Best WARBIRDS In The WORLD!! E-Flite P-51 Mustang & F4U Corsair RC Airplanes

Check out the E-Flite P-51D Mustang here:
Check out the E-Flite F4U-4 Corsair:
These are two of the best warbirds in the world. In this video, Nate flies the E-Flite P-51 Mustang and E-Flite F4U Corsair. Let us know your thoughts about these rc planes in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the E-Flite P-51D Mustang here:
Check out the E-Flite F4U-4 Corsair:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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#rcplane #rcairplane #warbird

Everybody loves a good War Bird when it Comes to RC planes and I think anyone That's ever wanted to fly an RC plane Before has wanted to own at least one of These maybe a Trojan there's a ton of War birds out there and there's a ton by Different brands too but I'm here to Tell you that both of these warbirds This P51 and this Corsair are two of the Greatest flying and Performing warbirds That money can buy Really cool got those flaps down I mean take a little bit of throttle Can you tell I just spent a little time At General live version of this is so Perfect that I just Didn't want to mess with anything It's a woodpecker hear your buzzing flap Zone down off of that dive Let's get it in over the runway Nice and low Landing gear down [Music] That's cool right Now I have flown hundreds of airplanes And a big variety of warbirds and trust Me when I tell you just based on Experience these things are fantastic in Today's video we're gonna fly both of These with two of the recommended Battery sizes both a 4S 2200 and a 4S 3200 milliamp battery it's going to be Slightly longer video because I really Want to spend some time on both of these

To show you why they're so great they Are very beginner friendly because of Technology called safe which doesn't let The airplane flip upside down but also They're pretty fun when you kick safe Off and really throw some Maneuvers at These planes so we're just going to Focus on fun today flying these warbirds So kick back relax and enjoy this Warbird focused video where we spend a Little more time than usual just flying Let's put them in the air there's a Quick shot of battery placement for you Guys so you can see where I've got my 2200 4S battery And I love this plane one of the best Features are those split flaps you see When they come down there is almost like It's almost like six sets of flaps there Really it's kind of like four absolutely Love that we have a great day of no wind Today I'm super grateful for that let's Hope hopefully we can make this look Nice and smooth and scale I haven't Flown this since the last time it was Featured on the channel This Plane will be linked in the Description box below guys both of these Planes will be we should need a little Right Rudder look at that tail up oh That tail came up a little too quick but We're in the air now so I'm happy we'll Put those retracts up on the next pass And we're just gonna fly this uh

Probably pretty scale today Landing gear up oh that was beautiful Okay let's turn safe off I did that I Had it on just because it's been so long Since I've flown it I wanted to make Sure that takeoff was nice and clean but On the next takeoff we'll make sure the Safe is completely off so you guys can See it both ways this is a very great Flying Corsair traditionally warbirds Are not the best planes to fly But this one is it's really scale and uh Really predictable it flies really on Rails and that's important you wanted to Be able to uh perform the way you're Expecting it to you give that radio Input you want the plane to perform the Way you're hoping it will when you give Aileron roll You don't want it to flop around and end Up upside down or doing a wild corkscrew Now those drop tanks on the bottom of The airplane that you're seeing those Fuel tanks those can easily come on and Off they're just on a little slide rig So at the field if you choose to take Those off just because maybe you're Taking off of grass today as opposed to Asphalt and you need a little more Clearance you can remove those very Easily I will show you that at the end Of this flight Oh what an awesome plane Abby this is One of the better corsairs I've ever

Flown Of Corsair has four flying Tendencies Usually because of that Gall shaped wing And that was for storage space on Aircraft carriers so those wings could Fold up and they'd fit more planes down Underneath the aircraft carrier but it Just led to a little worse performance This didn't have the Speed and Agility That other planes did have And it translates to the RC world too But because of Technology now safe Technology and as3x they fly so much More stable I believe as3x could help make a rock Fly Now let's see if we can get a little More wild with this Let's just go for a snap just so you Guys can see what a snap would look like One of course there that's a little wild We can do that One more time Going this way too There you go you can do some wild stuff On this it doesn't all have to be Completely scaled See if we can do a nice little spin Look at that throttle here we go And we'll pull out of that before we get Too low Let's do a full flap pass See if we can get it in Nice and Slow Very little throttle here keeping me in

The air don't want to stall out of this [Music] What a pretty pass though flaps her up Throttle up keep it moving I love flying the Corsair So awesome this is just a great day to Get out and fly I show pass over the runway Foreign And probably look a little better coming In this way which I am worse at doing But we'll try it Going away at an angle so not as clean But still showed off that star really Nicely The fun maneuver Stealing some figure eights into some Rolls War Birds you know you're not gonna come Out here and Harrier them But you can do fun aggressive Maneuvers I like to pretend like on on sound Effects like my machine gun sound Effects on my street finger runs Let's go let's go flat pass on left to Right here and see if we can get it kind Of low Right over the runway It's amazing airplane you guys it really Is super fun to fly [Music] A lot of faith in this thing to be able To come in without your landing gear

