New Kit Releases: September 27, 2022

hey guys Richie here from RW Hobbies with a brand new feature on the channel and that is new kit releases not sure if it's gonna be any use to anybody so please let me know in the comments below if there's something you find useful and you'd like me to continue maybe on a monthly basis um if not if it's not much use let me know also because it's quite time consuming putting the slides together so if you don't really find much use it I'm not going to bother doing it but I'm hopefully find it useful and go for about 20 slides or so um I from New kits I found on searching the internet last couple of weeks or so and these are all um as of time of recording their September 27th 2022 um it'd be all kinds of different genres as you'll see as we go through from aircraft to armor to cars to helicopters to motorcycles all kinds of stuff just kind of pick some interesting stuff I've noticed and I thought I'd share with you guys um definitely some limited edition stuff too so you can get your pre-orders in and not miss out so without further Ado let's go through here and um the first one here is brand new um announcement from Meng and that's a 48 scale Phantom the wild weasel and there's actually going to be two hardwood weasels in this one there'd be another one later on from different manufacturer but this one looks really nice typical Meng looks really nicely detailed it probably won't be super cheap um it's 48 scales I mentioned and um just looking at the cad drawing here and having recently built well a year or two ago building the Super Hornet it'd probably be quite big panel lines just a heads up like pretty gum being on the um the Hornet so but men it'll go together beautifully and be beautiful plastic and especially the cockpit there and the canopy just looks quite delightful so the first one there um I found is the f4g Phantom 2 again in 48 scale next up something else just announced last week and that is tack em 35th scale Apache um both Longbow and a guardian versions 35th scale like I mentioned and it's something we've definitely been asking for for quite some time um Apache is a pretty prominent helicopter um platform that's been out many years now and it's not too many out there in terms of model kits so it's nice to see Tech and bring this one out I'm sure it'd be a really good seller for them and um let's just bring out some really great subjects right now attack him all different they were just pretty much armor but to bring out helicopters they're bringing out boats all kinds of interesting you know subject matter so this is the um yeah Apache um again no real CAD drawings or renderings yet all we've seen so far is just this picture right here um which I've displayed on the slide next up is the game from tacom something very different is the mq-8b fire Scout and it looks like it's one plus one which I believe in Tekken world is you can build two versions basically from the kit so I believe you get one in there and you can either build the one on the left or the right there are some subtle differences but it's um basically kind of like a helicopter drone I guess rifle models another one of the interior kits I've got quite a few of these in my stash of different types and um not the leopard but this is a brand new one coming out I think it's just been released in the Far East um so if you search online you probably get them on eBay and those kind of places um leopard 2a6 full interior beautiful looking tank and you can see there it looks quite nice with the engine detail um actually I've got a few very manufacturers of the Interior ones but yet to build them but it definitely looks a very nice one to add to the collection next up border models 35th scale Kodiak um yeah not too much to know about this one but again there's a picture there it looks like you get some nice photo etch on there and an interesting um German armor subject modern models again the apocalypse this is um a fantasy kind of piece of armor now the interesting thing about this I noticed it says snap fit and painted so no glue or paint required so look at the picture there I'll be very surprised if it looks that good I think it's bringing pretty much weapon but I'm guessing you're getting color sprues and um yeah snap together kit so interesting it looks pretty cool I might be buying one this looks like an interesting subject and again a 35th scale so it won't be tiny by any means but yeah just very interesting to see how it looks once we get for fit pictures from this guy because again it says it is painted but on that picture there you know it just looked very nicely done and I'd be surprised at it how it comes out of the box border models again U-Boat section we'd known about this I think for a while I think we're getting close towards release date now uh maybe the next few months or so but just a cool subject because especially for your diorama kind of guy is out there and girls because it's 35th scale which is gonna be pretty big but you just got the section you're not not got a whole U-Boat which obviously be massive so we've got a nice section there and um of the deck and you get I'm not sure if you get the figures with it or not but it'll make it definitely make a nice diorama if they don't get the figures with a kit I'm sure you could definitely get an aftermarket set to add those to it but yeah just a cool phrase something very different I think it'd be a great display piece okay this one's actually