Mission: Grass Ops with Twin Engine RC Airplane – E-Flite Twin Timber

Check out the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m here:
This is the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m dual motor RC airplane. Honestly, this isn’t just another timber plane, and we are surprised they even named this RC plane Timber. In this video we test this RC airplane out in really tall grass! Let us know if you think of this RC airplane in the comments.
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Check out the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m here:

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And snap It oh that was fun [Music] Maybe it's pretty smooth for [Music] Me wow that was cool yeah hey who Remembers this hey everyone I'm Nate and I'm for the RC Sailors and today we're Here with the twin Timber I thought it Would be fun to do some grass Ops this Is Tall Grass I don't know if it can do It or not but because it sits so high I Think we can and uh We're hoping it doesn't rain so I kind Of want to just cut right to chase put This thing in some tall grass and see if It can handle it so let's go have some Fun and fly yeah Abby rain is a coming And the wind is to our backs which is Never good for okay and there you Go oh you're not going in the tall tall Grass I feel like that's cheating stting With short M thank goodness that got up in time That was getting close not really though He had plenty of room but still yeah We're going to do some more grass off I Want to start with short happened what Happened uh my camera Oh my Wheel my Wheel looks like it's going to fall off It's sitting caddy Wampus I don't know If you can see that might keep this in The air for another minute before I do Much more grass

Ops and snap It oh that was fun that was like a ninja Karate ninja star maneuver you guys see That that wheel sitting kind Of really pulled out there you know the One thing about Timbers is you scared me Doing that oh my Goodness people do say the landing gear Just doesn't hold up and I've seen a lot Of people modifying theirs um with 3D Printed stuff and I think a mix of Duo Stuff that's a shame because these are This is like their Flagship airplane and I have only flown This I don't know probably it's Definitely under 20 times I know That under probably under 15 times um It's possible I don't even have 10 Flights on this yet but I feel like Maybe I do and I haven't been that hard On it I don't think most of the flights You guys have all Seen so I hate for that wheel to fall Off but this is the goal today was grass Ops so could be a very short video if my Wheel falls off let's see if we can land It I almost have no wind right now so We're going to go for Short Grass I've Got a touchdown between these lights Let's see if I can do it maybe Tall Grass cuz the depth perception Tall Grass yep okay grass Hops just reached up and pulled you down I know way that can do tall grass

What you going to hand launch It you're going to cut some Grass I think he just burned up your Matter no way grass is taller than it You're going to have Ticks come on baby that wheel that Wheel's getting pulled out I might have To handh It no more grass Ops But we will fly some more my wheels are Definitely messing up I think I'm Missing a screw on the landing gear but We'll just Uh it's still sturdy I checked it it's Just sitting weird so it's going to be The grass is pulling it out to the side It rolls smoother on the asphalt so lock Tight the screws in the landing gear I Don't know if I did I feel I always do If it's metal on metal bolts I always Lock hi always so I think I just lost One anyway regardless so let's do some Fun Stuff keep it close to the grass see if I can do a nice little Lether edge here Maybe it's pretty smooth for Me wow that was cool Yeah now you're like like 50 ft closer To the hill than you normally are so be Careful there I Know I like to fly low so people ask you Know why do I why do I crash so much Well it's just push myself it's a lot Different flying for fun and flying for

Camera and yeah YouTu it really is a lot Different flying and keeping it at a Certain distance so it's not a tiny Little Dot and making it look fun it's a Lot more challenging than most people Realize and doing it all while talking Yep so especially inverted flight low Like that which you notice F in the gap For me thank You next time you guys go fly a plane Try to talk the whole flight and you Know without saying too many ums and too Many pauses and then you can maybe Relate a little bit to what I do I do it For fun but just perspective is always Nice and also go watch a 10-year-old Video of ours and listen how great I was At doing it then wasn't not that I'm Good Now okay call a maneuver Abby inverted flat Spin okay Tru or just flat spin There's inverted flat spin sort of can I Try it again yeah why you laughing at me That was I don't know why that one came To my head first I don't know why is That funny though here we go here we go There that's pretty good right y now Just flat spin okay probably can't do That you can't do it not inverted I will Try what yeah why is that I don't know Let me just thought it would be easier You would think bra says no okay hold on

One of that's a circle no Sh okay this is it there we go there we Go that's spiral that's definitely a Spiral well you like spirals don't you I Love that see I knew that I knew that I Knew that you would like that more than The maneuver you asked for I see oh you Got grass in your propep Yeah okay this is going to be Interesting Landing in the grass or in Front of us you know what or behind us Grass Ops video so here's what I'm going To do we have a horrible cross breeze so She's coming in like this toward us and I'm going to let it touch down in the Grass and it's probably going to flip Over but this way I at least have a nose Wind Breeze here we go let's get it Right right there that's it I'm happy With that I meant to do that front roll Almost grass UPS didn't go so well are You saying hops or Ops Ops like oper Operations oper whole time I've been Trying to figure out what you've been Sayings gotcha yeah no I'm hearing hops I think I think it's operations but I'm Sure someone will tell me I'm wrong if I Am see the thing is I am not Google I Don't have Google here where I have no Service when I'm talking it's just my Brain and so that's all I got to go off Of and then I put that out for the world To Google and correct me or maybe they Are a special in

Ops which I am not so I'm looking Forward to that correction or Confirmation we'll See I won't know until the video goes Live okay uh great airplane I do love Flying it like I said in the last video And as I've always said the ground Ops the ground Ops are uh to be desired Right and there's there's reasons for That yeah Abby I had grass stuck in the Spring of the landing gear the wing sits Topheavy for a lot of reasons and that Makes it a little more challenging to Control on the ground but when it's in The air this thing is a very unique Flying airplane and I think everybody Should give this a chance whether you Own one or you buy one with intentions To fly it 10 times and then sell it to a Buddy uh at least you will have had that Experience because it's very unique and It's very hard for me to show that on Camera I think it's just kind of a a Feeling thing I think some people that Fly a lot can probably relate and see What I'm talking about and see kind of Like that especially when we're snapping It it just does some wild stuff and There's things that I definitely can't Do on it um but there's the rain it is a Lot of fun and I highly encourage you Guys check it out it'll be linked in the Description box below and if you click And use that link it does help to

Support our Channel and our family at no Extra cost to you a little less money Goes into the big corporate pocket and a Little money goes into the family that's Making free RC content for the families Of America and the world to enjoy I want To say a massive thanks to God for Blessing us with this little window of Opportunity to fly literally as soon as We got this thing on the ground the rain Is coming so massive thanks to God for Just the blessing and the opportunity to Share this experience with you guys and A big thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it without your insanely Awesome support we'll have another cool RC plane video Just For You handpicked Popping up right about now thanks for Watching see you there bye

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