Down nice and slow like that safe is off To pull it in right over the runway Really cool got those flaps down Gotta maintain a little bit of throttle [Music] Can you tell I just spent a little time At Joe and all All these guys at Joan off they're not An inch off the ground they're not Flying That was a fun event oh my gosh [Music] And so the goal of today's video is to Show you guys flight performance on each Of these batteries What you're hearing now is a five minute Flight timer and I'm flying on a 2200 Milliamp battery [Music] Let's take it up We're Gonna Roll It And bring it around See if we can pull off a decent looking Cubanite with this Let's go this way Should we dropped that lower on the back Side but that's okay There we go that's a little better I'm Holding that inverted when I come out of The back side of the loop it's important For a good looking Cuban eight still not The best though let's go Full Throttle Over the runway I don't know if you guys know this but

When you're flying electric planes with A ton of power like this one you really Don't need to Crank It full throttle and All this flight so far I haven't even Touched Full Throttle except for this Pass On that first that last pest that just Went by so let's bring it in one more Time or I'm quiet You can hear the plane I'm thinking it's time for a landing so Let's drop the landing gear I thought I heard a pulsing motor So very interesting that I would have Had my telemetry We'll see what the uh landing gears down I pulled it down Get a little closer to us Oh yeah I was oh got that little hop I Got that little hop going but that's Okay still smooth Landing it's smooth Other than that little hop at the end Which I had very little control over but The wheels touch down nicely Let's see where the Telemetry tells us The voltage is at 14.5 volts is what it's saying So I think we could have kept flying a Little longer but that's a great flight On the Corsair for a 2200 milliamp Battery let's put the P51 in the air now Here is my favorite P51 to fly I love Love everything about this Mainly because of how well it does in

The air and on the ground P-51s are traditionally very hard Airplanes to take off and land just Because there's so much nose on this Airplane but it's always been one of my Favorite if not my absolute favorite war Bird and uh hoping You guys can see why with that beautiful Takeoff that tail lifted up and we kept The wheels rolling so we're off to a Good start and hopefully I don't jinx Myself and have bad landing but so far Everyone I've had on this plane has been Really great so Should be able to repeat that today Let's put the landing gear up Oh yeah It's just A perfect P51 It really is let's roll it over and Bring it back down and around a lot of Amazing day to fly I'm so glad we got to Get out here and fly today and share This experience with you guys now as I Said at the Corsair both of these planes Will be linked in the description box Below use those links it helps to Support our Channel and our family at no Extra cost to you it's an amazing system Set in place where you guys are getting To watch free content And if you're going to buy something you Might as well just click the link and Buy it through us

We love bringing this kind of content to You guys and uh when you do that it Helps keep that ball rolling So we're grateful I think the P51 flies Better than the Corsair As it should We're going to take it up We'll snap it just for the fun of it It's not a wild airplane this is one That every time I fly I'm constantly Reminded Let's keep it scale Nathan Because there's no sense in doing Anything crazy on this thing it is the Perfect example of what a P51 can do and Should do There's nothing wild that you're going To get out of the radio on this and this Is the bind and fly version that I'm Flying Now they usually sell Plug and Play Versions Where you can put in your own receiver And everything but the bind and fly Version of this is so perfect that I Just Want to mess with anything As a woodpecker I honestly thought that was your Transmitter and I was like what is wrong With your transmitter that would be bad Let's take it in for a flat pass It's like kick safe off after the Takeoff when you fly a lot of different

Things like I do I like having safe because It just gives me a little bit of a Comfort buffer in between airplanes Yeah that's awesome What a cool plane we'll do it again Coming in this way I've got a little bit of a breeze it's Really a cross Breeze today but it's not Bad it's a few miles an hour [Music] Try to pick up the speed a little bit Before you kick those flaps off I think if you turn flaps off and you're Going that slow you might be asking for A disaster Let's go in Full Throttle over the Runway There's Full Throttle [Music] This left Direction usually A little bit of a show pass at a funny Angle Here we go Bring it in again [Music] And we'll climb an Abbey Sorry there's like 20 birds in the sky It's pretty wild I don't know what's Going on Plus I just heard a radio so we wanted To make sure it's not a plane it's a Very big commercial airliner way up There

Pull up on that elevator sometimes that Hill throws me off and I think we're Going to come in and smack the ground But I've got a buffer zone Here we go nice Loop Into a roll A little bit of up elevator and hold it If you don't give any up elevator Uh when you're upside down You do lose a little bit of altitude so Check this out nose up just aileron it Comes down a little bit But if you go into it with like a 15 Degree climb maybe 25 degree or so You'll be fine coming out of it but if You want it to look level both sides you Got to go up elevator As you're upside down and then you Shouldn't lose any altitude but if it's Just roll you'll lose a tiny bit so Check this out one more time I'm going To nose up a few degrees Just Taylor on and it comes out of it Pretty level if your nose up a touch Going into that Let's crank it cranking it cranking it [Applause] These are such cool airplanes Abby they Are two of the best flying War Birds we Have They fly big They'll fly really big let's go up Yeah let's do an inverted pass here I can't remember how much I gotta hold

