BEST RC Airplane to Learn How to Fly EVEN BETTER! – E-Flite Valiant

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This is the best RC airplane to learn how to fly even better. Abby has owned her E-Flite Valiant for years now and recommends it to everyone looking to step up from a beginner RC plane. The E-Flite Valiant makes a great second plane!
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I think anybody who flies RC planes has Their favorite go-to grab-and-go plane And for me my go-to is the e-flight Valiant in my opinion this is the most Underrated RC plane that e-flight sells I love it it has progressed me so much In the Hobby and I promise you guys that I would get in front of the camera and Fly a little bit more as much as I could And so I am staying true to that promise That's why I grabbed my favorite plane So hopefully I can do a little bit more Aerobatic Maneuvers for you today let's Go see I make no problem Getting the reason All right Valerie Valerie Oh you named your plane Valerie the Valiant okay whatever I Guess we probably all nickname our Planes and stuff Valerie's all right Seems appropriate Claim that there's not an actual pilot In this one I'm gonna put like a ballerina sticker Of the millions or something on there Well and you know what we all oh good This is a 3s airplane I want to remind You guys To hear that hear Abby's engine That's cool yeah wow Just imaginations No that was just my excuse to get this High out oh okay Oh no no no no no

No didn't like safe off I hate the Position why is my switch in this spot Sorry I really just need to give you your own Radio and then all the stuff can be Programmed differently I don't know why It's it's kicking to the right um Is it okay well I can trim it for you or You can trim it is it roll or Rudder you Think a lot of roll kick safe off and See what it does See yeah all right I can be safe on here Let's go left What happened to my plane Nathan it's Been a long time it's been a long time Since we've flown it your jigsaw puzzle Of an RC hanger did you no you're Getting mean now Oh it just like kicked right What is going on now you just messed Everything I have the power to cut this out of the Video you know okay Here I don't want to edits it myself I Think I do most of them I looked like a Great pass no I didn't used to let's Focus on the fun Vibes of Valerie the Valiant As soon as that safe switch goes off Abby's world is over okay try one more Time How's it feel One Lube That's a roll what What I should say finished it for me

All right what's she gonna do next and Then if she messes up how much is she Gonna yell at me this is what it's like To be married to a pregnant woman that Tries to fly horse airplanes I feel like Though lately you've learned to just oh I've bit my tongue bad guys Um if for some reason the videos stop I Died from a heart attack from not being Able to voice my opinion anymore what I'm I'm a classic husband now a good That's a good Loop that's very high up She's way up there But you're doing it you want to learn a Snap ooh it's time to learn a snap not Today It's been a while since she's flown so These are you have backups for your Backups for your backups this is your Only value I don't do that At least not on my planes she does for Like her shorts and stuff that she likes I do it because the shorts that I like She looks good in them guys That's what it's about They um they're delicate and I am not Easy on my clothes how do you think I Feel about the airplanes they're Delicate and I'm not easy on them That was a good one mate good one but my Insurance cost like ten dollars so and I Buy them used at this point because they Don't make them anymore all right let's See about Atlanta no geez you can fly

More I'm going to practice oh practice Landings okay Trough flaps I forgot this even had flaps it does and I actually flaps flaps on this plane Don't do a lot they they're there They're good practice flaps that's what I'm saying oh okay here we go here we go Here we go here we go here we go butter Butter That was pretty that was pretty butter Come here come here come here come here Come here go go go That grass was coming up quick I was like does cottage cheese Still goes down smooth I don't really have to chew it but you Could if you wanted to We we rate our Landings on a scale from Butter to chunky milk Today cottage cheese Maybe with a Dorito in there I mean that Makes it good it's actually a pretty Good Landing it's always grass it would Have been smooth I don't know if that Was grass it probably would have tailed Over because he came in That's not a landing approach is it it Is just coming in fast she just wanted To do a low flyby See what we did there Left going left to right so it's we'll We'll have a favorite approach to land Yeah I think that's because

It was left to right always left to Right coming in at a diagonal or you're Gonna hit the AC unit on the top of that That's right you had to land left to Right there Yeah oh she's got the sound effects on I Just kicked my engine on cue the smoke I Wish I wish it looks so cool this is a Good one No oh and Abby's in the way oh sorry Was it right or left what direction that Is It wants to hit the light today well That'd be right That was pretty good one that was good I love that it's your sound effects There's a switch we added it it's an old Toyota Or in the RC World a Toyota or whatever That is do you remember those crawlers That we had Toledos yeah funny thing I think I think we caught it maybe not On the first one yeah I'm pretty sure The first thing oh this is going to be a Good one moments on YouTube people get To experience our stupidity yes that's Why people subscribe so they can feel Better about themselves that was not bad You know this has fairly stiff landing Gear are you done no you got one more Take off that way now Go go go go go right router right Runners see that's your tail dragger Sometimes

That's what that's seriously I like most Tail dragons you you Recently flew a tricycle landing gear Now you're on a tail dragger this is a Very forgiving tail dragger it is Amazing it's very fun to fly I was like I've never flown a tail dragger ever Like Abby you're stupid yes you have Yeah the Valiant but that this one I Don't know it takes off like tricycle Landing gear it takes off very uh Predictably like the tail does not Really lift up that's right it just kind Of takes off And when it lands it does good too well The Husky for us let's just all face it Garbage oh I would I probably will never Fly the Husky success the 6s is mine Four or five and a six that's it oh my Gosh yeah and the six is amazing but it Took them three they are it took them Three iterations to get it right Unfortunately iPhone continues to do Worse things every time they come out And I own one I hate it Well what okay this is going to be the Best one No that was good that was good She keeps stepping out in front of me to See for The Landings and then I have to Pivot around her to record The Landings Don't hit the goose poop All right not too shabby a couple rolls Maybe one Loop two Loops yeah remember

You did great uh way up in the sky I'll Work it back down as long as I keep Getting behind the sticks flying RC Planes is not like riding a bicycle yes It is you did great I don't feel like it Is it uh But I didn't And for that I'm just so thankful to God For giving me a good flight with my Valiant today bringing it home in one Piece again so that makes me happy I Love this which is my favorite RC plane My transmitter my batteries and my Charger links down in the description Box below for you guys if you want to Help support our Channel clicking those Links is the best way to do that it Doesn't cost you any extra but if you do Decide to purchase something off that Website if you click our link prior to That it does help support us and for That we just are so thankful yeah Valerie that's her name I like it I like It too I think our patrons like it too Uh I think I need a new Patron Valerie Come on we know you're out there you got To become patrons your name can scroll By and I'll put Valerie's Valiant right By your name but no thanks to all these Guys Crawling by some of our top tier Patrons if you want your name to show up On the list our Patron will be linked Here right at the end of the video and Down in the description box below we're

So thankful for all our patrons if you Want to see me fly some more I will have My favorite War Bird video popping up Right about now for you guys to check Out I'll see you later bye Foreign

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