PERFECT Apache AH-64 RC Military Helicopter!!!

Check out this Eachine version of this RC helicopter here:
Save with code: BG90fe0d
This is an awesome military helicopter that looks so good! There are two branded versions of this one is by Eachine and the other by Yuxiang. We flew the Yuxiang branded one in the video, but the Eachine is exactly the same, so we linked it because we had a code to save! This is an Apache helicopter. Let us know your thoughts about this RC heli in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out this Eachine version of this RC helicopter here:
Save with code: BG90fe0d


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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen

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Let's see if we can do a smooth Rolling touch and go there we go look at That there we go rolling the wheels Rolling the wheels rolling the wheels And Up oh no we're going Down personally I love the fact that There have been a ton of new scale Helicopter releases this year there have Been a handful of companies kind of Getting in on it too and the last two That are definitely the kind of carbon Copy core with a different plastic shell That were featured on our Channel both Had major battery slf flighttime issues I don't know if it was because of the Charger the battery or what and really No one in the comments was able to Figure that out but those were by a Different brand those were ehen which is Actually kind of surprising to me this Seems to be like the flagship company That's doing this which does increase The cost sum if you're C curious the the Price fluctuates so we'll have it linked In the description box below this is a Very awesome helicopter at least scale Looks and guys remember the last two or Three of these that came to our Channel Every time I pull one out of the box and This is the first time pulling this out Of the box the landing gear one of the Wheels is snapped off so let's see if That's the case with this one I think

They actually have more robust landing Gear it does look like that so that's Super cool I love the but they're not Broken so we're off to a good start what A cool looking aggressive scale Helicopter but we are missing our Missile pods and things so give me just A minute while I slide those onto place With their clicking rail system before I Do that I want to point out the charger That was included with this one and That's the scale flight battery which is Very cool this one seems to have an Upgraded charger it actually uh beeped When it was done it seems like a really Nice charger and maybe they listened to Our videos and already solved the Problem for all these future helicopters So I'm hopeful that we get a nice long Longer than one and 1/2 minutes flight Time really super Cool nice [Music] That's look Good got a throttle hold switch I am Excited to have an Apache helicopter This one is probably the most scale Detailed yet I'm just hopeful that it Flies good so let's throttle up and get To [Music] It nice it's all started with that Coast Guard helicopter I know a lot of you Guys are aware of

It expensive but as I think they did That because they knew they were setting The tone with these high detail scale Helicopters to really own the market no One else is doing helicopters like this You've got Brands like ehen that are Trying to I won't say copy but use the Same premise um and do their own Versions of these helicopters but in my Opinion this brand is doing it the best Again the most expensive so because this Is not the eing brand you know we're Getting the performance out of it that We got out of that Coast Guard Helicopter the eeen helicopter saves Something like 100 150 bucks from this Brand but it had battery issues look at That profile isn't that just the Coolest launching missiles out of it for Not subscribing that's what you got Right there imaginary Misses okay let's just kind of cruise it Around some which is the whole point of The scale Helicopter World this is very Easy to fly uh if you've ever flown a Drone has that kind of concept although We're not flying with altitude hold or Anything like [Music] That you know throttle management does Come into play here so here's Full Throttle Ahead well full pitch I should say with Almost full

Throttle going in for a missile strafing Run here we Go and then we go up and avoid enemy Fire and we Dive In and hit him with Some more missiles and that is the Apache right your missile strafing Runs very cool troop support Helicopter yeah now I'm not sure when I Say this there might be another paint Thing I know I like this one with the Tiger shark on the front all black it Looks awesome the Profile is absolutely there and we're Getting performance out of it as the Wind picks up too this will let us know If it can fly in Wind so that's good We've got a couple switches that we can Hit we have high and low rates I just Hit that high low rate switch and we are Definitely in high rates now I'll check This out look at the pitch on that very Aggressive very aggressive in comparison To how we were in low so look here's We'll just do a comparison here for you Here's low we're going to go full Forward okay now here's High full Forward see almost double so if you're Fighting wind or you just want to do Very fast Flybys you can go forward and full Throttle and really make it Scream and we'll go back to low rate cuz It just felt comfortable I like low Rates looks good nice and smooth in low

[Music] Rates let's do a little touching go Action here Abby oh no oh okay I just Had too much Throttle Down it's a little sensitive in the Mid-range of throttle so let's see if we Can get a Rolling kind of a bounce there we go There's a little roll see that and now We'll take off cool actually works we Have a couple more switches 3D and 6G But I don't know if I'm going to even Make any effort to flip this upside down Because I love how beautiful it is let's See if we can do a smooth Rolling touch and go there we go look at That there we go rolling the wheels Rolling the wheels rolling the wheels And Up cool I like that that's like what They do at our Shows doesn't it just look awesome Abby Mm I like this Helicopter I think if I would have led With the Apache over the Coast Guard Helicopter maybe people wouldn't have Been so upset because Personally I'm just smiling ear to ear The whole time I'm flying this thing I don't like when you get close sorry Yeah that's why I kind of hit hit a wall So to speak and just kind of move the Helicopter back Over and I'm just enjoying the flight

