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We recently had to call an ambulance to take Abby to the Emergency room. We did aa community post about this a couple of days ago, but you all had a lot of questions, so in this video we fly one of our favorite RC planes and talk about her experience.
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E-Flite Commander:
4s Battery:
Budget Charger:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

#emergencyroom #ervisit #rcplane

Some of you guys probably saw our Community post a couple days ago about Abby having to take an emergency visit To the hospital she was in the ER wrote In the ambulance and everything and the Most pain she's been in in her entire Life and because of that Community post I was trying my best to update you guys And let you know what's going on if There's a lack of content or whatever Just so you know and asking for extra Prayers for her recovery now Abby is our Camera person here she is I'm alive We're back at it and in today's video We're going to fly the commander so that We have something for everyone RFC Minded to enjoy and watch and we're Going to keep it easy and tame and Abby Said pick something slow today Nate so I'm not going to go too crazy with it so She can follow it nice and easily and I'll give her a chance to kind of talk About this recent experience it was very Scary it was nice knowing that you guys Had our backs and support us and uh you Know we're not like a vlog channel so It's not really something that we do With keeping like personal stuff Involved in our Channel a whole lot but Sometimes we do and especially the big Stuff like the birth of our children or A crazy scary near-death experience with Abby at least felt that way uh and so Anyway we're gonna we're gonna fly this

Just a quick focus on the airplane this Is still one of my favorite airplanes of All time this is the one that actually Crashed and I re-glued it back together So hopefully it stays together in this Flight but the commander if you don't Own one you really should own one it it Is one of the best flying airplanes that Deserves to be in everybody's collection Unless you Push the elevator down instead of up When you're inverted all right Nate yeah That crash video will be on YouTube Somewhere This will be linked in the description Box below and if you want to help us Recover from our medical bills and Support our Channel and our family Buying anything through that link will Help us a ton so let's put this in the Air and have some fun and talk about This horrible experience we just had Like a great video Oh man it's good it's Spell other people's pain here you go Safety First Tape on there so the cowl doesn't pop Off Okay It's been a while since I've flown this Especially for it being one of my Favorites So Abby 10 o'clock midnight you were uh not

Feeling so good without getting into too Many details I was in the bathroom Struggling Um in more ways than one that's all like I'll say It was not a pleasant experience but by About midnight it passed And uh I was able to sleep on the couch I I went and laid on the couch With a Trash can next to me just in case I Think I got like four hours of sleep And I woke up and then with a pain that I had experienced before ever since I Had Amelia I've had these bouts of like I always talk about it as like rib pain Like pain right In the front of my lower ribs And then it kind of goes into my back And usually it'll last like 30 minutes To an hour and but recently I've Discovered well if I just take some Tums It actually helps it go away within like 15 minutes and so I'm just thinking okay It must be like acid reflux or heartburn Or something I don't know So that's how I've been treating it and It happens I don't know sometimes more than others And I never really pinpointed what Caused it other than like sometimes I Feel like overeating if I went to a Restaurant or something and I knew we Like maybe weren't going to be able to

Take the food home like we had a long Drive home or something and the food Wouldn't last I would eat more than Normal And uh so then I think that was what Would cause it sometimes other times I Would just I don't know it just came out Of the blue It's around 4 or 5 a.m I wake up to this Severe pain and it's bad you guys it Just slowly gets worse and worse and Worse For about 20 minutes and then I felt Like it passed and I went back Downstairs saying oh no it did not pass Came back upstairs because that's where Nathan was in the bedroom And uh just started like cold sweats in Severe pain like I literally was telling Nathan I think I might die over and over I couldn't breathe it's honestly Everything that happened that through That moment was kind of a blurb But what's crazy about it is I probably went through this for about An hour going back and forth like maybe We should call maybe we shouldn't My family more Dying's worse than Family costing the family money I kept Telling Abby just so you guys know you Know your body better than me if it's Time to call we'll call but we have Never ever called an ambulance no uh for

Any reason so uh Sorry still recovering guys some brain Fog So the second mate finally got on the Phone with 9-1-1 I literally puked and it was like Instant relief so pain level went from Like off the charts to maybe like a Seven And by the time the ambulance got there I was probably like a six or seven still And uh we had to figure out what Hospital to go to because uh yeah since We since we've moved and we've just kept Uh who we've always gone to and we've Just made the Trek down So get to the hospital and it probably Took them about seven hours Of testing and like six blood draws and A CT scan an ultrasound I think that's all they did I honestly I Couldn't tell you I was on some strong Pain meds tons of blood tons of blood my Arms are pin cushions for them to Finally tell me it was gallbladder and I Think what helped them the most is my Mom had texted reminding me that she and My one of my sisters have had their Gallbladders removed and I was like Could it be that and so I told them and I think that's what helped them a lot to Figure it out to really pinpoint it like Okay well there's a family history there So maybe that's it

