BRAND NEW!!! E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick RC Airplane – EASY TO FLY!!!

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This is the brand new E-Flite Slow Ultra Stick RC Airplane. It is so EASY TO FLY!!! In this video we maiden this rc plane and talk about our initial experience. Let us know your thoughts about this RC plane in the comments.
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Oh I think I might know what she's Doing Maybe oh yeah I know what she's doing I Know what she's doing here we go Abby's Got this probably chopping my finger off No you got this hey Abby's first ever Nice yeah sweet now you got this hey We're out here brighten early this Morning with the brand new release from Eflight it's their UMX slow Ultra Stick Or Abby sus that's right so it is a Little suspicious I don't know it's a Fun I love the fullsize slow Ultra Stick Now they've got a smaller version and Let me tell you this thing is Tiny it Reminds me a lot of the UMX vapor and The night vapor if you guys are familiar With that and I think it falls under That same category the reason we're out Here so early today is to beat the wind Because this is a little 1s very Lightweight airplane it comes in two Options bind and fly at around 120 and Ready to fly at around 150 we have them Both Linked In the description box below We have the ready toly version it comes With everything you need to get in the Air and the Assembly of this airplane Was very easy believe it or not the main Wing actually clips into place you Install the landing gear and the prop Just clicks in and mine did come with a Little bit of damage on the wing I'm Sure that likely won't affect it very

Much well a lot of times you get pre-f Flown stuff right and this has been pre Flown yeah basically this is going to be A no wind flyer not some wind or little Wind but no wind or indoor flying and They released it at a good time because The weather is getting bad and people Especially up north will be flying Indoors I'm very excited to see how this Does I think it'd be cool to get a Little flight time with Abby on this Thing too maybe I what do you want to Make it what you should m in this okay Yeah let's have Abby fly this so let's Go let's just do movie Magic and you Actually fly it first and then I fly it But reverse it for the viewers okay we Can do [Music] That look at that push rod Bend W whoa need left runer can't do it You have throttle yeah throttle cut see No Aon on oh no no just elevator and Rudder okay Abby is going to give you Guys an air show here we Go nice and has it been since I've flown Someone go find my last flight video Well what's really cool about this Airplane is it's under two turns and Nate was not struggling with left hand Turns at All when he did not fly at first okay so There's a reason why I will fly an Airplane before Abby even something

Light like this and you'll see that when I fly this after aby's flying we're just Being goofy but uh I don't like to ma in Things I really do not like it Nate is a Way more experienced pilot and if you Are not as skilled of a pilot I highly Recommend if you build a plane to have Someone else look it over and maen it Sure a lot of people do that where it Needs to go well a lot of people do that But then there's a lot of people that Don't realize other people do that yeah And then they go and crash her first Plane and they don't understand well why Did Billy down the road have such Success and I didn't well probably cuz Billy down the road had John Doe which Was a really good pilot made his plane For him um so if you're a member of a Club this happens a lot when we were Members of our old Club people even Asked me to M their stuff for them if They had a new airplane to make sure This has safe it does does this do Anything you should be able to do a loop With that no rolls this is just three Yeah so don't hit throttle cut and That's why I don't like throttle cut Especially on an airplane like this I Don't think it needs throttle cut you Have me in beginner is that where I'm Yeah you're in beginner so what do I Need to put it on intermediate or I Would go Advanced just try to do a loop

There you go nice that was easy yeah Good job okay I did not think that would Do a loop that easy wow sorry I'm so High But well let me think how to do it girl I got to admit I've lost you so get it Right this one's like a little paper Airplane I was not not able to Successfully do a roll so I will be Surprised if you can do a roll but also No it's three channels you can't do Rolls well then why didn't you say Something I I was saying it's three Channels And yeah no rolls just the loop well the Loop was super easy I'm going to land it So you guys can see Nate's not first Flight there you're Nice pretty cool though that You butter yeah that's a great butter Yeah good job out of 10 thumbs up that Way was sheer perfection Nate is Definitely not flying this first he Definitely flew this second there we go That's with safe on oh what an easy Little thing to fly Abby you will have Had much success with This this is fun and Confusing hurts my brain a little bit Yeah I have to talk about the maneuvers You did even though you haven't done Them yet yeah okay so the circles I did Were amazing left hand turn is Struggling and that's because that push

