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This is the UDIRC UDI023Pro (the brushed version is also available) self righting RC jet ski jet boat! In this video we take this RC jet boat to the lake and even try to take the infamous Barbie for a spin. Let us know your thoughts about this RC jet ski in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen

#rc #rcboat #rcjetski

[Music] Can you take one step Back oh man that's Hilarious Oh when all else fails poke it with a Stick Abby and I have been eyeing this RC jet ski for quite some time it is Very cool looking but it does look like It's missing something right so we've Got a guest coming back to the channel That hasn't been on the channel since Previous torture of the motorcycle I Thought I saw her that's not the same Barbie the other one has full cast and Doesn't stand much of a chance anymore So she's been Replaced why is submerging RC boats Under the water so much cuz it sounds so Cool look look at you go that was so Cool we're going to run this the way it Is and see how it performs because That's the way it was meant to run and Then we're going to slap her on there With some zip ties and stuff and see if It can perform with a rider it has Really cool lights there's a lot of cool Things to love about this even the price So let's power it on and have some Fun oh a light yes well I like it has Headlights hold on let me see the inside Oh yeah okay it is uh brushless powered And water cooled independent ESC and Receiver it's very nice hobby grade did We mention it's a jetbat as well so it's

A an actual jet ski jet boat there's no No exposed prop is that three Jet Boats This week so far two black jack was not A jet boat okay I missed the boat on That One that funny you guys remember how the Last one ended let's see if it'll self Right That oh yeah we're going to get right Yeah nice that's what you thought the This is udrc too so that's pretty cool Very agile little jetbat and let's blast Oh okay not very fast let's see if we Have some speed options but that is way Slower than the jetbat we just featured Yesterday on the channel that doesn't Mean it's Bad I was expecting faster though to be Very honest with you okay let's just Look at the controller and we have This oh self- ring button we have to Test that light button so we can turn The lights on and off they're off now They're on now so see blurry and let's Just throw the switch over Here oh yeah good speed rate nice so it Does go faster that makes me happy Great now for the sake of testing I want To test the self- riding button so get Over here jet boat little jet ski we're Going to do the self- riding button and Then we're going to give you a passenger After That so we go in we know it can do it so

I throw it out a little farther we we're Going to press this Button I love Automation that was cool right that was Cool the only other thing that has that Is a really nice um prob booat and a Traxxas so really cool udrc good job Okay let's go for passenger and then Aby's going to take the Controls this is self- riding you know We could have made it all of boat week Without having to use our kayak but for Some reason had one we had won yeah but We got lucky well yeah we got lucky with Our friends right but now something Tells me oh yeah we're going to have to Take out a fullsize kayak to rescue Barbie today yeah maybe you're just Wanting to get the kayak out aren't you Well we brought it out So look get her she's pretty Happy what's bu saying people say money Can't buy happiness but you've never Seen someone frown on a jet ski Something like That that's good okay Oh my gosh oh I get to drive with the Top heavy Barbie yeah that seems fair Yeah oh you want me to no I'll drive Yeah looks fun Okay so far so good okay take it easy on Her at first you got this that's pretty Cool honestly oh oh no I didn't even get A shot of her flipping over this isn't

Going to work is It no way Abby can you uh self-writing Ain't going to work Okay well Oh I thought that would work a Little better than that the kayak yeah Man I honestly thought that would work a Little Better oh no no get good Balance get good balance for her yeah That's we're we're doing okay right now There we go keep it close keep it close So it's working super Slow okay oh oh oh oh That is so funny man that's a shame that It's just a little top heavy you kind of Have to like counter steer when you see Her tip oh man that's Hilarious Oh we need life jackets we need life Jackets bring some Cutters yes I did rip Her off there here your ride has ended Please get off the jet boo Ski see what you where did the zip ties Go pick them up they're bright oh I see I see I see no I never litter like these All their litter Bugs uhoh I know Know Two it's my turn still oops that's not The controller that's not a Controller this is the Controller no rocks in There uh-oh it's [Applause]

Jammed here shake it around Big old Barbie made a rock go up our Butt broke our Jetbat uhoh I think you're going to take That Apart and save It you think that's why there's some Screws right there yeah that's never Happened before maybe the inlet was just A little too wide maybe yeah I saw I got A small rock out of there yeah what if You reset it just curious what if it's Like can those types of things get Seized up no I see it in there oh okay I Had like oh n and Sticks when all else fails poke it with A Stick give it mouth to mouth I can see the Rock in there Abby I see It that could work don't shove it back In there I know there haha give it power Yeah baby okay now I get to drive it yes Thank goodness Barbie your fault you Just skim the Rocks again probably ate Another rock okay watch the small Pebbles crazy oh Abby you're submerging It nice Yes submarine jet Ski that's so Awesome yeah so I mean you know that can Happen to any RC much water do you think This will hold I don't think any's going To be in There oh just suck in air that's why