released and this is Zuki Morris 32nd scale bf-109 um the heartman the um Edition and the it's first release of this um the brand new release you do get the figure in the resin figure with the kit for the first run of um I don't know how many kits but I guess Suzuki more has been around for 10 years now this is a 10th anniversary kit and um yes provided available came out last couple of weeks and it's not a bad price Suzuki more used to always be very expensive but with they've kind of kept their prices pretty stable whereas everybody else has kind of come up to meet them so this is um in the US this is 95 um at most places and I think it's not bad for a 30 second scale kit I've actually just bought this myself actually earlier today and I'm looking forward to building this and as you can see the picture there it it has fully detail has all the frames um all the structure so my plan with this one when I do build it will be to do it um open you know with so you can drop hiding all that panels having it open so you can see the actual frame and the structure of the aircraft the engine all that kind of parts so there's a few little there's quite a few actually um reviews on YouTube you can check out and see the plastic but it does look a beautiful kit and um yeah I'll be definitely building and building on my channel so if you want to see me build this one and you haven't done so already please hit the Subscribe button and follow along with me as I build this hopefully um later on this year hit me with zukimura um second wild weasel so we saw the Meng version and this is zukimura's this has been out well been announced for a while now but I think it's finally started shipping I think last couple days I think it's starting ship out and um some hidden stores very soon it does look very awesome I'm not a big Phantom guy and but I've been holding out and not bought any zuka Mora kits um they pretty much have every Phantom out you can think of different versions and I've been holding out for the wild weasel um more of an Air Force guy myself and just I like look at this guy um with the harm missiles and all the rest of it so I've been holding out for this one I've been waiting a couple years actually and now it's kind of starting to ship out hit the stores so like I mentioned so I think I might be picking this one up myself as well 48 scale and tsuki Morris it'll be fantastic and I think you're probably looking around about 80 bucks for this one again um that price has been pretty stable um the fountain's been around 75 80 for a few years now whereas audio manufacturers have been seen coming up from like 50 60s up to 100 marks so yeah good good on them to keep in mind to keep the price stable and um what used to be very expensive kit is no longer you know now it's in the same ballpark as um all the other people out there so you have a choice you have the main one or zukimura I guess if you want why wild weasel so like waiting for buses wait for a long time then you get two out at the same time this is something I'm very excited about follows my channel no I'm a big tornado fan and a lot of tornadoes in my stash and this is Edward's limited edition this is gonna be the fourth one I believe I'm looking over at my stash here I have the desert babe I have the ECR and I have the farewell tornado and it's a bit of fourth one which I'll definitely be picking up myself and this is the German IDs version as always with these kits um with these 48 scale ones it's a it's the Revel sprues which so-so um but if adding extra so you're getting the seats and the resin seats some PE and the resin Wheels there and you're also get a painting mask and seven mask options they've got five pictured on there they're all looking pretty awesome I think for Me Maybe the fifth one the bottom one there looks probably one old Curry go for um the Marine one but there's two other ones we don't know about yet but this was just announced but Edward normally pretty good they normally release pretty quickly so I'd imagine no this being September we'll probably see this lightly in November or December and um yeah it should be a really nice kit again another one nice one for the stash with some beautiful markings and if you know if you do take a look on there on that second picture related products I think Edward does seem to do now is they seem to dumb down their packs a little bit and it needs seem to kind of um throw more like like kind of micro transactions like they've so you got one two three four five six seven eight nine different sets there you can buy four is outside of The Binding kit so if you want to buy like the G GBU 24s or the um the harm missiles or whatever it's like there's nuclear bombs with B6 is that b61 I can't quite read that um so yeah all that kind of stuff you can buy extra now so that's how they make their money I guess in the microtransactions but yeah this is awesome looking kit um do love by tornadoes and I guess I'll be spending quite a lot of money because this number one I will be purchasing myself something a little bit different um Trumpeter if you like your Russian stuff mi8 helicopter in 48 scale I think they have a 35th one now they downsized it to the 48th scale Tamia I think this is just starting to ship out as well this is um they call it fair lady Z but I think in America we call it a 370Z it's um the latest car the road card 24 scale and a seam spiritual tradition comes with some masks I'm not sure they're die cut or not I think