Imagine Flying THIS RC Warbird Plane For $109 – Top RC Hobby FW-190

Check out the FW-190 here:
Imagine Flying THIS RC Warbird Plane For $109. Well this Top RC Hobby FW-190 is an awesome RC plane. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the FW-190 here:

We recommend checking out these mini warbirds too:
Check out the Spitfire here:
Check out the P51 Warbird here:
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Check out the F-22 Raptor RC Smart Jet here:
Check out the BF109 here:
Check out the Eachine P47 here:
and the XK A210 Trojan here:
Check out the XK A260 Rarebear f8f here:
Check out the Eachine P-40 RC Plane here:
Check out the XK A250 BF-109 Fighter here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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#rcplane #rcairplane #fw190

We've been featuring planes like this on Our channel for years now but top RC Hobby has their own lineup and they're Actually different this will now be the Third in the series this is the FW 190 And it's a pretty cool little paint Scheme I like it a lot we have seen I Think an e Sheen fw190 or was that a Bf-109 I can't remember but there has Been a German war bird from the World War II era of these many warbirds on our Channel before the beautiful thing about These planes is they're very budget Friendly it all started back without Eachine P51 and that little plane has Taught so many people to fly despite its Small size they really do fly like big Scale warbirds in the beginner mode so My expectations are very high for this One to fly just as good as those we have Throttle control elevator control Rudder Control and yes Aileron control back in the day it just Used to be The back end and before that it was Throttle and Rudder only so it's really Cool to see such amazing technology Helping these little guys fly so well it Looks good it's a great deal will be Linked in the description box below Let's fly Foreign [Music] I like it so just like the others and I

Forgot you have to throttle up and Throttle Down to kind of bind it it's a Safety thing so you can't just bump the Throttle on the ground and I think That's a great idea this does have Optional landing gear comes with it You can slap those on if you want to do Ground takeoff and a ground Landing you Know my on the asphalt Runway here but I Think it looks so much better Flying Without those I prefer to do a hand Launch and a belly landing in the grass This does include also four double a Batteries in the transmitter when you Get it that's actually what I'm flying On Just for testing's sake but I highly Recommend that you guys put in your own Good new alkaline batteries these Batteries feel lighter than air almost So just keep that in mind I wouldn't Rely on these transmitter batteries that It comes with too awfully long but That's actually this top RC hobby brand It's just an old truck driving life Uh it has one of the only little micro Warbird brands that we've seen we've Seen a handful of them that includes the Batteries the double a batteries too and I think that's awesome talking about Batteries it comes with a USB charger And a lipo battery we can probably Fairly easily get a 12 to 15 minute Flight on this little airplane you're Probably noticing I'm just flying in a

Figure eight pattern here because these Fly really good in stabilized mode when You leave that stabilized mode not so Much we'll do it later in the video but This is where they shine And this airplane is very War Bird Collars so you know if you struggle to See little airplanes don't get this it's Camo it's dark it's gray even on a Bright pretty day like this you're Really just relying on a silhouette Flight for the most part but I can see That red stripe on the back near the Tail of the airplane that helps a lot This is just a cool flyer like every Like low throttle oh elevator up same Thing And we'll do a full throttle pass by Here in just a second let's bring it in We'll do try Full Throttle in this pass Full Throttle okay When your electric plane has a prop That's slightly off balance boy it just Sounds like a cool gas airplane [Applause] And you're not hurting anything you know You can balance it and get more Efficient flight but guys I've flown These little birds on Unbalanced busted this busted that bruh About everything on these little Airplanes with no issues I mean they're Just they're tough as nails they're very Cool it comes with a spare prop no one

Puts spare props with their airplanes Anymore these days it's really cool to See that it actually comes with one You're gonna take it out of stability it Never never does very well but we'll do It so it's out we can try to roll it hey Okay this is actually doing pretty good I say that it's very squirrel oh my God Hold on I'm off to the right we're going To try to do a loop out here Feels good I think I can actually fly This one I can't film this one yeah okay Oh my gosh I almost ate it But I'm telling you they can fly out of Stabilized mode paired with the cheaper Transmitter though uh and just the Squirreliness of a tiny airplane it's Very hard to make it look good out of Stabilized mode If you flew these and Only these all the time everywhere yeah Let's try one more time for like a roll Here I just I can't see you when you go so High it's a nice roll I just go up there For safety sake but let's try it one More time Abby right here three two one There see we can do it it can be done Now these have a stunt button but They're so finicky I can only get them To work about half the time but because That one rolled so well let's see if we Can get it can you keep it on this side Sure over here where I'm at now yeah Yeah so I was trying to do the stunt

