Check out this RC boat here:
HOLY STONE/DEERC gave us a coupon code for you to get 30%, we filmed the video, and then they TOOK IT AWAY this morning. We are very disappointed as should you be. We are hoping they make things right. We have threatened to never work with them again if they don’t turn the code back on. Here is the code they originally gave us: 30trslhj812
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Check out this RC boat here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

#emergencyroom #ervisit #rcplane

It's fall and it's boat week so I'm Happy especially just getting out of the Hospital and recovering there's nothing Like coming back for boat week we picked This up on Amazon and if you use our Link in the description box below we Have a coupon code that's exclusive to Us if you click the link and at checkout On Amazon enter in the code you'll get 30 off making this boat 30 dollars so This is going to be a great one for kids Um in small bodies of water today we got Like a glass Lake which is awesome and Super calm out today and this one's cool Because it has the shark teeth Decals and the eyes are actually LED Lights let's take a look at the inside Now it is a brushed system but it's only 30 bucks and the nice thing it's water Cooled it comes with a rechargeable Battery and as you can see a USB charger A nice little radio Fair prop a little Proper moving tool and a nice boat stand It's a great little setup so in today's Video we're run this Slurs and just have some fun because I Just got out of the hospital and uh That's the best way that I can come back To the channel is with the boat week so Let's go all right Nate are the lights On let's see oh yeah they're blue I like That Anyone wanting to know this does fit on The axial trailer

And we already have power so just be Careful there is not a water activated Uh power system on this so the lake Looks low today can you even reach it You might have to go down there out There oh my goodness I don't know if This has self-writing yeah so we got to Test it over there let's see Oh it does awesome I love the colors of this one Just looks good hey I'm supposed to go First water look at the lights stop All right Abby's got control of the Little guy this is a good boat I uh I Don't want you guys to get the wrong Idea here or anything we love our big Fast hug oh geez Oh I really my heart jumped we're walking This trying to film and drive the boat I Mean come on we love our big hobby grade Expensive boats but a boat like this is So nice too because it gives you a solid Introduction into the hobby of RC boats For a fraction of the cost this because Of our coupon code is actually cheaper Than some batteries for boats that we Drive and this is just a good way to Kick off boat week and I want to let you Guys know things are going to get bigger And more powerful as boat week Progresses we tend to do that we start With the small things and work then why Not why not but I like to do this

Because it's a good introduction to the Hobby it's a good introduction to boat Week so for thirty dollars this is fully Proportional meaning very nice stair However much or however little you want Same with throttle you can go slow or Fast and I'm wondering there is a Channel 3 little button Oh that's yourself writing so if it was Upside down it has the auto self-writing Button Yeah I don't think Driving in really strong currents you Know it's nice I mean this is just Um [Laughter] Yeah good way to start off the week Abby Uh I love the little lights on the side If it was dark you could see those Better this is actually almost too fast For your average swimming pool So it's not a great one for pool with Little little kids right But it is great for just a small pond or A big lake like this we're on a calm day Now when I plug the battery in the Transmitter beeped and that does let me Think that we have some level of Telemetry which is kind of crazy on a Cheaper little boat like this and I I Just think for thirty dollars again Because of the coupon code I think it's Normally like 40 bucks or so you you can Uh find much better in that price range

Did you just go under the dock oh my Goodness I was just doing Just sitting so cool that they put Lights on boats now I feel like I don't know five years ago they didn't Have no fun though But now it's starting to become a Standard and I like it and not just Slapping lights on there but it's super Creative because they got the shark Mouth on the front And the the eyes are the lights It's insanely awesome can you guys Actually see that it's an overcast yeah All I can see is splashing into the Water too Right around there Abby's a good Distance right there yeah keep it right There Yeah you can see the lights in the water That's really cool A little rooster tail just a little one And look we're out here the leaves are Just starting to change colors it's Beautiful out Feels good I'm just in a T-shirt and Jeans first Jeans day of the year I gave in yep I don't think I had to Have jeans today but yeah I went with it Happy's all decked out in jeans and Sweatshirt She's crazy she's gonna she's in for a Brutal winter

That's a really cool boat Abby I really Like it and Let's do a water test we can't not do a Water test okay yeah we always try not To cut hello today try not to cut or Anything so you guys see the actual Proof here the evidence did it take on Any water it was upside down Abby drove It pretty hard kill the throttle right There Okay we're gonna run down [Music] All right I'm gonna trade off Abby's got the camera okay [Music] Let's bring it right up here I can't Believe how low the water is today Unlock it Look at that the light is actually Glowing on my arm you see that from the Eye nice I mean that is fairly bright And do we have any water in here we Would think not now the one thing I Don't love and yes there's there's no Water so no there's no one that's Correct yes there's no water no there's No water no there is yes There's a foam seal around the bow and Just to be super clear there is no water In here there's a foam seal around the Boat and that's doing a great job at Keeping the water out keep in mind this Was upside down at the beginning of the Video uh the one thing I don't love

About this system this boat specifically And one other boat we've had on the Channel is the battery placement and Location it's a little close to that Servo arm so you got to be careful about How you get the battery placed in there But then also there's no strap or Anything there see the battery came Disconnected and that tells us we have Telemetry if we get a low battery the Radio is going to beep at us or if we Lose range so I love that the Servo arm Could rub if you don't get it in there Perfectly which is about like this but There's no strap or velcro or anything In there it does seat perfectly if You've got these two little pegs here That hold the battery in place but I Mean that could eventually get a little Rough on your battery so I would put Some foam padding on both sides of that And then you'd be pretty much perfect For more longevity durability on your Battery this is linked down in the Description box below for you to check Out and remember if you use that custom Coupon code down there during checkout On Amazon you'll get 30 off so it's Pretty cool and they kind of hide where To put the coupon code so you kind of Gotta dig but I believe it's around Where it says something like gift cards Yeah right around there and sometimes it Doesn't take it the first time so you

Have to do it again it's a little bit Annoying it's kind of a bad system on Amazon's part but it will go through I've tested it and it'll work so thirty Dollars for this that's a great like Birthday gift or Christmas gift for Somebody I I really like this I really Like it looks it performed really well For the price and so I really have Nothing to complain about just a Reminder using that link helps support Our channel so we can keep bringing free Content to you plus it helps our family Out and with me just getting out of the Hospital we need all the help we can get Financially right now and also if you Watched the last video where I kind of Talked about the experience Everybody was Um I guess I wasn't very clear on what Happened I just said I had gallbladder Surgery they actually removed my Gallbladder so uh now I don't have an Appendix in the gallbladder plus I've Had a C-section so now three abdominal Surgeries nine incisions on my stomach Total Um but yeah so they removed the Gallbladder and then they checked for Like any blockages or whatever and Everything was good so I have my Follow-up appointment here in about a Week and so hopefully I'm good to go and Everything looks good when I go there

But I feel pretty good I'm just taking Ibuprofen 800 milligrams and right now I'm only on like twice a day in the Morning and before I go to bed to help Me sleep a little better so I'm doing Pretty good for So pretty happy and uh just an update For you guys who are wondering what Actually happened during the surgery all Right so for an awesome boat for a Healthy me we're getting healthy me I Want to thank God it's a great day and I'm so happy to kick this week off with Boat week for you guys so stay tuned Because we have some bigger and maybe Some more expensive but probably funner I don't know it depends on your opinion We'll have those coming up on the Channel soon I also want to say a huge Thanks to our Patron family members you Guys are awesome and we appreciate you So much I will have an awesome boat Video popping up right about now that I Highly recommend you check this one out Because I love it we'll see you over There Thank you [Music]

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