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How to REPAIR CRASHED Foam RC Airplanes. This is how I have repaired my RC airplanes for years. With hot glue!
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[Music] Nice o let's fly up through that Gap We're going to fly through the Gap Blinding me climbing how are you even Flying right there oh that's so cool yes Even us crazy fancy YouTubers crash Airplanes cuz it takes a while to to Bleed off that speed oh no I hit the W Are you kidding come on and this crash Really wasn't that bad but it did lock Some foam loose in spots that it Shouldn't be I've got a crack fuselage Back here definitely don't want to fly It like that and you guys for years have Been asking me to show you how I fix my Planes now I'm going to show you and Then I'll show the thing flying again After the repair but I am also going to Tell you do not do as I do do as the Instructions tell you I just hate that CA glue I truly do and I've been doing This for over 10 years catching my Planes like this with absolutely no Issues but there is a little bit of Magic to this method I want to talk About it and show you so let's fix this Airplane and fly it Again by now this company of this little Battery should be paying my mortgage as Many times as I've mentioned it but I Get no credit at all I just love it uh This battery can charge my airplane Batteries out here at the field it can Also keep my refrigerator running if we
Lose power but I commonly use it as an Extension cord uh it would take a mile Of extension cord to get power out here And I can I can bring this to events as This is warming up I'm telling you that This thing will keep all of my airplane Batteries charged for an entire weekend And while I'm at the hotel or whatever I Can top it off they also make solar Panels for it so this guy will be linked In the description box below and I've Just got a good old hot glue gun uh Warming up up here with your specialty Glue with my specialty glue and I'm Going to mention that too the really Cool thing about this battery or Electric generators some people call Them is that it tells you the output so Hot glue gun is pulling 3940 Watts I'll Know when it's hot cuz that number will Drop and also the Light will go off but I love these it'll be linked in the Description box below I have three Problems here maybe it's two actually I've got my wing came dislodged pretty Good so I'm going to Glue that back in place but I want to Separate it as much as I can without Breaking it first make sure there's no Yeah I see I just need enough of a gap To get my glue in there so that's what I'm doing is just making sure that Exists and then the same back here this Might not look like much but it wiggled
And when I pushed it I realized there is A crack there so when I go to glue that I'm going to separate that seam some I'll pull that back and I'm going to Just get my glue in there as deep as I Can and we'll press it in place and hold It in place I know this sounds simple And I've been telling you guys for years It's a simple process but you keep Asking me to show you so this might not Be the worst crash ever I'll do another If you still want to see when I have Like a clean break on something I might Do another uh repair video but again you Keep asking to see it so I wanted to Show you this sticking out of my glue Gun the glue is the magic I've learned You cannot use cheap bad hot glue if you Use the good stuff it gets the job done And even In the Heat of the Summer it holds up it doesn't get soft On a really hot day sitting out at the Field just getting a lot of glue in There you want to make sure it's Actually in that Crack and this was holding together Pretty well on its own so I feel Confident in that ability for it to hold Now I don't like seeing big gobs of glue There so what I do is take my glue gun While the tip is still hot just kind of Flatten any bumps out because it's a Little less Drag but also it just looks a little
Better and if I had a piece of cardboard Or something I would kind of squeegee That away but I don't so that's as good As that we get Ever you can probably heat it back up Could you but will I no no and the other Is actually worked really well putting The nose down I separate this some I Just pull enough that I'm not going to Crack the other side but that's a break On this side of the of the rear part of The fuselage just be careful hot glue is Very hot and I just get as much in here As I can I don't really care about how It looks at this point I've crashed it I Just want it to fly well again so the More glue the Better but you know I'm not overdoing it And we're going to press that down and Look at that we got those Globs of glue Again luckily that straw is there so my Push rod isn't actually going to be Hindered by that just kind of smear that In Some it'll be a little ugly but it dries Fairly clear and again you want to use The good hot glue the gun doesn't really Matter although I like this one because There's no cord it holds the heat for a Couple minutes and then that base Heats It up I couldn't tell you where I got That but I've I've bought a couple other Glue guns since then and that is all There is to it that is how you glue this
Back together and to celebrate I want to Give this 2 minutes or so to dry and Then we're going to fly it again because I didn't get to fly it more in the last Flight we'll see if it holds up you'll Want to watch because this could explode Wouldn't that be funny if it Did all right launch with confidence Lunch Confidence good job Nate you're getting So much better well safe helps I'll be Honest and I increased my rates too so So I want to see how that goes should be Able to do like faster rolls and stuff Now I only went to 115% so maybe not Super noticeable she flies and I'm very Happy because I love this airplane look At that cloud out there it looks like a Big mushroom cloud let's go back here That one and no this one that I'm over Right now look at that such a uniquely Shaped CL I know I saw it but Isn't that Cool and then look above it the sun o Let's fly up through that Gap we're Going to fly through the Gap you're Blinding me cling how are you even Flying right there oh that's so cool I'm Blinded but man that was awesome think It was worth it don't know about That so cool the clouds look amazing Today wow they're all just pulling up Aren't they that's cool okay let's see The like the clouds climb there's Full Throttle vertical
