Building Review: Revell Arado Ar 196 A-3 in 1/72 scale Part II

Hi everyone and welcome back to the second part of this building review. In the first part we assembled and painted the cockpit, and we spent quite a long time filling
the gaps on the wings and fuselage. Let´s assemble the other components of this model. The struts on the floatings do not fit very well, but i filled
the gaps with glue so when painted it should look okay. Before we attach this part to the aircraft model we
have to install the rigging down there first. The instructions suggest to do this now, i think thats
right because later we can´t really reach in there.

They recommend to use some kind of string,
but i´m not a friend of this. I prefer a stretched plastic sprue. I can glue such
a plastic thread with ususal model building glue. It has even more advantages, its easy to
attach in a strained way for example. I have a piece of the plastic sprue in my
hands, now i heat it up with a lighter. It will melt pretty quickly, when this happens
simply stretch the melt plastic this way. This should be enough, i wait a few seconds to let
it dry, otherwise we have a bent plastic string.

It should be alright now. Now you can cut it with scissors in
order to get the lenght you need. Okay, we will attach it to cross on the struts. Not a big deal. Thats how it will look, its not too bad. As i said before, you can simply attach it with normal plastic glue. Now i need my tweezers. Alright. It is still a bit too long. This technique also allows you to represent the rigging on biplanes,
at least thats my prefered way to do that.

Looks pretty nice, same procedure on the other side. Now we have to ask ourselfes whether to attach the
floatings on the model now or after the painting. I recommend to paint this part separately and attaching it to the fuselage later. The floatings have to be painted with several colours and
a camouflage, we will use masking tape aswell. It would be a bit tricky, so i rather paint it separately. Here you can see the canopy parts, they do not really fit.
However, i just put them on here to check them. I´m going to mask them with Tamiya tape now and
paint them together with the rest of the model.

I glued the canopy on the fuselage already, the maskings do not
look too bad so i think they should work well. As you can see there are some big gaps
right here but also on many other spots. The canopy does not reall fit on the fuselage, there are
gaps everywhere. No big ones but they are present. Before we start painting the model we have to get rid of them. I´ll use Mr.Surfacer for filling those gaps. Actually it is a primer, but
when applied with a brush it can also work as a filler. Its a bit like fluid filling paste. In order to start painting the model i put some foam material in
the back part of the cockpit. This will protect it nicely. We did not paint the canopy struts inside, in this scale thats almost impossible. We will simply spray the interior colour over the
canopy so it shines through the clear plastic.

After that we start the actual painting process. Now we paint all exterior parts of the model. In order to prepare that we will first prime the
model with grey colour, in this case Revell Matt76. You can prime it black or white aswell, its up to your personal taste. I personally prefer it to prime aircraft model with
grey colour, it works fine for me. Some parts we can´t really touch while painting them
are mounted on clamps and cocktail sticks. There is a decal in the kit for this white stripe, but i
prefer it to paint it with an airbrush and mask it off.

Same procedure with those yellow sections on the bottom of the wing. I
will paint them yellow and mask them off before we continue. It will look much better this way. Now we have to mask off those areas,
i prefer the good old Tamiya tape. Masking off a model is very tedious, but it will safe
you a lot of anger when its done properly. Don´t hurry, take your time and be careful. Alright, now we can paint the bottom sides of the
aircraft and the floatings with a light blue colour. Again i masked off all areas which have to
remain in light blue colour with Tamiya tape.

It may look a bit weird but i don´t
mind it to mask off a model completely, it saves a lot of work because you don´t have to correct any mistakes. On the bottom i only masked off the edges, that should
be enough as we mainly spray from the top. Now i apply the base colour of the
top side, its Revell Matt39 "dark green". I applied even more Tamiya tape, we will apply another
colour in order to create the camo scheme. I´ll use Revell Matt40 "black green". It will be big fun to peel off the masking tape again. We painted the propeller with one single colour, but as
you can see the tip has a reddish colour. Masking it off with Tamiya tape is certainly very difficult and tedious. Instead i mounted the propeller on this drill. I simply hold the
brush on the top and start to rotate the propeller. This way a perfect line should be created, at least i hope that. Cool, i´d say that a prefect result. The most part of the painting process is done now, some
minor details are still missing like the machine guns, but apart from that the painting process is almost done.

It really payed off to paint the floatings separately and to attach it now. It made the painting and masking process a lot easier. It does not matter at all when you
actually attach the floatings to the fuselage, the attachement points are hollow so you simply plug in the struts
of the floatings. No problem, the glue won´t be visible. Same applies for the engine and the cowling.

Painting it separately was very handy. Overall the whole masking process payed off, as you
can see the result is almost perfect. On some spots i had to correct some spraying mistakes,
but all in all the extra work was minimal. The masking on the canopy is still on the model, i´ll
remove it after the application of the gloss varnish. I think you are fed up now with my waffling, in the next part
we will apply the decals, a wash and do some chipping and weathering.

This video is quite long already, i better show that in the next part. I wish you happy modelling, see you in the next video, your Hamilkar Barkas..

As found on YouTube

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