Mode there let's try it again I will There hold the button give it the input And whoa did you see that that was wild Yeah I see your prop it's right So where's my finger there I did the stunt button and it did what It was supposed to do but a lot of times When you do that you press and hold and You perform the roll it's still in stunt Mode so I tried to pull back and it Tried to do a loop and it's Stunt button up here and I was too low To the ground when it did that so the Prop popped off but these props on these Planes are designed to do that so we Should just be able to Hopefully Line that up Snap it back on Yeah so my motor mount on that crash When I'm trying to push the prop on it Actually squished the motor back I think That's the first time you've ever broken One of these yes it is So you didn't break it yay I like working on airplanes I really do Especially electric and foam I just feel So confident with it now uh let's see if It flies Yeah not bad okay so I think what Happened was the motor actually got Squished back into the foam uh in the

Firewall or the it's just a foam wall Back there where the motor is mounted Too and so that was a pretty hard hit But as I said these things are nearly Indestructible and it's amazing I love Love love them and this top RC hobby Brand that's Linked In the description Box below has not disappointed they're Supposed to have a few more coming out From what we've been told Not sure if that's true and when we made The first video of these they're Actually impossible to find they Released them to us saying yeah they're Going to be ready like you know tomorrow And then they weren't and the video was Out there for like months and no one Could actually buy them unless you Emailed them and said hey I'm interested When you're selling I'm gonna have one Like it was horrible now they're Actually available at least the last Time we checked so the first three that Have been featured on our Channel this Now being the third should be available For purchase Linked In Our description Box below this is an awesome airplane Abby we could fly it and fly it and fly It all day but just for the sake of Everyone's attention and maybe we want You to go watch another one of our Videos let's land this and see if we can Get a fairly smooth Landing we're going To land to our back left here in the

Grass this is the only time I don't like Flying above asphalt we have to land Behind us so my Approach will be funny And we'll plop it down here and Off again There's a little Gap in between what you Guys just saw in this moment because This stuff always just draws a crowd People love it I always have an Experience or someone they know with an Experience and so I encourage you guys If I love that you watch our videos but I would love to know even more that you Fly so many of you guys do cars and Trucks or boats or drones and you've Never flown a plane before or it's the Other way around I encourage you guys Set aside some of that cheeseburger Money and uh buy me eats a lot of Cheeseburgers Yeah maybe more than I should set aside Some of your extra money whatever you Might spend it on and save up for a Little 100 or 200 airplane and really Open the doors to a new hobby it's Usually such nice people involved Everyone's so eager to help and learn And that's why I love the hobby it's Really fun flying these planes but it's More about the people it really is it's More about you guys watching there's the Radio just wanted to show it to you Nothing fancy but it definitely gets the Job done that guy who's a full Scale

Pilot the one I was just talking to and He just couldn't believe how amazing This little thing flew he said he'd have Troubles flying it well I guarantee if I Handed the controls to him and I'd be Happy to he did he didn't want to he Could easily fly it because of that Stabilized mode basic knowledge of Aviation you can easily fly one of these Even with no knowledge of Aviation so if Not for this get something a little bit Bigger that's easier to see maybe like The Arrow Scout willing that maybe in The description box below if anyone asks About it we have tons of videos on our Channel this is so tough though I Crashed it twice and I could still just Chuck it and go fly it again now you Guys saw me I've flown at this point now 46 percent Giant Gas biplanes with smoke Singular not plural uh and so you know I've learned a hundred dollar thing and Big giant gas thing that one battery in That plane costs more than this whole Setup so what I'm saying is everything In between right this to as big as it Gets and there's better way better than What I bought way more expensive than That big biplane but my point is I even Crashed this SWAT twice really so with That said I would not fly anything from This to the big stuff without being Insured there's one and only one Reputable good viable RC insurance

Company that's out there that's the Academy of model Aeronautics we call Them AMA it's not just for planes it's For cars trucks boats all of that too Helicopters everything uh drones too But if you're going to consider flying Something I highly recommend you pick up AMA because for cheaper than this setup You can be insured for all your stuff Not just one airplane for the entire Year and get a magazine subscription so You've got to fly with AMA they'll be Linked in the description box below and For today you guys look at this look is This this is what life is about it's the Day it's taking a few minutes to go fly Something sharing these experiences Together but it's so much easier when You have a beautiful day like today and For that I thank God thank God for this Breadth of fresh air that I'm breathing Today and just the ability to be here And sharing this experience with you I Am grateful while we're on the topic of Thanks oh and also say a massive thanks To our patreon supporters you guys are The best we have new patrons old patrons That everyone in between we thank you From the bottom of our hearts we'll have Another one of these cool little top RC Hobby planes popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye [Music]

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