World’s BEST EASIEST TO FLY CHEAP RC Helicopter!!!

Check out this RC helicopter here:
In this video we fly the RC era c138 bell 206 RC helicopter. This comes in around $70, but can also be upwards of $100 based on the options you select. Let us know your thoughts about this RC heli in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out this RC helicopter here:

Check out the other blue helicopter Nate mentioned here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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The biggest problem we're seeing in the RC scale Helicopter World these days is Not the awesome scale looks of these Things or even their performance Although that does come into play Sometimes and that's the beauty of Watching our videos the biggest issue We're seeing in the scale helicopter World is price we've been showing you Guys some really cool military Helicopters but unfortunately they come In anywhere between $4 and $700 and even More expensive for a couple other Options so we featured a smaller very Cool bright red and yellow helicopter Recently on the channel and it was Somewhat of a budget helicopter but Unfortunately it was still a little bit Pricey right in that $150 to $200 price Range so check out this beautiful scale Helicopter and the good news is it comes In about half the price of that last one At least this should be right around $0000 so it says that it's got some Really cool features to help beginners Learn how to fly but also I think Anybody that's been in the hobby for Years and years can appreciate this Helicopter and it is completely ready to Fly with the radio it has altitude hold Which helps you fly completely assisted Especially for beginners just like Drones a GPS drone if you've ever flown One of those and if you haven't that's

Okay it just makes this a little easier To fly and they kept it very very scale Looking which I absolutely love so we Just want to put this in the air and see How it does so let's [Music] Fly okay this does have an auto takeoff Button so because it has it I want to Take advantage of that so let's try that Out I'm just going to press one Button and there it goes this is all the Helicopter now I want to see now you see How it's drifting away the Box actually Says that it has visual position hold But it does not so I'm wondering if for This Bell Helicopter they've reused the Box uh from another helicopter that does Have visual position hold what that does If you're not familiar is just holds the Helicopter in place if you let go of the Controls so I'm Letting Go visual Position hold would just lock it in but You see how it's drifting that drift is From the wind we have about a 2 mph Breeze or so and it's pushing it down That way so it doesn't have visual Position hold hopefully the website Listing doesn't say that it does however It does have altitude hold so I'm not Having to mess around with throttle if I Just want the helicopter to hover that's Nice because check this out I can just Let go of the left stick it goes to Center and the helicopter hovers on its

Own that makes it easier to fly in my Opinion for a beginner if you just want To fly your helicopter around and make It look really Cool just like this it comes out of the Box Like this there's no assembly required That beautiful scale look is exactly Like that right out of the box which I Think is really awesome and as I said It's ready to fly it doesn't just come With the radio it comes with a charger And in case in our case we have two Flight batteries so that's nice the Downside is they are proprietary Batteries but in my opinion when Something comes in as easy to use as This and it functions well and at this Price point personally I'm a little more Okay with propri batteries I would like To see this flying on like a Molex Connector under a battery hatch but I Get it I guess uh I don't know if that Would increase their sales much more I Do know that it makes some people mad When you use proprietary batteries so You know that that is what this is doing And very few helicopters these days are Using like a universal plug so Unfortunately if we want to enjoy these Helicopters that's the current situation With batteries that we have now it does Have three flight modes too and I've Been in uh flight mode one believe it or

Not fighting through this wind so let's Increase those speeds flight mode two we Get two beeps it should be a little Faster feels like it is don't get a huge Difference out of that but just enough To fight a light Breeze actually sounds pretty good too Let's check this Out you know we're fly this like we've Uh We've spotted the bad guy or the news Crew right here we go and we're just Banking tight to keep a shot on him so He doesn't get away chasing the guy Down Eyes in the sky for the police right at Least at least for their TV ratings it Looks like now that's a light on the Front and you guys can see that now but It kind of almost resembles what those Cameras look like on the bottom of news Choppers which I think is pretty cool Let's go up to flight mode three And see if that makes much of a Difference you know for pitch I'm not Feeling much of a difference but maybe That yaw speed is increased so let's Actually give that a good test here we Go in flight mode 3 is full yaw which is Rotation and we'll bump it down to Flight mode one see how much slower that Is and Three about double the speed or so Between one and three flight mode two Feels really good on a day where you Have a light Breeze what you don't want