Okay nice you see the turret it's going Under the water it does so with that Rock being sucked in definitely don't Want to drive it like our other ones Huh I Agree that's so cool do you like this One I Do it's going underwater every time you Do a bonut it goes under huh every time I Turn oh that's funny 180 it's going Under all right I'll bring it Back you can do that a little closer so If it bounces and kind of goes out of Water then it can't really go go if it Sucks air yeah that's so cool that it's Going under like every time you want OT it's still really cool they did a Good job with it if they made a slightly Bigger version it could hold oh yeah Nice I let off the throttle cuz it was Going toward those lily Pads why is submerging RC boats under The water so much cuz it sounds so cool Look look that you go that was so Cool you were like the lock Nest monster For a minute was how do I do that again Turned llama mode oh my [Music] Gosh it went Under and this has the self-writing Button doesn't it yes I like that now You can't even get it to flip though you Get it to submerge pretty

Easily nice if it was a little more Powerful it could be one of those stat Uh stunt Jet Boats step boats step Boats the only thing I would like to see Is The steering wheel the handles the Handles thank you yeah to move with it Right that would be Cool yeah that would be cool the little Like stream of water yeah well it's very Realistic isn't it the water cool right Yeah but real jet skis do that too it's So Cute really Cool I love boat Week as you're driving this think think About what your favorite boat of boat Week is that's actually hard difficult N that's hilarious that just did it all On its Own if you drove this Oh at the beach with waves it'd probably Go under every wave it would you think We could save it after driving it in Salt water yes so everybody asks can you Drive hary boats in salt water it's a Risk the answer is yes yes it'll drive Great in salt water one time it's how It's if you maintain it after driving it In salt water will it run again it's a Risk if the best thing in the world you Could do is drive it in the ocean salt Water and then find a body of fresh Water like this and just play with it

For three more minutes and that pretty Much rinses it out but also take your Hose to it at the end of the day and Just really thoroughly rinse out inside And out of the boat to get all that salt Out of there cuz salt is very hard on Electronics Nice I love the sound it [Music] Makes I do this for a long time me too I Did that with the blue it looks so Cool if you have not liked this video You will like this Video hit the like button and subscribe Sign up for patreon support oh sorry That was a little too Far we'll hypnotize you guys to do free Stuff but never ever ever stuff that Takes your [Music] Money I like this one I do too it's fun And stinking Barbie over there you could Have had so much fun if you weren't so Tall if your head wasn't so heavy you Should have Amilia has like a tiny Barbie you should have got that thing Yeah so like a smaller Chelsea or Something a smaller doll would do better She is she maybe we might need to save Her here she's fell falling over in the Water all right let's see if there's any Water that was Fun should I walk out and get it or you Going to drive it

Up ready ready [Music] Freddy thanks now that was just mean she Helped us dock the Boat okay love the lights really love Those lights I hear water sloshing just So you know yeah there's quite a bit There's quite a bit of water let's be Honest that's a lot of water and that's Why we do our videos right we always do A water test washing because some boats Don't do that so it's really nice to Show off the ones that don't is it bad That even though it did that I still Really like it oh there's there's no Hate on it the way we were driving it And stuff yeah that's a great boat I Love it it's Unique right there's a lot Of boats that just look like boats That's a really cool jet ski and if you Love it like we do it's linked in the Description box below and with any luck I've got water splashed on my glasses Abby will have a cool coupon code just For our viewers our subscribers next to The link for this jet ski man that's Cool it's kid safe cuz the prop and Stuff is up in there fully protected I Love that it's not overly fast but fast Enough to have some fun and turn some Heads and the fact that it's a jet ski With seats on here means you can buy Different sized GI Jo Joe Barbie Whatever our Yeti maybe would fit on

Here if you can drive it better than us Yeah and that would be really cool to Experiment with different drivers for That because there's actually two seats You maybe could fit two drivers on there That's really cool it's really fun again Linked In the description box below I Want to say a massive thanks to God for Blessing us with this beautiful evening To get out here and share this boat week With you it's been a blast and we Actually have one more surprise coming To the channel one more boat so a little Oh so I don't have to pick my favorite Today not yet no one more shot right and Um I'm not sure that it's anything crazy But it's just a good classic that really Belongs in boat week and it wouldn't be But week without something like this so We've got to check it out and it is new It's never been on the channel before I Want to say massive thanks to our Patreon supporters as well as thanking God for today for funding this video we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your insanely awesome support If you guys love awesome RC boats we Just featured a really cool one on the Channel you might have missed it and Just in case we'll have that video Popping up right about now thanks for Watching see you there bye

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