Time because that battery performance on The ehen version there's just something Going on there I I truly feel like it's The charger not letting it Charge full enough also I really like The lights on this one Abby you can you Can get a glimpse of them when goes By right green there's the Red and we have a red tail light Too out of control got hit by an enemy Missile you ready here we go out of Control oh No it even sounds like it's out of Control that's just full y' let's do it Again oh if you had smoke porn out of That doesn't it look like it's a Helicopter in a movie Oh no we're going Down oh this is fun this is an Aggressive little flyer it looks cool It's nice and Scale yeah I just feel like I'm in total Control over over it which is really a Good Thing get a little reverse hover here Cuz I just love the stance of that Helicopter when you look at it like this That's what you see in movies then they Add those missile [Music] Effects so Cool get nice smooth Landing Hopefully and it'll tell us how much Juice is left on

It TR hold so there's our status light On the back top of the helicopter and I'm casting a shadow so you guys can see That but we have our little red light on This side green on this and a tail light It's really nice uh we have two flight Mode switches over here on this side That I did not mess around with because Those are 3D mode and then we also Inlight I have my throttle hold on here But when I throw this Switch uh we get a more aggressive pitch And that might actually be yeah there's Our see collective pitch on the blades Because I have throttle hold on I can Show you guys so you don't have to fly The way I was flying you can also Control the pitch uh not just throttle So this helicopter can be flown in Multiple ways by more advanced Pilots Too which I just think is awesome and I Told you you could see how much juice is Left you flip the helicopter upside down And we only used two out of four lights On the battery also we have more Batteries so we can get some really nice Long flight times on this helicopter Personally I'm a huge fan this has got To be the Apache has to be one of their Best looking uh and I think highest Performance helicopters to date it's Also their newest I hope they continue To keep this pattern up with this style Of helicopter I'm waiting on this size

And scale Huey please let that be around The corner that would be um my favorite Now we've had a bigger version and had Some issues and crashes with the larger Version by a different I think that was A different company uh but this company Is knocking it out of the park on their Coast Guard helicopter and they've had a Couple others too but by far the Apache The f11 is my personal favorite let me Know what you guys think in the comments Do you have a favorite do you prefer the Coast Guard helicopter over this one I Mean they even have it down to the Rivets all throughout the whole thing I Don't know if you guys can get that on Camera but even back here on the rear End of the helicopter all the rivets and You know even just scale little details Like armaments and uh I don't even know What these are here these little rods on The side of the jet engines you know I I Just it's amazing it's awesome to me I It's a shelf Queen and then some and it Actually flies but again it'll be linked In the description box below if you use That link it does help to support our Channel and our family at no extra cost To you and I'd also like to encourage You guys to check out AMA it's the Academy of model Aeronautics we'll have That Linked In the description box below Too I'm Maiden which means first time Flying a lot of RC helicopters and

Airplanes and even some drones and you Just never know what you're going to get When you're flying something for the First time we like to think that if We've got a good brand then the RC will Perform well and a lot of times that Gives us a false sense of security or Comfort and you get out and fly Something that you think it should act Like the last thousand things you've Flown but every now and then something Goes Ary and I think a good example of That is those e Sheen helicopters that Are a lot like this they should have Performed well now fortunately their Only issue is a low battery but if You're up flying high and you hit that Low battery something could fall out of The sky and fall on someone's car or God Forbid someone actually get hurt by that Helicopter so we like to fly with AMA it Makes us feel so much safer and just Better about the hobby really uh Increases my confidence and it's just One less thing to worry about so for a Fraction of the cost of this helicopter You can be insured through the whole Year and I strongly recommend it I also Want to say a massive thanks to God for Blessing us with this beautiful day this Perfect day really to Maiden this Awesome helicopter but also just to Enjoy life in general I hope you guys Are having an awesome day and enjoying

The blessings of life too and I'm glad We got to share this opportunity and This experience this moment in time with All of you so thanks for watching Finally last certainly but not least I Want to say a massive thanks to our Patreon supporters because we couldn't Do what we do as often as we do it Without your insanely awesome support Report if you want to see what I've been Referencing all throughout this video Talking about how not all helicopters Are made the same we'll have a Handpicked video the one where they're Almost as expensive but the per Performance is a fraction of where this One comes in and that helicopter video Will be popping up right about now Thanks for watching see you there bye

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