To do when you're a beginner pilot Though if you buy this as a first Helicopter and man this would make such A good first helicopter so good it's Teaching a lot of orientation a little Bit of throttle management but also it's Teaching you how to fight the wind I Love this helicopter and especially for The price point as a first helicopter so Here's some great advice for you guys if You're going to fly your first Helicopter like this not a cheap little Walmart you know fly at once and throw It away kind of thing you want to aim The helicopter away from you and that Way when you push left on the controls Guess where the helicopter goes It goes Left when you push right it goes to the Right so when you're flying this thing Your job on your first flight is to kind Of keep it in this invisible box in Front of you you don't necessarily want To fly right off the ground you would Think that's the safest place to be but You are fighting your own prop wash when You're down there really close to the Ground so I say about waist or chest Height even head height is a good place To be or maybe even 10 ft high or so but Keep it in that box and get a feel for The helicopter what happen s is you face The helicopter away like toward you like This and now when I push right on the Controller the helicopter actually goes

To our left but it's still going to its Right when I push left it goes to its Left but it's going right to us and that Seems like common sense but when you're Flying a helicopter for the first time You're in the moment and maybe a breeze Comes along and it messes with you trust Me the fact that the controls are Opposite while facing this direction is Enough to mess up the best of Pilots Sometimes we see airplane pilots flying Their planes upside down like myself and Uh you know you forget the controls are Reversed and it can end in a crash so Get your first few flights in by facing The helicopter away just like this I Love the fact that this is a fly bar Less helicopter and I think it's Boasting something like 15minute flights Too so guys because this is just a scale Helicopter like this and Abby and I have A couple more projects we want to work On today for content for the channel I Don't think we're going to do a full Battery but I'm very impressed by this Thing it's flight performance the scale Looks it's absolutely awesome I'm going To land it and I'm going to tell you Guys a pro tip before we end the video So here we go let's just land it this is A manual Landing we're not doing the Auto Landing so cool now I love the bright of This thing it just pops it looks good in

The sky and it's easy to see so if You're thinking maybe that's kind of a Smaller helicopter it is but the nice Thing about the size of this helicopter Is you can fly it really anywhere you Could even with some skill some Experience you could fly this inside Your own home so you know I wouldn't Really encourage that because it's a Nice hobby grade helicopter but you Could if you had maybe access to a Basketball court or something like that A gymnasium told you guys it had that Really bright light on the front which Is really nice you could do some night Flying with this and it would keep Orientation well because you even have a Red light on the back I love how they Painted the props too because they just Looked really cool in the air now this Helicopter will be linked in the Description box below and I'm going to Encourage you guys to use that link for A few different reasons one is because Let's be honest it does help our Channel And our family at no extra costs to you But the big thing is there are tons of Helicopters and knockoffs of helicopters Out there and I just don't want you to End up on Teemu buying something for $50 That performs like a Walmart helicopter So we want to make sure you're getting The right helicopter when you actually Go to buy this it's an awesome

Helicopter and it comes in at a really Good price but remember the pro tip is That Abby is going to have a coupon code For you guys to hopefully save a few More bucks just because you're awesome And you've subscribed to our Channel now Another Pro tip too and this is a bonus Is that we fly with AMA and I encourage You guys to fly with AMA too what's AMA It's the Academy of model Aeronautics For about the price of this helicopter And for some that might be a lot but When you really get into this Hobby and You're buying $300 airplanes for about $100 or less you can insure Yourself as an RC pilot so if God forbid You ever crash into someone or something And you hurt them or break or damage Something else with your RC's that's Where the AMA will step in but there's Tons of benefits too like a magazine Subscription access to Fields across the Country and being able to just get into Events that are RC focused and really Blow your mind and have fun I mean There's so many benefits and there's so Many tools at our fingertips that we can Use just by being AMA members if you Ever have any questions about the hobby Hey am I allowed to fly here is this Okay did this guy do the right thing did I do the right thing was I in the wrong You can pick up the phone and call them When you're a member and have those

Questions answered so I think there are Ton of benefits and if nothing else even If you don't sign up for AMA I encourage You guys to fly by their rules and guide Guidelines because it keeps us in the Hobby able to continue the hobby the way We like to enjoy it with less Intervention from the wrong kinds of People so there are some people out There that draw the wrong attention to This Hobby and unfortunately it hurts it For all of us but when we fly by ama's Rules and guidelines it really helps all Of us just enjoy the hobby that much More so I encourage you check them out Now guys this has been awesome but we do Have a little bit of time left Abby and I would like to record another video for The channel so we want you to stop by And subscribe so you can see what video That is that we're talking about it's Very cool hopefully worth your time but For blessing us with this beautiful this Absolutely perfect day to get out here In front of the camera and share this Experience with you guys I just want to Say a massive thanks to God also a huge Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your insanely awesome Support now if you love small Helicopters but for some reason this one Just wasn't hitting it for you we have Another really cool helicopter that's

Right around $100 that we did almost a Year ago but it's still an amazing Helicopter that video will be popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye

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