#1 TAMIYA 1/12 RENAULT RE20 TURBO – Unboxing

Hello and welcome to our unboxing of the Renault RE20 Turbo Tamiya kit 1/12 scale Again Tamiya always providing the best instructions. Very clear and concise This is the chrome plated sprue not bad its pretty nice, I just find it a little fakey (fake) and there were some scratch marks on the rear wing which make me fell I will probably take that off and try my own attempt at chroming them seeing if I can match that as best I can The next sprue was more like a polished aluminum plating actually looked quite nice you can see the detail on the intakes with the welding I will be painting these up with a new supply of AK Extreme Metal paints which I just recently purchased I am looking forward to giving them a go I think its a great opportunity to apply them to these parts The next sprue was the main body and side panels Couple of things with the main body there is a etched line there so you know were to mask off…which is very handy and its great that they provided it in white plastic…so the yellow will really punch! Couple of issues there on the edge but we will fix them up as we go Another sprue here of all the underplates disks scoops and things like that, exhausts, side skirts Moving on to the engine and the suspension struts they all look fantastic The engine detail looks great you can see here the rocker covers Keep in mind this is a early 80s model kit its been re-released by Tamiya for 2022 Turbo charges that what this car is all about there almost the size of the engine block! And this has to be the biggest sprue I have ever owned! this is almost the width and length of the actual box! Everything is on there, disk brakes wheels radiators…lots of detail we do have some photo-etched parts for a lot of this, so that should come up really nice Moving onto tires these are Michelins an all French formula one car I dont think they were painted there was no painted graphic on the tires themselves I think they were just black Got some screws a little tool here with some springs, metal springs which is nice and of course all the…

The tubing and everything that comes with it I will be scrubbing them with some sand paper to give it a more realistic look but they look very nice, nice rubber, of course up to Tamiya standards Moving on to the chassis Lot of detail here with the rivets I did plan to make some rivets and actually place them in one by one, but the shear number of them I'm kinda debating whether I do that, I might just paint them, we' ll see how we go plenty of detail plenty of work to do here And this is the lower end of the car of the chassis the upside down wing there are two little bits attached to it…keep that in mind they are part of the kit And I saw the date here 1981 look at that! We have got some photo-etched parts they prove a plaque which is really nice Disks brakes and radiators that should add a nice detail edition to the kit And we have got some decals seatbelts and reflectors for the tachometer and the rear mirrors Well that's pretty much it not to flashy the box interior but that's the way things are there days I'm really looking forward to this should be a fun build its going to be a long one I plan to do a bit more extra in detail but we will take it one step at a time anyway thanks for watching I hoped you enjoyed and we'll talk soon

As found on YouTube

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