Watach BEFORE you BUY!!! -FMS Cessna 182 1500mm RC Plane

Check out the FMS Cessna 182 here:
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This is the new FMS Cessna 182 that we FINALLY got our hands on. In this video we maiden this scale RC airplane for you. Let us know your thoughts about the RC plane in the comments.
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Check out the FMS Cessna 182 here:
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This is the new FMS cesna 182 and let's just say I'm really glad To see it on the channel check out that Nice Chrome spinner on the front and Those painted prop tips from the very Front of the plane to the very tail end It's doing Justice to the RC scale world I love the pilot on the inside with the Scale details on the dashboard all the Way around we've got nice lights and I Noticed these attention to details when I was assembling the plane they did some Different and unique things with this Like these little wing clips now I've Seen somewhat similar things to that Before but I've also never seen Wing Struts held on with the bomb releases That we see and I really do like that There is a little bit of function there Probably more visual but the nice thing Was e of installation and that's kind of How I feel most of this plane went the Only thing I didn't like was fishing the Wires through the fuselage to put the Two halves together otherwise it saved On shipping cost I'm sure which keeps This big 1.5 M beautiful airplane with Clipon antennas and other nice attention To detail right under $300 and actually If you're new to the channel we've got a Coupon code code just for you guys Exclusive to the RC Sailors to save some Money on brand new releases that'll be Linked in the description box below this

Is a true Maiden I'm excited to fly so Let's put it in the air and see how it Does [Music] [Applause] [Music] Sounds good this is a 4S airplane Capable of flying on a 2200 to 3200 I've Got a 22 in there just cuz I have more Of those batteries they cost less it's Lighter weight so higher performance Hopefully I love that Chrome spinner That looks like a real airplane taxing Down the runway like the video for a Good Maiden flight let's Go God has blessed us with an absolutely Beautiful day to fly on too we were Going to fly this possibly last night And then we just got a torrential Downpour wow look at the Chrome spinner On the front reflecting the sun it looks Like a bright light that was so Cool yeah Nice okay so I like this plane a lot Because as some of you guys know I've Been learning how to fly full scale with My student pilot license a couple times On the channel now and that is in a Cessna 172 Skyhawk so this is a 182 just A little bigger a little more powerful a Lot more expensive in the real world of RC so I like scale planes and it's Really cool to have probably the best Scale Cessna now that foam models come

In Full Throttle Punches look out Birds I lost you above The clouds down in the Clouds doesn't happen very often Abby Hard to see yeah it's bright out isn't It Mhm I love when the Sun hits that Chrome Spinner it's [Music] Awesome it does have really nice scale Lights and flaps we'll hit those flaps On this pass right here full flaps oh Yeah that's nice I feel it that's cool Look at That here's how we do full flaps when I'm uh working on my Landings on the on Real deal I can like come in like this Hit those Flaps and then ease into the throttle as We land that's what I like to do anyway Really utilize my Flaps I think they say really good Pilots use less flaps when they're Landing but oh I'm not a really good Pilot at all just learning Okay let's do some more aggressive Maneuvers we know she'll fly nice and [Music] Scale cubanate at a funny angle but Still looks really good I like the roll Rate it's nothing crazy it's nothing Wild but uh Abby better ask it will it Snap actually it will yeah that's not Bad at all for a scale plane is it it's

Pretty good Oh what was that my prop spinning Backwards zero throttle to I did it Right in front of our face that scared Me like Popped yeah this is fun to fly I like This it's definitely not like a stunt Plane but it's capable of doing some Good Maneuvers I can have fun with this all Day very cool let's keep it Inverted beautiful day to fly on very Little wind nice white fluffy real Clouds in the sky it's very Cool real awesome that's what I meant to Say there you go Abby inverted knife or Inverted uh show pass you can do it Youve crashed on that before that Inverted show there we go got more than Enough power on 4S I like that they Chose to go with that that's cool [Music] They uh have two different colors on This too I like that FMS does that we've Got blue that we're flying and then kind Of a marony red which is very Nice beautiful airplane isn't it yes and I think all companies should offer their Planes in at least a couple different Colors I [Music] Agree probably get um I'm aiming for Like a 7ish minute flight time hope I would if we hit that I'll be very