So that was What probably like two or three o'clock We finally got that diagnosis but in That time if you guys are uh really up On our Channel you will have known we Released the Viper video the new E-flight Viper 70 the what color is an Orange and it Nate luckily had the video Edited and it was uploaded but I usually Do all the YouTube stuff so title tags Tags description box links I do all that So At like 10 A.M On the strongest pain meds I've probably Ever been on Um literally sitting there working on Links so if you watch that video early On and the link was broken that's why I Don't know what I'm doing I tried my Best I still don't know how that happened Because I checked it and then still Somehow the wrong one got posted but It's probably because I was doing it on My phone too unfortunately They could not get me scheduled for Surgery until almost 24 hours later Which was pretty annoying so they made Me stay in the hospital which by I don't Know eight nine ten o'clock my pain Level is probably like a four it was Definitely bearable and by that point When I got switched to my new nurse by Seven

I don't know if she just didn't want to Look at my chart or what But I told her I said I don't know what Pain medicine I was on but that's been Working and it's been fine All she gave me was Tylenol so like I Should have just gone home to get rest And God bless the man who was in the Room beside me I don't know what was Wrong with him but he was screaming all Night you guys it was really bad got no Sleep people coming in and out probably 15 times throughout the night Just a really rough night And then I had my surgery the next day And that was another whole ordeal the Surgeon did an amazing job the Anesthesiologists all the staff down There at the or was great Um After I woke up at about two o'clock on Friday And by three o'clock They wanted me to use bedpan and I was Like I'm not using a bedpan I want to go Home if I consent to using this bedpan Oh my gosh who wants you Nathan I don't Know I'm sorry It's fine there we go If I consent to using this bedpan They're gonna have grounds to keep me Longer Abby's all about going home and Saving money I have no I have babies at Home plus I value rest unlike the

Hospital they don't value rest So I buy an hour after I wake up from Surgery and walking to the bathroom by 3 30 my nurse comes in well actually my Doctor came in and I told her my desire To go home today and she just kind of Blew me off and was also unable to tell Me anything about what happened in my Surgery which I found interesting 3 30 My nurse comes in tells me her and my Doctor on on the floor had a good laugh About me going home Um and then she just like disappeared And uh didn't see her again the rest of The time who else what is with you in This So by four o'clock I am trotting my Happy little butt down the hall to the Nurse's station Dragging my IV bags and all I changed Into regular people clothes and I was Like listen You told my husband that if I was to go Home I needed to do a b c and d and Obviously I'm out here and I've done all The a b c and d things that you need to See to make sure I'm good I haven't Heard from my surgeon my doctor on this Floor has disappeared and I've been told She's laughing at my wish to go home Which isn't cool and in the process of That this doctor comes out with her head Down and will not make eye contact with Me and I'm just like listen I have

Babies and I just want to go home and I Want to get some good sleep tonight So by 4 30 the surgeon called us on the Phone Told us everything went well Said I could go home by five o'clock the Nurse staff kept telling me there was Technical difficulties technical Difficulties never really explain what The technical difficulties were with Discharging me and I think they just had Had enough of us by six o'clock because They told us just to leave I mean they said they said anything no I Didn't sign anything which probably Means that if something did go wrong I Would have been liable but also I wanted To be discharged correctly But they kept telling me technical Difficulties and as I said in all that Time my nurse and my doctor never came Back in my room didn't offer me any pain Medication at all and we were lucky that We got out when we did Because the pharmacy was only open for Another half an hour they just didn't They just didn't seem to care it was Pretty crazy Everything was good until me trying to Go home they just did not like that post Off was like yeah you're not you're not Going home you're gonna stay here and We're gonna rack up I blame the surgeon Because I talked to the surgeon around

11 30 about Now my surgery and he told me if Everything looks good Go home today so he put the bag in my Ear and I was like bound and determined To get my happy little butt home No one's so happy wow Five stab hold little butt I want to Remind everybody if anyone out there is Thinking about being a YouTuber go for It but if you want to do a YouTube thing Like full time just remember Insurance and stuff is non-existent so Well you can have regular insurance but It's uh 20 000 a year or something Twenty thousand dollar deductible I Think is about where it's at now so if Y'all you know If you're thinking about buying an RC Here's all I'm saying please click the Link to the commander yeah and buy your RC through our links since Horizon Decided it was cool to break their Website their website's been broken for Two months uh we've seen a drastic drop In our end I'm not talking it's ten Percent It's about 75 drop in our income because Of horizon And uh no end in sight and no solution In sight and I think it's time to start Talking about it a little bit too Because it's affecting listen it's not Just affecting us it's affecting every