Climb just a really awesome plane you Guys and foam's easy to repair don't Forget it don't forget how easy that is To repair it's a inverted outside loop We're keeping it upside down Now she flies just as good if not better Because why when you crash something you Can fly with more confidence it's got The dent it's got the Ding makes it so much more enjoyable I Think yeah increased rates on this is Really nice for me cuz I like to fly it And I know some people will hate on the Way I'm flying it it's kind of a hot Liner you can cook it if you want to but You can glide it if you want to I think They call it a warm liner cuz hot liner Actually goes much Faster like double the speed but it's a Good middle ground kind of covers all The Bases what do you think easy enough to Repair right good job thank you and That's how I do my foam now I probably Would let it sit a little longer than What I have I only gave it a few minutes But it was hard to the touch and not hot So good Enough but if you're out at the field And you need a quick repair and it's not Total demolition you can just put some Hot glue in between the cracks of the Foam even if it's in two separate pieces Some guys swear by putting toothpicks in
Between as uh like rebar kind of but and My and my my dad used to do that as I Was growing up if he repaired helped me Repair the planes that we were flying And fixing he would use toothpicks to Reinforce it but I don't I never have it Doesn't seem to affect it in my opinion It all depends on what the plane is Though if you're flying a giant 6s very Heavy plane you might want to do a Little more than hot glue something in This size under 2 m I think you're okay I don't think you have too much to worry About and that can't my fedge I wish it Could all right let's bring it in for Hopefully a better Landing than last Time I feel like you should relive that Moment right now okay let's do it we'll Do it inverted this Time love the way this sounds With no Throttle see a light you know what we'll Just come around so I can get a little Closer I could have landed it there but I don't like walking So we'll kind of force it down right There see I could have let it come Closer but I needed that grass to touch Down so I kind of forced it down last Second anyway plates in one [Music] Piece Nice I had to try it that was oh my gosh I can't film planes without my without
All where did you go it's okay hey that Was pretty cool right that was cool Vertical Takeoff level yeah there we go good Job that was a lot of fun fixed it blew It and did a couple see I like to do This I like to try different things Every time I fly will I always know Sometimes the different thing is the Different airplane today sometimes when You crash that's when you like to try The different thing too yeah so crashing Sometimes is a good thing I think so it Just boosts your confidence like and I've never seen someone try to Vertical Let I didn't watch your face if you try That at home yeah of course I a little Nervous for you no I knew if it backed Down to back up right but I I felt it in My hand I gave it a little that's Unplugged I gave it a little throttle 3/4 I was like man that's pulling hard While it was kind of vertical I thought If I go full I guarantee that can climb Right out of there and it did so that Was really neat um never seen anybody do It or anything this felt like it could I'm sure I'm not the first to do that But first time for me and that's what's Fun for this Hobby in my opinion is just To try different things that's why I Crash that's why I crash probably more Often than some people No that was depth that was just depth
Perception I own that I take full Ownership on that one but other times That I crash like remember when you Challenged me to do the inverted show Pass that didn't work Well went straight the ground my brain Twisted on that one uh it's a great Airplane very repairable if it does Crash and it still flew extremely well I Love it I love the hobby I love doing What we do sharing these experiences With you guys I want to say massive Thanks to God for blessing us with today See that's still not really perfect is It it's still crooked a little crooked It really well so the wind straightens It out it does Just uh thank you God for blessing us With today just the day in general but Also this moment that we got to share With all of our friends I hope you Enjoyed this I know it's not a viral Video or anything like that not that any Of our videos are but patching together Foam with hot glue boy wouldn't that be Cool if we got 5 million views on this One not going to happen thanks YouTube thank you God for all of our Blessings from the 10 views we might get On this to just being been able to do This for the last 10 years I'm so Grateful to him and I'm so grateful to You guys watching us and supporting us We're actually on 11 just it's wild a
Decade on YouTube thank you thank you Thank you thank you a big thanks to our Patreon supporters too because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your amazing support and if You love RC pling tip videos I've got Another one and it did get pretty Popular we'll have that video popping up Right about now did you know about this One we'll see you there thanks for Watching bye [Music]