Check out the Horizon Hobby Sale here:
Check out the Fair RC Sale here:
Check out the Banggood Sale here:
Check out the Arrows RC Sale here:
Our Amazon Baby Registry:
You do not want to miss these black friday sales for rc cars, rc trucks, rc planes, and rc drones! We thought these were amazing deals, so we wanted to let you know about them so you don’t miss an opportunity to save money! Happy RCing!
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Jake Barnes, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, John Badrick, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, Raymond Hausele, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Eddy Sinclair, Gary Zion, and Haar Bear
#rc #rccar #rcplane
We hope you guys had a great Thanksgiving but today in this video if You guys are anything like us you get Pretty excited about legitimate Black Friday sales we have some pretty good Ones in today's video we found some Really good RC cars especially a few Planes are out there and we're going to Talk about them in today's video and They're probably going to sell out fast Because they are legitimately good deals But before we get into that because Thanksgiving just happened I just want To let you guys know that I'm grateful For you I know it sounds super corny but We won't have this channel we wouldn't Be able to jump in front of the camera And tell you guys about these sales and Things if not for you so thank you also Abby's super sick right now she's not Gonna be able to talk very much right Now I'm thankful for my big baby and I'm Thankful for the little baby the Santa Baby there you go that might be all you Hear from Abby in this video she's had This cough going on for like a little Over a week now and we've been trying to Make videos without her talking very Much and stuff so uh we would like to Hear from you guys since Abby can't do Much talking tell us in the comments Abby will be reading them Harding him Replying to some let us know what you're Thankful for and uh without further Ado
Let's get right into this some of the Biggest hard hitters that we have seen Are actually on Horizon's website and We're gonna have this sale Linked In the Description box below that's super Important because a lot of you guys and I think probably a majority of you guys That watch our videos actually like Supporting our Channel not only just by Leaving a like on videos but you know it And this is how it works if you click That link and then go buy your thing Whatever it may be even if it's Something not on sale we get a small Kickback it doesn't cost you a single Extra Penny and so these sales are Really fun and exciting way to save a Ton of money but also help us and our Growing family on the way so everything Will be linked in the description box Below I'm actually really surprised to See the Arma fire team on the list this Is a crazy legitimately tough out of Life field RC vehicle and what perfect Timing Abby and I got to drive ours I Think last year around this time right When it snowed this thing is a beast in The snow and it is bigger than it looks I've got ours right over there is a Surprisingly tough vehicle and very cool Looking uh it is 40 off and you can pick It up for 400 which 399.99 or whatever That's a really good deal because there Are some brushed four-wheel drive
Vehicles that you can pick up for that Price basically uh for a big beast of a Vehicle to come in at that price point Being ready to run is extremely Impressive next up on the list is very Exciting unfortunately there were not Any great airplane sales on their site So I just want to voice that Better airplane sales we really it's a Night rating and it's only like 40 bucks Off it's good but like they they should Have way more airplanes but anyway the 69 Camaro I mean I love this thing these Are no prep tracksters it was our first Introduction into drag racing Vehicles Legitimate especially the no prep scene This thing is usually Somewhere Over 400 But it's on sale for 250. if I ever show Anyone to collection my collection that Is one that stands out because the front Of that car the grill just looks so real Into scale it is a very good looking but Also high performance RC to be able to Pick that up at 250 again is kind of Mind-blowing and so that one definitely Deserves a little bit of focus we got to Send a little love to The Crawling Community and so I would be surprised if Axial didn't have something on this list One that really stands out to me is the Axial Capra it is a very competitive High-end RC Crawler nobody will debate You on that it is very well made from The ground up it's really awesome
Normally a 500 vehicle which you know a Lot of people buy them at 500 you can Get the red one or the green one on this Sale for 300 that's 40 off that's an Insane sale I mean you can't get a Normal cheap like base camp I think the Base camp is normally 330 okay and to be Able to pick up the Capra for 300 is Just kind of like mind-blowingly awesome If I didn't already have a Capra and a Capra four wheel steering I would Absolutely be buying one of these at That price uh that's super cheap so That's exciting Way I'm hitting the brakes I could use a Green one she's saying baby on the way I Would love to add a green one to the Collection but she's right maybe on the Way and I'm actually holding out there's A couple things on the sale that I am Going to buy uh and I've got to break That to Abby at the end of this video so More crawlers to talk about and and They're really Heavy Hitters and it's on The same link I noticed the FMS has a Good list of crawlers for sale on Horizon's website through the link They've got some mini crawlers like the Atlas I think you can pick up for like 100 bucks but really exciting To see the sixth scale that's right One-sixth scale Suzuki crawlers they Even have leaf springs you can put GI