Happy and Impressed it's very muggy out today Super I'm just enjoying the flight of This I don't know um I feel like I'm Talking a little less But it's a nice airplane it's enjoyable To fly I think they have a float set Option with it and you leave the front Nose wheel on when I saw their Promotional video [Music] See if you'll do a one of my favorite Little Maneuvers here we Go not really inverted flat spin just Not quite enough power to get the tail End up but it's okay it's very scale Airplane like I said it's doing more uh You are coming in so low every time You're while it's doing a little uh it It's got some 3D performance nothing Insane I'm I've got 30% Expo on my Aerons 25 on the elevator and 20 on the Rudder I've got you a little over 6 Minutes maybe okay well we're doing Good yeah we're doing really good on This I won't have any kind of low Battery indicator so I don't want to Overdo it on this There's a little wind so that'll be nice For landing so let's land it this has Been a beautiful Maiden I'm really happy With how this flies I'm just enjoying The flight we're going to land right to

Left because of our wind and we'll Probably come in at half flaps so let's Just do a little Fun steep dive half flaps there's zero Throttle and I'll come in under some Throttle here so I don't stall maybe no Maybe not oh that was a little rough Let's do it one more time just because That was so rough We'll go around Again I'm sure we can clean that Up we'll do no Flaps there's fast let's slow down Some oh Man okay Cesna I see what you're doing to me Maiden flight don't want that Landing to Look good well your battery might be Dead so let's land it keep it Down let's keep it down steady Steuding yeah okay that was semi like a 10o Landing did you see that I did yeah okay It's in one piece that rocked wild I Don't know what to say about that but Whatever it is a very pretty very scale Airplane and I know there's going to be A lot of people that are going to love This if nothing else than just to have It on display because it's so beautiful And it is licensed by Cessna now those Beautiful Dr shots courtesy of yours Truly Me yes that's right Abby you uh give me

Credit sometime Nathan Goodness this this is very pretty plane Somehow everybody just assumes Nate's Flying the Drone and the plane at the Same exact Time you do an amazing job you're not Just a pretty face that holds the camera You you kind of do it all beautiful Cesna 182 I don't know what really to Say other than I had the one frustration Of building it which was fishing the Wires through the fuselage now that it's In one piece I think they did a Fantastic job I I like when I when I'm Putting a plane together I like when I Think oh wow they put some thought into That and made that assembly process Easier for me and I had a few of those Moments while I was doing this Um I even like how how scale and Detailed they went with the landing gear The struts and the legs they put these Plastic housings over it and they hid The metal which a lot of times can ruin The scale look so just small things like That go a long way and that's what they Did with this uh I think it's beautiful I do wish they would have put the Licensed Cessna sticker on there nice And level it's crooked on both sides I Think a lot of people are in agreement When they look at this and say man for a Foam plane that's nice and beautiful in Scale and that's what they were going

For but they also made a nice Performance airplane and I got to Applaud them truly because I think in The last year or so about what I've seen Personally FMS quality on their Airplanes has gone up a lot they used to Not be so good they were like a 50/50 Roll of the dice but now they're getting A lot better and uh this is a not just a Step in the right direction but this is Up there with all the best of the other Foam planes on the market so what more Could you ask for really now because This was a maiden flight it really helps To ease my nerves knowing that I'm Flying with AMA that's the Academy of Model Aeronautics yes they are insurance And that's what helps me feel good while Flying but they're also a Community-based organization that helps Us fight the good fight I don't have Time to fight the good fight so I can Have the right to fly my foam toys but For less than $100 a year I'm insured I Have Magazine subscription it gives me Access to all these places but somehow They manag to turn my $85 or whatever it Is Into lawyer people going to talk to Government FAA people and saying hey Guys calm down this is just phone let's Not get too worked up here right And as I said it's kind of mind-blowing That they're able to do that for the

Price that we pay for for this I'm Grateful for it and I'm looking forward To some of the events that are hosted And sanctioned by AMA this coming summer So if you guys want to check out some AMA events or just RC airplane events You can find a long list of them all Summer long on their website we'll have That Linked In the description box below Awesome plane awesome day super grateful To God for blessing us with this day and Remember if you want to pick this plane Up I think it's available not to Pre-order but to buy now it's in stock The blue and the maroon both Linked In The description box below when you click That link it helps to support our Channel at no extra cost to you and we Even have a coupon code down there for You which is awesome so we say a big big Thank you to everybody watching and Everyone that supports us I also want to Say a massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Insanely awesome support if you want to See another cool scale airplane we'll Have a handpicked video popping up right About now just for you thanks for Watching we'll see you there bye

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