the cars they typically are whereas the aircraft for some reason they aren't die-cut um but yeah nice little road car there and um some interesting covers as well latest bike I think this is released I think this is on its way out if it hasn't been released by time in this video I think it will be out any day and this is um Ducati super oh I'm gonna butcher pronunciation but I think it's leguera out V4 um what can we say about Tamia bikes they're absolutely fantastic kits they amazing engineering um unfortunately seem to bring up maybe one possibly two a year and this time around it's going to be this Ducati looks absolutely beautiful if you're into your bikes you can see they're just the way your second picture at the bottom just the engineering evolved it just a lot of paint um but they go full together and just again just beautiful works of art so yeah tell me a 12th scale Ducati next up um the third and I think really the final of the model kits being released in this Wave by Tamir is going to be the British um comets tank the a34 12 that's typo it's not 12 scale it's 20 it's um 35th scale so 35th scale um it's not that big so 35th scale Comet tank and um but it looks like we get a couple of figures and looks like I think for that picture I put in looks like it's um length and Link tracks Great Wolf Hobbies next round is a semi-second scale f-15c and this one is the 45 years in Europe now I think they this has been the lake and Heath one and I'm pretty sure by now they've probably um got rid of audio 15s replaced on the f-35s um but interesting markings two Bobs just released these markings I think I definitely have the 48th scale once possibly 70 second scale as well but it's got a very interesting uh markings about the coffin for the speed break and um to kind of remember okay Memorial some some people got lost um some air crew I guess so very nice looking markings um this there's a bit of semi-second scale kit which is absolutely beautiful I do have the 48th scale kit by them and I do have the two Bob decals which are identical to this as well but really nice kit um these ones I built them before um the different versions and um yeah this will be um I'm not sure if it's out yet in Europe or us but I might be in over in Asia this one is I'm not sure status of it so we I think February is when we first heard about it so the 30 second scale Raptor um jet mats so jet mats is going to be all resin so this thing's gonna be a beast it's gonna be very heavy big lump um I've built on the channel the vegan and that was a beautiful kit it was very challenging um but it's a lot of work and a lot of satisfaction um and and a great great fun to work with so um I'm sure to spit it same so you've only large scale Raptor check out this one with jet mans they only seem to do like 500 per piece so oh wait it's always prune you know keep keeping on the Facebook page um and just or the website and check check it out regularly um for their new releases we've been wrapped or whatever it is and then once you can get on there place the um deposit and get the pre-ordering because that's that's what I did with the vegan and I know a lot of people missed out so if you do want a 30 30 seconds or Raptor I have no idea if they've done the pre-release um taking the orders or not yet but just check out their Facebook page or website and you can see more information about that this one is um BBK semi-second scale Poseidon now besides based upon a 737 and they also released a 737 bpk did about two years ago I think it was and it's a beast so like I've mentioned there it's two foot long basically it's 21.5 inches long plus you've got the wingspan it's basically a 72nd scale 737 um it's gonna be a handful I think I what I've seen I've seen a hand one or two people build this and um typical short run kit you're going to need plenty of patience sanding filling you know getting these fuse large Parts together as you can see there it's not one section you've got a rear section the front and then a nose so on each side so you basically have six pieces I'm guessing to get together the um well actually maybe probably four plus those to get together the um the main fuselage so it'd be a handful but it's gonna be massive um it's gonna be very impressive once it's done if you want the civilian version then you can definitely go out and find that pretty easily the 737 on eBay or the usual places and 72nd scale just the only thing is there's not many decal options available um at all so not many aftermarket so if you want the civilian version I think you've got Qantas and a couple other um maybe and that's pretty much it so but yeah if I'm Poseidon I'm not sure it's out yet I think it's soon but yeah it'd be semi-second scale and that is it so we've run through my I think of 17 slides in total so hopefully you found that one somewhat interesting um if you have please let me know um thumbs up all that kind of jazz and I'm happy to do it again um make this a regular feature on the channel um but yeah just want to showcase some amazing new products coming out we are pretty much blessing in but we have such you know a huge array I just picked a handful out here but it's so much um coming out especially this time of year as we're coming towards Christmas as well there's a lot of new products coming out but yeah thank you for watching as always again this is Richie from Adobe hobbies and I'll see you next time bye

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