BIGGEST RC BOAT in the UNIVERSE with Self-Righting!!! – Pro Boat Super Sonicwake

Check out the Pro Boat Super Sonicwake here:
BIGGEST RC BOAT in the UNIVERSE with Self-Righting!!! This is the Pro Boat Super Sonicwake. This is a massive 48″ deep-v brushless RC boat. In this video we maiden this RC boat. Let us know your thought’son this rc speed boat in the comments.
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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen

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[Music] This thing is an absolute beast and it Is shredding look at [Applause] This Woo this RC boat is just about as big as I am and I'm 64 isn't that Crazy sorry I ruined this our video inos They we just off the top of our head Believe it or not come up with stuff That good this is uh this is the newest RC boat which is actually just about big Enough to ride on I got a kayak that's About this size it's the newest Pro boo 48 in it's massive self ring 8s RC boat there's a few really awesome Features about this thing that I cannot Wait to show you guys at least I've read About it and I just thought this thing Is so huge it would be really cool to Bring the box to which is not normally What we do but oh my gosh thumb is Ginormous it's in there just for a size Reference my eyeballs are right here Like Abby can't even see in the box it Is huge check it out remember to take This off it has dual uh Cooling and all This aluminum on the back end it's Absolutely pull out gorgeous That's you're going to lose your Bottom yeah that's the stand right isn't That the stand keep coming oh my Goodness wow where are we going to put That wow kicking the kids out of the

House Abby this is taking over the kids Bedroom okay well going have to Rearrange for that Wow wow the box was no joke and just so You guys know it's 95 Out today but it's the perfect day to be At the lake and Abby is probably going To take the controls first but check out The bladder on the side of the boat the Holes in the back in case you're Wondering why is there a hole in the Boat that is how the self ring hit my Camera that's how the self- riding Actually works on this guy so I'm Excited to test that out but look at That color scheme man that's cool and Here's one of the key features that I'm Excited to test no longer do we have to Spin these little screws for 5 minutes Each it's a quarter turn so you push and Quarter turn push and quarter Turn and yeah that's a good that's a Good invention I hope they use that on All their boats though our two batteries Are going to plug in here I can't wait To show you the size of the batteries Look at the steering servo Abby so we've Got a dual water cooled system where we Have two inlets back here on the rudder And that is going to push the water up In through these two hoses allowing it To cool all of the hot elect El ronics Off it just runs right into that motor Which I think is really cool at least

The housing and then there's the ESC Literally water is pumping through these To keep them cool because this thing is Going to be so huge and Powerful got a couple tricks up at Sleeve too but I think we just need to Power this thing on and have some fun so Let's Go there it Is we found it thank goodness they did The right thing and they included their To Transmitter we'll talk about that while We're driving this thing but they put The good radio with this one I'd be mad If they didn't so we've got ample Rim in Here to work with our giant 10,000 Milliamp 4S but these are going to run In series to give us eight cells of Power and 10,000 mamps in the tank at 120c discharge these are insane so we've Got room to work in here but these Actually do have the trays that come out Too so that can be nicer to load your Batteries in and then lock In all right it fits yeah if you're Running these bigger batteries you have To take four uh screws out with an Included allen wrench thank goodness cuz I didn't bring one with me so that we Can put the larger tray in I tell you This I should have unboxed the thing at The house uh but I told you I wanted to Show you the size of the box which is

Why I did that I should have opened it At home and gotten it ready at home but That's okay now let's power this on Yeah this is going to be awesome okay Here we go let's count them [Music] Together Eight oh that's awesome okay now instead Of sitting here and taking a half hour To screw these things on let's see how Easy this is Actually in Twist In twist oh that didn't Catch okay in and a Twist in and a Twist That's way better oh that's way better Oh I love that as long as it works it Catches right there you got to let it Catch okay oh see you didn't do it right There okay now that's you learning Learning curve and that's why I'm taking My there we go and a little throttle Blast okay [Music] It's heavy it's very heavy See Wow oh I can't wait to see this thing in Action so you'll notice let me show you This really quickly Abby before you Blast it notice how it's starting to Lean to one side well that's because It's filling up with water and it Shouldn't roll over but if it were Upside down that's the same concept that

Would get it to flip back over so Abby It is 95° today let's get wet with this Let's go let's [Music] Go this is so cool I'm excited it is a Massive now this has throttle limit Controls too so if we wanted to that's Fine I would just leave it on 100 You basically are running a jet ski yeah On the lake you own the lake right now And actually boats are on the water last One just came in while we were getting It ready is that a Full Throttle blast Oh yeah bring it in closer so we can get A real sense of the feel a real sense of The speed oh it's so hot that I just Can't even speak Right nice Abby Little close there didn't I that's okay Blast it in left to right get Close nice yeah I off oh yeah I know We're on a bit of a corner here so you Guys know we can't just keep ripping it We have a couple fun things in mind that We'd like to do with this but keep in Mind this is 8s power now you don't have To run 8s you can run 6s and still have [Music] Fun man it's just ripping it does have Telemetry so aby's radio is going to Have a little light indicator that tells Us how much juice is left in the boat It's self riding we have a [Music]