Good bit gotta hold a good bit elevator In that We'll roll out of it see if I can get That in a little lower over the runway On this pass Again that's only a five minute timer There Should be able to climb out of this With an outside Loop yeah there we go Get those flaps off of this dive And let's climb it up Do that again Joe not all inspired you To fly low huh sure did I can tell Smoke [Laughter] Abby knows if I'm flying different Somewhere oh yeah talked me into flying A little yeah that's all they did they Just take their big pretty planes over The runway you watch other people and You can get inspired to try different Things it's awesome look at that Oh my God oh my gosh what do you think Of that that was cool right terrifying a Little bit for me hey that was fun Didn't really intend to land but that Was a cool way to land oh I like that Did you feel it okay yeah I filmed it Should we do it again try again whatever You want it let's try again let's go oh You're going around okay here we go You're taking off that way oh yeah Because of the wind and that was a Little sloppy I'm so sloppy you almost

Broke your prop flops are up so this was Really fun to do what I did was climb up There's my television there it is Flaps are down off of that dive Let's get it in over the runway Nice and low Landing gear down Oh it's cool right That was like my most fun P-51 Landing Ever now guys I actually planned on Putting in those 3200 milliamp batteries In this video too but I want to show you A couple things about these airplanes Really quickly and the radio that I'm Flying on and we might save those 3200s For another day because this flight time Was significantly longer than I thought It would be so on my radio my nx6 which Will be linked in the description box Below this is like the cheapest version Of the newest best Spectrum Radio that's Out there and it flies these planes just Fine you can get the nx8 nx10 actually I Think they have 20 on now but this will Do these planes with the flaps and the Retracts you don't really need the eight Unless you need just an extra Channel But this radio paired with these bind And fly planes gives you Telemetry and Other things right out of the box so When I landed at P51 I knew my cells my Voltage on the battery was at 3.56 volts Per cell that's not horribly low but It's definitely low enough to land and I

Love what spectrum has to offer there's Other brands of things you can fly on Certainly things that are cheaper but if You want the best of the best this is Usually where you go and I pair them With the smart batteries as well that's What I was flying on today those will be Linked in the description box below now The last time I flew both of these I Think was in cold weather so I really Wasn't expecting that flight time on a 2200 milliamp battery and flying Aggressively like I was these planes are Awesome that was a great flight today Out of both of them but I think you can Probably see my confidence level in the P51 is just a little bit higher Especially the way I was dive Landing Which is super fun I've never done that Before where I dive full flaps Pulled well maybe a foot or two Off The Runway and as I'm coming in skimming the Ground drop those landing gear and touch It down that was such a fun pretty Landing and I got to give myself a Little pat on the back because that was Really cool I love that let's take a Closer look at these airplanes really Fast before I let you guys go So the Corsair for example I told you Guys about these fuel tanks these drop Tanks they are on a sliding rail system They just slide on and off I think it'd Be really cool if e-flight offered a

Little Servo there that you could use on Your seventh channel to drop these mid Flight it would cost a little bit more But man I'd love that a lot you can do That on both of these they really just Slide on or off and that's a great Locking System because when it's in the Air and air is pushing on those they're Not going anywhere you'd have to fly Your plane backwards for those to fly Off any chance at all the P-51 is Exactly the same these just slide on and Off and a lot of companies are adopting This system now because it is so great You don't have to fly with those on it Just adds a little bit more scale Realism and a little more fun while You're flying as to which plane you Might consider picking up for yourself It's really up to you personally I like Flying this P51 a little bit better I Think it's just a little A little more fun but they're both great So if you just like the way that Corsair Looks more go ahead and grab this plane Because it flies amazing too I've just Never flown such a good responsive P51 I Started I think on the Tower Hobbies P51 That was a little smaller than this it Had retracts optional retracts and I Think it was like a hundred bucks back In the day sure planes are a bit more Expensive now but I used to prop strike That thing and have rough Landings and

Tail up Landings all the time this And I I should have jinxed myself when I Did that take off and said all my Landings are pretty on this they just Are I mean it's like magic and that was Safe off and just it's like the wheels Glued to the ground and uh It's a great flying and landing airplane Both of these are linked in the Description box below and I'm super Grateful for today you guys let me know What you think about slightly longer Format videos did you like hanging out With us would you have enjoyed in the Same video to see me also fly on 3200 Milliamp batteries making this video Like an hour long just let me know and Maybe we'll make it happen I couldn't Have asked for a better day to fly and To get out here with my wife And for that I thank God I'm so grateful You guys also I want to say a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your amazing support and I Thank you now if you're into warbirds The beautiful news is we've got a ton of War Bird videos on our Channel but we Will hand select one of our favorites And that's popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye Thank you

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