Rod was bending it couldn't couldn't Push hard enough so we got nice right Hand turns look at that but when I go Left it's like H I can't do it it's Really struggling and that's probably Good that I flew this first so you know That going into it you didn't fly it First though well see that's full left Okay now I finally got there but man it Really needed to push that rod and we Are in high rates let's go to low and There's full left I'm pushing full left Full left I'm above the little Instrument there I'm over the Runway okay so it definitely wants to Fly outdoors in high Rates and boy I just don't have any Left-hand turn so you're really doing Right and then holding full left to hold It straight that is wild wow and I think It's because that push rod just cannot Make the control surface go left I am Surprised by this so I'm really Struggling to get this airplane to fly Left right and I'm I get it but I have To hold it for a long time here's what Happens when I push left no nothing Here's what happens when I push right Get a nice tight right turn the way it Should now when I push left it's full Left full left I'm holding full left Holding full left holding full left Finally it goes left so I'm not exactly Sure why that's happening but as you saw

At the beginning of the video the push Rod for that Servo for the rudder is Bending rather than holding straight to Actually allow the airplane to turn so Bit of a struggle um and I'm surprised By that because generally UMX airplanes Are Perfection out of the box so Um yeah that's wild Abby let's do a Little Landing here and then I do want To try in advanced Mode and I want to get you in the air Too which people have already seen right Okay I see the issue right and so Hopefully when Abby has flown and you Already watched Abby fly she didn't Experience this issue so watch what Happens when I when I go right Rudder It's fine when I go left Rudder see it Bending out well I realize now there's a Clip or a channel for that push rod to Sit in do you see that I see and it's Not sitting in there so let's move that Over good to know and clip it In now let's see if that has a more Effective I think it does I can tell Already right Rudder is fine left Rudder It's still bending it is bending but Look I have a lot more movement so yeah It's bending some see that I see but not As much and see how much more it's Moving now the rudder so I think it'll Fly much better for you all right now That we're done playing m games and We're back in real time I don't think

This airplane needs throttle cut so this I'm sure everyone at Horizon would Disagree with me it's probably a good Habit to be in to have throttle cut on Your airplane and get used to having Throttle cut I'm sure that's what Everybody would say but I don't think This airplane needs throttle cut you're Not losing a FY or a hot dog over the Propeller on this just because you Wouldn't lose a finger doesn't mean it Wouldn't hurt well listen here's here's What happen so new guys flying which by The way left hand and right hand turns Are great now um new guys flying you got Two switches up there actually three but The two are easy Access and you go out of saf and you're In advance and you're ready to try your First Loop and Abby did a great job with Her Loop but you get a little Disoriented so throttle Cut what happened what happened I have No power over my airplane so you know I Have control over it I glided it back Down but a new guy might lose control of Their airplane and crash it when they Hit that throttle cut not realizing what Happened I thought I hit safe but when In reality they hit throttle cut Personally I think throttle cut is a Reason for a lot of crashes in the RC World It's a good safety thing to have but I

Don't know I I don't know throut cut There's just a lot of goofy things in This world throwt Cuts one of Them this plane just disappears so this Is a perfect little lightweight flyer Right it's I would say it's a good Trainer plane but in a lot of ways it's Not because we're very lucky and blessed Right now to have no wind and it's Flying really well but if there was much Wind this is going to fly like the UMX Night vapor or just vapor and not fly Well in wind at all it's an indoor flyer Or no wind flyer it's three channels It's very limited and as long as you Fall under that category of no wind or Flying indoors you're going to love this Seems like it has a long flight time Long flight that's what I was going to Say can you go up and then spiral it Down sure let's try it so again it's a 1S Battery now it's 150 milliamp so it's Perfectly balanced Although it actually feels slightly tail Heavy no one likes tail heavy tail heavy Is never a good one okay here we go you Want to spiral it down Yeah okay that's a spiral down was about As good as it gets I had such high hopes Yeah it's three channels remember I Don't have AER on control can you flat Spin it that was my attempt on of flat Spin so nice and slow flyer just simple Three channels let's see a touch and go

