Adding Headlights | Audi TT Kit Car | PedalBox Episode 52

on this episode of pedal box we're shedding some light on the new parts were adding to the car and I set myself on fire just a little bit wasn't on camera though so don't get your hopes up too much [Music] so these are the headlights we've picked and there's a couple of reasons we've gone for these one is that they're very simple to build bodywork around we don't actually have it to match any curves in particular two lenses or anything like that it's nice and simple it just fits into a hole and we build whatever we want around it brilliant unfortunately they are a lot bigger than I expected them to be when you look at on ebay you don't really have anything for comparison for scale yeah you got pictures of them on the car but if you haven't seen the car up close things look really small I always find like clusters on anything look massive when they're off the car and yet they don't look overpowering when they're on it so when these arrived I actually got a good look at how big they were and more importantly how offset each of these lenses is now it's at least two inches from the front of this lens to this lens and then to this lens which isn't too much of a problem except for this huge lump on the back there for being a lot longer now this is nearly eight inches and if you put it in front of the wheel it actually protrudes well forward of anything we could mount it to including what is meant to be the very front leading edge of the car so we're going to have to extend this forwards to hold it out a little bit further and that means we can put the light where we want them to and fit everything else in now that's not ideal because we've been trying to keep the overhang on the front of the car as short as possible on the upside even with this extended out another eight inches to take account for this the overhang on the front of this is still shorter than the a3 the TT the golf all things that are considered to have very very short overhangs all things considered even for front engine cars like mid and rear engine cars can have shorter overhangs but we should still be okay and yet that means we're extending the length of the car ever so slightly so how are we going to add eight inches between this plate and this plate where we've got our howdy crash bar going onto our radiator mount well this is probably overkill in fact this is definitely overkill but this piece of steel which we got from Berkshire Mountains scrap pile so thanks once again to them for helping support us we're going to cut into four pieces and I'm gonna weld it so that it's in a kind of double trapezoid shape welded along the shortest length and that'll give us a four inch by four inch plate on each end space eight inches apart to then read rill and bolt these two now there's a good chance if there is an impact in the front these will actually break before these because they're just squares they'll probably deform and just bend up and collapse which is great because these are much easier to make than this is so if this breaks before this I'm happy and I'll call that win it'll also give us a nice solid mount and we can also do a few other bits and pieces to join onto this that actually we weren't sure how we were going to join on here so well did these two pieces together and I've put the holes in to mount the crossbar on both sides so we can clamp it in place onto the car this means we can line up the holes really accurately for what we need not just what theoretically works that's really useful let me just put a light in you can see just how much space this actually gives us now headlights on cars are subject to a lot of regulations so they have to be within a certain distance of the edge of the car and they have to be a certain distance off the floor as a bare minimum and either run so the main beam which is this one this is the the regular headlight has to be a minimum of 400 mil in and I think this is full beam and this is the indicator so this should all be fine but this has to be within 400 ml of the edge of the car it clearly is the problem we have is the height now all of these lights are certainly the main headlight has to be a minimum of 500 ml off the floor we are currently about 470 male off the floor when you take out a little bit of sag from there so we're going to have to make something just to space this up just over an inch to make sure at the bottom of the headlight housing is high enough that we can get through the SBA [Music] [Applause] [Music] lights have got one point of fixture in but they're still pretty bobble-headed we use some half-inch box and I've drilled a hole in it that sits just over this peg on this side and that will weld in really nicely and will continue the cage round the top of here with some flat bar that's not gonna work okay that idea wasn't gonna work I was going to use some half-inch box with a hole drilled in it like that to hold this down in place it stops the first part the wobble and we can build up from here across to mountain at the top but that's no good that hole doesn't give me any lateral adjustment that all of the other bolts do so that won't work instead I've got some inch box and I've cut a 10 mil deep groove into it and that fits over the end like that and I'm gonna split this in half so it's only gonna be half an inch thick but that will fit onto there and then I can drill a nice wide almost inch thick hole which will allow this peg to move with all of the other adjustment point a reason I've only got ten mil deep because edge to edge here to the other side is 179 centimeters 1790 mil and the main car at the back at the widest point or in fact that the midsection point is eighteen hundred and twenty millimeters so there's a 30 mil discrepancy and to make life easy on a nice flat edge for the tire so I need to bring this out 15 mil on each side which this will do this is the piece you're gonna be welding on I've opened the hole out nice and wide at the top so this can move side to side I've also eased this another five mil in so it's going to sit slightly further in but that's not going to be a problem for the outside edge of the car but we'll get onto that way down the line this for the time being fits really nicely on here with this little mag clamp it comes up to the back edge of the light pin there so that with that in place I can weld this in now I've leveled the light off using some box section a couple of shims here so it's nice and level across the top of these lights and the top of these two brackets and now level with this bar which pretty sure is how it is on the car so on the top of the light for these mountings I've got a piece of inch box that I've cut in half and I've welded two nuts to the inside off and they just bolt through the top with a couple of short bolts and that holds in join that on to the side here I've got a piece of 1/2 inch by 1/2 inch box which I've cut down into 1/4 to make it into an angle and it's incredibly difficult to get this to stay in exactly the right place which I'm sure it's going to be fun and then I've got a full piece of inch box which has been cut to fit into the top of it there and too much onto the very top of the frame like that now this will come around and start to form with the edge of this light potentially the shape of this section of the car we'll see whether we'd go with anything different but at least this is as low profile as we can possibly get right now and we know where we're at so the inside edge for your stay is just going made of some half-inch box this has been cut quite a sharp compound angle and it fits nicely into the middle of the support that holds the front beam that goes up to the top and then there's this short piece of dead-straight tube which just sits on the top and that will be welded onto the end of here as you can see I've got it clamped up and ready to go so I'll put a few tacks on and then we'll see what it looks like I put a heatproof mat down so I can tack it in place and not risk melting the light [Music] last night I finished getting the driver's-side one all done and I primed both of them so they shouldn't rust whilst they're out here especially if we don't get any rain unfortunately I did manage to set myself on fire very briefly and not notice for probably about four or five seconds whilst this just burned away so if you like what we're doing go over to our shop for some not fireproof but definitely cool-looking merch at shop pedal box show and if you'd like to support the channel check out I love the different makes of car that we've got built on this will send you a couple of stickers in the post thanks very much for watching we'll see you next time [Music] [Music] [Music]

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