$55 Boeing BETTER THAN $200 MILLION Boeing???

Check out this Boeing 787 here:
Is this RC airplane of a Boeing 787 better and more durable than the real commercial airliners right now? In this video we take a look at this super cheap RC Boeing and then we decided to see how durable it actually is? Let us know your thoughts about this RC Boeing airplane in the comments.
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Check out this Boeing 787 here:

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[Music] Look at that it's a good looking Airplane it's kind of amazing to me that A little toy foam airplane has better Technology and seems to be made better Than the real thing lately if you guys Have been keeping up with the news this Thing is basically indestructible I mean We can fold these Wings all the way up And all the way down and it is not going To break can you touch the wing tips Together Yes I think we Can yes we can and it has a flight Stabilizer on board making it so easy to Fly that really truly anybody could fly This there we go oh I'll bet it could Fly with that dangling off the B want To now that's impressive that is one of The most impressive things I've ever Seen had similar planes of this on the Channel before but this is a different Version I love that it has these Turbines up front but they're really Just fake because we've got our pusher Prop Motors back here now when these are Spinning you won't even see them in the Air and it's going to look very Realistic and very scaled we also have An actual functional Servo elevator back Here that means we're going to have more Control over the airplane this is a Surprisingly good brand as I said almost Indestructible easy to fly good for

Beginners and it's if you just like the Way this looks and you like scale planes Adding them to your collection it would Look great on display too so let's fly It and have some Fun launch with confidence Nate launch Confidence Yeah so this has a stabilizer built into It it took me maybe 10 minutes to Assemble that does require just a little Bit of assembly and it's uh very easy to Fly we're fighting some wind today so You guys are going to see that it's Going to struggle some in this wind but Hey the fact that it can even fly in Wind is pretty cool look at that it's a Good looking airplane we also have rates So we can increase the rates and fight The wind even Better now this one comes with optional Lights I chose not to put them on cuz I Knew we wouldn't be able to see them and They're kind of goofy lights that are Not scale they take away the scale look Of the airplane big time but it is Pretty cool that it comes with them I'll Kind of show you a shot Of those here maybe at the end of the Video boy I am really having to fight That wind aren't I I mean it's not Horrible wind but this also isn't like The biggest most powerful plane we've Ever flown either the nice thing about The battery that it's flying on it's a

1S Battery one cell very low voltage and We're going to get long flight times on Even that teeny tiny little battery but The best thing about it is they're cheap And they're very Universal you can buy Those batteries just about anywhere and The battery that comes with it leaves Leaves a little bit of room in the Canopy for a bigger battery so you could If you wanted to put in a bigger battery And get even longer flight times it also Comes with optional landing gear they're Very ugly they're just little wires with Little plastic Wheels but it's kind of Cool if you don't want to do a hand Launch and you want to try doing some Actual Runway Landings you could put Those on and they would work pretty well They're again just really ugly and they Take away from the scale look so I like Flying without them because in my Opinion It looks like there's ret tracks and the Ret tracks are up right now I've seen Videos guys on YouTube of like full Scale real boeings coming in fighting Wind like this pretty much so you think This looks a little wild hey I've seen These guys land with crazy Crosswinds And stuff this is actually pretty cool To see cuz it looks scale and realistic Doesn't does it just have the two rates It does we're not doing any Loops or Rolls or stunts or anything like that

This it won't snap it will not snap Though I'm sorry And and actually the snap is a maneuver We like to do for more advanced Airplanes uh this thing it won't do that Maneuver but it also won't actually snap Let me show you what I'm talking about We're going to bring this in for a Really rough Landing cuz I want to put My money where my mouth is and show you Guys this thing is more durable than the Real the real boeings that we're seeing In the news that's fulled down oh look At that I'll come in even harder than That we're going to try to give our Passengers was a fairly good Landing now Actually we're going to try to show you That durability I'm pushing it I'll go Full Throttle to build up some speed and Then when I push down on this because it Has that flight stabilizer it actually Doesn't let it come down very fast so we Got to get it caught in like a really Steep Bank like this that's the only way To get it to come down fast now we're Showing [Music] Durability all right I have I've failed At filming all of these really yeah you Lost your rder on that one well but I Didn't because it's held on with magnets It's designed to pop off so you don't Actually break it like I said it's kind Of designed a little better than the

Real boeings try that one again I really Want to be able to film it cuz I've Filmed it terribly this entire Time there we go oh Your battery popped Out I'll bet it could fly with that Dangling off the to don't try this at Home but we will give it a Shot highly not recommend highly do not Recommend really doing durability Factor Testing here this Boe is literally Flying with the battery dangling out of The bottom and it doesn't seem to affect It really hardly at all that's the wind More than than anything now that's Impressive that is one of the most Impressive things I've ever Seen I don't want to skim up my battery So I am going to try to land it a little Bit smooth Yeah the props are in the back so Catching is not too bad oh so much for That back together batter's installed Correctly now I want you to see I didn't Just Swap this out for some secret off Camera airplane or anything that's the Original let's see if it'll still Fly [Music] Nice and smooth and easy as I said this Is very durable it's very beginner Friendly now it's not going to teach a Person everything they need to know to Get into more advanced airplanes but it

Will teach orientation it'll teach you Elevator control how to bank through Wing tip stalls it'll teach you throttle Management flying in some wind there's a Lot to be learned from something like This and it's really nice that it's Super durable and forgiving because Bigger planes that cost a lot more are Way less durable and forgiving than This as I said it's completely ready to Fly it comes with a controller already Bound up it comes with the Charger and The battery they're just these little Molex batteries that go in the bottom Little 1s batteries and you got a little More room in there for a slightly bigger Battery if you wanted to and a switch And switch I love that it has an onoff Switch I know that seems like a small Thing but it really is a big deal very Easy assembly it's a decent little radio I've seen worse I've definitely seen Better but it gets the job done and it's Very durable and beginner Friendly we'll have this Linked In the Description box below and I think There's actually like a flash sale going On right now so be sure to check it out Because I think it's going to save about 10 more bucks on this and it's Definitely worth it and I don't know how Else to show you guys how durable Can you touch the wing tips together Fine yes I think we

Can yes we can and it goes right back to Being able to fly normal so that's Pretty good Abby a lot of fun comes with everything You need to fly and it's a very good Price and it looks good too I want to Say a massive thanks to God for getting Us out here in front of the camera today For this opportunity to share this Experience with you guys just be it's Windy and it's cold but it's not that Bad and had a lot of fun with this this Is probably the most fun I've had with One of these little boeings cuz I really Pushed that durability in today's video Also a massive thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Insanely awesome support and we thank You guys from the bottom of our hearts If you're into small ready to fly Durable cool airplanes we'll have a Handpicked video popping up right about Now just for you thanks for watching We'll see you there [Music] Bye [Music]

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