverse lights let Them do the speed test and then you can And then you hit it again for reverse And we have reverse lights the Headlights look amazing it looks really Good so right now we're going to start Off on 70% throttle limit so we we could Let little ones drive this but that's Still pretty Fast okay I drive okay we ready ready Here we go Daniel is out there he's Ready to see how fast it Goes all right so that is on 70% Throttle limit we're going to bring it In and see how fast it went and then we Will set it up to where it'll hit full Speed watch out I know I see baby in the
Way see all right how fast Daniel he did What's your guess buddy that was 19 19 18 mph so here buddy let's make it go Faster Hyper Speed you Ready going to help me drive it on this Turn all right buddy this is your first Hobby gr RC okay Daniel's got the Steering everybody see how crazy that Goes all right let's go buddy let's see How fast we can get it to go this is Going to be significantly faster I'm Guessing we'll hit about 27 miles hour What do you think Daniel this also has a um steering Assist as well so it's going to help Keep it nice and straight here's Full Throttle hit a little bum do one more We'll do one more speed pass and then Daniel you can help me drive it okay cuz It's your car buddy oh My all right what's your guess Abby how Fast 25 25 you guys got guesses how fast Do you think it went 29 29 that's those Are good guesses okay let's See we're at 26 M an hour Daniel's got his car he's loving it I Want to Drive I think I think you can try do you Want to try it you squeeze the trigger Is this okay Mom and Dad yeah yep okay When I I'll pass it to you in a second But you steer it like this okay you Don't have to steer it too much uh Because we're just doing kind of
Straight runs right but you can if you Squeeze the trigger a little bit like This it drives really slow and then Squeeze it a little bit harder it goes Really fast okay so I'm going to hand The controller to you you hold it like That and then you steer it like that and You pull the little trigger there you go You got it good job very good Job Daddy I'll give you a little bit of tape Oh that's okay that's okay here oh good It saved it good job okay right in the Grass so let's stop okay good job we're Going we're going to pass the controls Around and let everybody have a Shot yeah we're going to let everybody This is Henry Henry good job Henry and What's your name Julia Julia okay Beautiful name all right you are you Ready to try we're going to teach you How how it works really fast okay Daddy So you hold it in this hand your left Hand so when you just pull this trigger A little bit it goes really slow if you Pull it a lot it goes really really fast And then you use this little wheel to Steer it okay so hold it like that Squeeze the trigger and then steare it a Little bit Yeah Nice you're doing donuts Daddy good Job nice job daddy you're a Pro J good job Julia all right a little
Wipe out but that's okay P crew Dan thanks Daniel good job buddy the Wheels no okay are we ready dad make it Go we got to go Buddy okay okay buddy well Daniel Approves and I think all of our friends Do also right buddy Yeah okay shelf C that's okay rally cars Wouldn't be true rally cars without a Couple scuff stin and dings right we had A blast watching the real deal come Through and I want to say sincerely Thank you to all the drivers and uh are They co-drivers was that the right Terminology yes uh that were available And signing you can't be a rally car Driver without someone yelling out what Curves are coming up next and uh I know That from video games daddy yeah baby Daddy okay fun unique little video but In my opinion that's what RC is all About is sharing it every opportunity we Get when we can would I let our little Kiddo friends fly my 120 mph $600 Jets Probably not but with a be allowed to Watch and enjoy with us yes and I just Love the Hobby and being able to share It on YouTube um and also in real life Every chance we get anyway this will be Linked in the description box below if You guys want to check it out for Yourself it's a very cool car that Honestly deserves a little more Attention than what we're giving it
Today but this was still a lot of fun to Do this speed test and be able to share It I say a massive thanks to God for Blessing us with this beautiful day and Our patreon supporters because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your insanely awesome support Guys we'll have another awesome RC car Video popping up right about now thanks For watching see you there bye