Do That there we go and Nate will oh see it You ready snap Full Throttle baby Snapping it and that was your snap W That was like a little roller coaster Bump it's fun it's a cute little flyer Lightweight no wind not a trainer Because because of the wind although It's so easy to fly I just don't want Someone's first airplane experience or Second or third to be to be with this And and you know 99% of the time we have Wind I think this is a very Niche or Niche however you want to say it Airplane I agree and that's that's kind Of cool because we all complain that e FL doesn't come out with enough new Stuff and and you another Timber you Could say this is not new because it's Just a smaller version of their slow Ultra Stick they're sus but they did Have to Tool this they had to design it They had to get new parts to make it This right this is a an all new airplane Even though it is a smaller gain some Altitude we're going to do something Crazy all right inverted flight I mean You can do that go for it let's Try okay here we go Inverted oh oh from a loop oh because of That so it could even hold it all right All right what's the crazy ready yep What are we doing it's in advanced mode Here's safe okay all right Abby's got it

I can't see the camera so what's going On hey I I don't I can't see the camera I can't see it cuz I don't have my right Glasses on Abby so I'm going to record You cuz I can't see It oh I think I might know what she's Doing Maybe oh yeah I know what she's doing I Know what she's doing here we go Abby's got this probably chopping my Finger off no you got this hey aby's First ever nice yeah sweet now you got This hey I wish um when we were going to What was it called efest oh yeah back in The day we had something like that I Know this would have been the perfect Efest we had nothing back then to play They did uh hobo had a Little green and white why is Something it almost like sus it was like A funny little name like that I remember It but we didn't have it back then I Don't think we got it the second time we Went to e or the not e flight the E not to be confused with e believe it Or not that's a 50c discharge rating 1S Battery I don't know how that's even Physically possible but that's what the Sticker says and that's what we're Flying on with this it just held on with That soft velcro and then the harder Velcro there on the airplane OHS so Sorry if that's all been blurry it's Very bright out literally there's

Nothing holding that on there's no strap Or anything other than just that velcro So it works and thank goodness we Figured out this and I think that's Important to show because it's very Likely when you get your airplane yours Could come with that control rod popped Out of place like ours was I mean that's Really important for everybody to look That over before they go fly because hey If you take this out to maen it and just Like us you get it in the air and it's Only doing right-and turns and not Left-and turns or whatever it was then Now now you know what to look over Before you go fly it so anyway That's the eflight UMX slow Ultra Stick It's a pretty cool airplane but like Abby said a niche or niche market most Likely for this but I think uh I think It's a welcome airplane in their lineup Of airplanes now this will be linked in The description box below both versions Okay okay and we do that mainly so you Guys can support us honestly it's a good Way to support our channel to say thanks It doesn't cost you a single extra Penny But it takes a little less money going To these guys and a couple bucks going To us if you use that link to place your Order you also get some points too but It puts you in the right direction for The right airplane because there will be Knockoffs of this down the road and we

Don't want you guys to pick up the wrong Thing too so very cool Linked In the Description box I want to say massive Than thanks to God for blessing us with This beautiful day this perfect day to Fly this airplane and just all the Blessings in our life just everything uh Being here I'm so grateful for it and I'm so grateful for you guys too and for That I thank God I also want to say a Massive thanks to our patreon supporters Because we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do without our insanely Awesome patreon support we'd love it if You guys considered signing up for Patreon that'll be linked in the Description box below as well now if you Guys like ready to fly airplanes under $200 we'll have a handpicked video Popping up just for you thanks for Watching we'll see you there bye [Music]

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