Single YouTuber that you watch and love It'd actually be really cool of you guys If you did buy something through the Link in this video knowing that you're Supporting us whether it's a battery or What really cool to tell us in the Comments I bought the commander because Of this video using your link I clicked Your link before I bought we can see if That shows up as a product that we got Credit for so if you do buy something From this and you don't have to just Watching helps us if you don't have the Money to go buy something or whatever You can do the patrons there which is an Awesome way to directly support us also Just watching five more videos would Really help out our Channel let it play All the way through but if you're going To buy something to try to support us And also get your RC tell us what you Bought and we will see if it shows up Because it's been broken for two months Now and no one has any solutions and I've spoken to a couple other YouTubers Pick them up call them on the phone Buddy pilot Ryan we've got other guys That I know through the grapevine Ground vehicle guys playing guys it's Everybody everybody's seeing this Massive drop so it helped us out to dig To the bottom of this and others too Because when when hobby shops bit the Dust through like covet and stuff

Horizon made t-shirts to help support Them and we were supposed to make videos Saying go support your local hobby shop And we did we post about it but no one's Helping the YouTubers no one's helping The and so this is like the sorry Abby But it's like the worst possible time For you to have that surgery because Well and what's crazy is you know Daniel Was born in January and we met our Deductible then but yeah I took both our Children to get their well checks and Their shots that they were due for was 800 and I still got an 800 bill but we Met our deductible so I don't I I don't Know I feel like we're gonna have Another like I don't know Daniel Daniel 15 000 baby Plus what I paid in 2022 which was about Six grand I had a couple people help us Significantly on Daniel's bill and we Will be forever grateful for that Because I don't know what we did to deserve that Help but we thank you and you know who You are but with this it's super scary Financially I'm so glad that Abby's Doing better but financially it is very Scary so again this is like the best Thing you could do here if you do buy Something tell us what you bought using Our link so we can see if it's even Being tracked because no one at Horizon Has been able to help us with this no

There's not been any end in sight and I Think this is a really good opportunity To to use the tools that we have and try To help fix it not just for us but if You're watching pilot Ryan and you buy Something through his link he's not Getting support right now either and he Has a family to take care of too and all Other guys that do this it's just Hitting everybody so anyway we wanted to Give you guys an update on Abby most Importantly but then also I'm alive I'm Well I'm breathing everything seems to Be going fine I'm too almost 48 hours Post-op And everything's good I'll have my Follow-up here in a week and uh Everything seems to be going fine it's Just a little scared to eat I think the Amount of food that I've eaten in the Past four days could fit on my hand yeah It's probably about that much I had a Really rough day yesterday too which is Crazy I couldn't stand up I was dizzy And lightheaded and weak all my whole Body hurt you were coming off of the Adrenaline I think so dealing with Everything I think so so anyway we're Both back on our feet today and doing Better there might there might be a Delay on videos and if there's anybody In our community that watches this uh Video that helped us with our kids and Brought us food or anything just know

That you guys mean the world to us Uh so many people stepped up but we Didn't even know what existed in our Life to step up like a neighbor a Neighbor came over to help us win the Ambulance was there to help watch the Kids while I got ready to follow the Ambulance to the hospital they were There just in case the kids woke up Until we got someone else there so stuff Like that Just a couple friends that go to our Church they were there for ninety Percent of the time and we can't thank You enough and I know you watch our Videos sometimes so thank you okay we Don't want this video to be too super Long Uh we just update for you guys instead Of just making a post we thought this Was probably the best way to do it Because that post that I made was You know pretty specific but not I Couldn't I couldn't have written all This out so video seems necessary Um You guys are amazing this this last Decade on YouTube building this Community uh is is our family this is Our family we are out to help you guys Buy the right RC's and hopefully have an Escape from reality for 15 minutes when We make our videos and we know a lot of You guys have been watching us even for

A Whole Decade or maybe you're newer to The channel and we're so grateful to Have you but this is just this is our Reality right now yeah and it's pretty Scary you guys so and uh and you guys Have always been a part of our reality The biggest part of our reality and Support system for us and uh we thank You and just wanted to keep you updated I think that's the fair thing to do and Um anyway I thank God for getting us Through all of this I think our patreon Supporters for helping us financially Because not only do you help us buy and Maintain our seas and Equipment but Times like this we might have to tap Into that to support the medical bills So that we can physically get out here And and make our videos too so Yeah thank you thank you uh we'll do our Best to keep keep the videos rolling out If you want a more positive video that's Not focused on Abby almost dying we'll Have a great video popping up right About now just for you thanks for Watching see you there bye

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