Joe Barbie whatever inside them they're Ridiculously scale and the insane thing Is they're like 60 and 65 off now Speaking of FMS we will have our Personal favorite website to to normally Buy FMS stuff will be linked in the Description box below it's actually Fair RC the reason for that is they're based In the us but we also uh work with them And you know we talk about affiliate Links and stuff that's how we are being Able to keep our Channel going and help Support our family and stuff when you Guys use that link they ship out of Florida they have really good customer Service I've been getting great feedback From you guys with them this airplane is A very cool brushless plug and play with All the servos and everything they have A bunch of these warbirds not just the Zero this is just the only one that I Have it's like a hundred and thirty six Dollars right now that is a very good Deal it's normally like 180 so to pick Up something this size and this level of Detail and this quality for 135 136 Dollars get it in a couple days because It ships out of Florida that is a very Very good deal I've been really Impressed with how it's going together Hopefully we'll have a flying video of That soon on the channel we keep getting Distractions like the F-14 Tomcat Showing up a sucker caught us off guard
One final website that kind of caught Our eye and it's probably because we Have a little four-year-old kid is uh Banggood they have a really good sale And one on the way Amelia has a green Jeep that she can drive around and it's Really cool and we bought that I like two and a half years ago or three Years ago so prices weren't as crazy Then but believe it or not banggood has A sale on those ride-in Vehicles a Lamborghini actually and it's remote Control it is remote control and it's Big enough that a person a human can Ride in it so of course that's not as a Pedal so you can still drive it it's Under two hundred dollars maybe right at 200 we bought her a Jeep years ago and It was like 250 maybe 300 then so to see A ride-in vehicle at that price it's Pretty exciting uh we actually got one And it came in the box and the box was In really good shape like pristine shape I was very surprised for banggood to be Able to do that so good on them I also Have some other Black Friday sales you Definitely will check out I think those Eachine warbirds are probably going to Be there and of course some of the Favorite like WL toys Uh and their buggies and things that They make so we'll have banggoods sales Linked below too before we jump off here I know we were talking about being
Thankful to you guys at the beginning of This video I'd like to end on thanks too Because we told you guys not too long Ago about our baby registry and a lot of You guys supported us by buying things Off of our Amazon registry and I just Want to thank you from the bottom of our Hearts we've had more support from you Guys than We would have ever thought uh we could Well that link to below if you want to Check it out and help support us even More but it's up to you little baby's on The way and uh it's getting closer and Closer and I think Abby and I are just Freaking out because we're about to be Almost if you count Popeye we'll be Outnumbered A massive serious special thanks to Jan Too you know who you are you know why We're thanking you in this video and I'm Sick so I can't do my turkey gobble for You uh her one request was that Abby Joy Turkey gobble because you cannot do it She can't hardly even get the words out Tonight or breathe or sleep or anything But so many people have done amazing Things for us uh Stan is another one you Guys just go above and beyond but this This special very special thanks to Jan Just for seriously helping us a lot so That just I don't I don't know why we've Uh got the support that we do have I Don't know what we've done to earn your
Guys support like this but we just thank You from the bottom of our hearts well These were fun and exciting sales to let You guys know about I wish we had you Know two hours to actually go through Everything and talk about everything on The list that's me but I know Abby's Suffering over here and she needs Another cough drop or something so we'll Wrap this up in just a final thank you To all of your support I hope you guys Are excited about these sales I want to Say a massive thanks to God for Everything in our lives especially for Everybody that has made their way into Our life and supports us the way they do So we are so grateful and a final thanks To our patreon supporters because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your amazing support guys we Will have one of our favorite recent RC Videos popping up right about now thanks For watching we'll see you there Bye I can't do that I'm gonna have to pull it from another Video oh my gosh [Music] [Applause]