Uh all aluminum good stuff on the the Hardware on the back end of the boat It's a durable Hall you know it's made By proboat so we have all Spectrum Electronics and uh I don't know if I Mentioned it or not but self-writing and I'd like to test that would you like to Yeah well I'll try to I'll try to bend Over and you know flip it over I don't Know if you guys can see that but There's lights on the back Nate stole it Well there's lights on the back end of This that are under the boat we'd Actually like to come back out uh when It's pretty much dark so you guys be Sure to tune in on another video soon on The channel and we'll see if we can make That Happen Okay so let's just do it real Easy since this thing's so heavy I'm Just going to flip it over like this Oh don't fall in I'd like to though it's We'll do it right here okay It's probably not even going to stay It's just it's like an auto flip isn't It once it fills up the water out so we Can actually see it happen okay see Light now watch this I'm not even going To touch any of the controls it is just Going to fill up with water and flip Over a't that awesome Yes okay ready yep we might get you Driving some [Applause]

Yeah so I think it's very important to Note that the bigger the boat the almost Much slower it feels and we have that Sense of speed with any RC uh ground Vehicle or even airplanes when you go Really big on scale something can be Gone 100 Mph and it feels slow but this has the Ability and I don't know for sure if it Is right now without our GPS meter but It says on the box that it can go over 50 m Hour and really without having an Opportunity to open it up on a huge Lake And really hit that Full Throttle I Don't know if we will be able to hit 50 Mph but this thing is an absolute beast And it is shredding look at This we were inches away from getting Soaked Dby I wouldn't complain today oh it is 95° and this thing is an absolute head Turner yeah it's awesome the last boat That was getting off the lake stuck Around just so they could watch it there We go we flipped it I flipped it you did I turned that wheel hard and I watch That I think no there it goes there it Goes flipped right over so the biggest Issue with a lot of big powerful RC Boats is that they don't have self- Riding now they might perform a little Bit faster than this just because of the Way they're designed but this one having

The ability to self right in the middle Of the lake just literally saved me a Trip home to get the kayak or a swim out In the lake which we are not supposed to Do so I don't know if you guys can see This but the water cooling kicks up There's two two streams of water that Kick up right on the back corner and I'm Going to put it on our side as it goes By and go a little slow so you guys can See right there behind the antenna I can See him kicking out and that is where The water cooling is pumping out the Warm water to keep our Electronics Cooled off so that's really awesome Abby This thing is a beast I'm going to let You drive it a little bit more and I Think we need to get some really cool Shots of it as long as we still have Some battery we got some juice so maybe Drive it for about another minute or so And I got a fun idea too oh we still Have three okay you went back up so Let's I'll kick it around for you it Does have hold on let's try it Okay Good we are absolutely cooking today It's Hot oh but it's a fun day to be at the Lake the biggest Bonuts oh I have a good idea for your Bonuts Abby just wait we'll uh we'll Show everybody here in a minute or at Least throughout this video you'll

Probably already have seen my idea which Is to fly the a little bit and drive the Boat at the same time so man what an Awesome what an awesome RC boat what do You think about this thing oh it's fun It's a beast isn't it yeah I like the Colors a lot the yellow really helps With being able to see it right on top Too especially when you flipped it over You could tell it was right side up That's right so let's save enough juice To get our drone shots we got to do a Little movie Magic here we're down to One battery level and I just want to be Able to make that happen so at the time Of recording this no drone shots but we Got to save some juice to make it happen Abby I will pull that out of the water And we'll do our Infamous rcor water Test I could have gone theend F it's Okay this is going to work so the Bladder just out I don't want to set That on the prop it's actually hard to Get a full shot of this when you have it Upright ready yep we Go okay so now normally we fast forward This section but now I want you guys to See real time how easy these are second Time I'm doing this Ever that was awesome that was awesome I Like that oh wow didn't expect that that Is bone Dry a lot of times probo because they Have one single layer of protection you

Get a little water in there this is foam Right here though yeah and it helps big Time that really helped cuz we had it Upside down twice once intentionally so You could do the riding and then I Flipped it accidentally out there so That is awesome now guys we intend to Actually bring this back out because We've got a little bit of lights and I Think they're actually just here on the Back end but that's enough to see let's Look on the bottom do we have any more Lights no no it would have been cool if They could have done some more but you Know you got to think about Waterproofing too so I do want to bring This back out when we can really see Those lights at night I think that'll be Really cool or at least late in the day So be sure to tune in for that what what An awesome RC boat we are absolutely Cooking out here but we're thankful for The day and I feel very blessed to be Able to share this experience this Opportunity with you guys and for that I Thank God I also want to say a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your insanely awesome Support and if you're in love with this RC boat as much as we are we'll have it Linked in the description box below if You click that link it does help to Support our Channel and our family at no

Extra cost to you guys we'll have Another handpicked RC video popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye [Music]

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