so this is paddle box and we're gonna build this chassis that we bought on eBay into something probably a car but we don't exactly know what we're gonna put in it and right now made a couple of choices and sort of put together some ideas in the last few days hopefully we're gonna kind of pin it down a bit more in the next week yeah we were hoping to get some kind of direction off the chassis it came with a bunch of stuff that Adel run on in a second but unfortunately it did kind of leave us a bit of a blank slate as it turned out yeah there was there was some really useful parts if you're another project there was a diff and some half shafts from Ford rear end but there wasn't actually anything rear end to go with it so we'd have to buy that there was a pair of calipers I say a pair warmers for a princess one was from a matter of there was a box of valve springs rockers some hubs from a metro wallet which is rusted for a new set of bearings in lower and lower suspension arm some panels an oil cooler a couple of steering wheels and just then miscellanea after that just all sorts of tap that we ended up throwing away because it was perished yeah none of it really matter in the end the only things we reckon we're gonna salvage is the oil cooler which is actually in pretty good shape and always a good thing to fit to any sort of turbo engine that you can own you know Ragan all the time yes so that seems like a pretty good shout the steering wheels we could kind of take or leave obviously we can't use both but we might think one of them depends our word pens how that goes yeah the panels that came with it were pretty good they're in good shape we have test fitted them onto the car so we know they sort of fit or where they go but it will be much more fun to do something else yeah so I've been thinking of getting into composites for a while and I figure these are great big simple sheets so why not have a crack at making them in carbon-fiber okay so unfortunately the chassis didn't really set us along any particular path so we're still pretty wide open so we still have to decide what goes in there we looked at a load of v—aids because why not put a v8 or something that weighs as much as a v8 and honestly it's because they don't fit we looked at the rollers in the Lexus which it options that we had in mind and it was gonna be tight and then we looked at the BMW v8 because why not ultimately the rover in the Lexus just up it we rose close but they're small as they are they still weren't gonna fit between the chassis rails then the exhaust hood have been hanging way outboard they just can never have just wasn't gonna work yeah just made everything it disappointing really I suppose yeah so we took a step back from the v8 and we looked at half a v8 Ford four pots have been used in these four decades the Pinto on the cross flow our soul instilled within kit cars that it's it's just the obvious choice to go to if you want to just get something done and make it work but that's not how we work with projects they drag on and drag on and drag on forever hence doing something that requires us to give updates the z-tech is an interesting one that you had a quick look at a little bit more bit more modern bit more power lighter arguably depending which version you get yeah but even that is still kind of its tilt so placed while everyone else is what everyone else builds that there was no real of a vapor those note that nothing really jumped out even though we had a lot of parts that were technically work it just didn't seem interesting we both VW elinoz I got a mark to golf and an a3 you've got a Mach 1 golf and we've both got varying engines in them so we've got a little bit of experience although we're far from experts it's something that we know a little bit about so there's things like the K R or the even a 20 valve turbo yeah I'm actually swapping a kr into my mark one at the minute so I've got a good idea how big the engine is roughly what it can hold in terms of power how to tune them stuff like that seem like a fairly good basis for making some judgements on this unfortunately it's still I and it's still really heavy sitting up in the front of apps we were hoping to find something a bit lighter the outliers in the engine category we found there's the Volvo two and a half turbo or an onion block fantastic or BMW inline six something like the two liter the Volvo 5 cylinder great least one cylinder too long to fit in the front of this car so that's pretty much a no-go the BMW 2 liter uses exactly the same block as the 2.2 2.5 2.8 and the 3 liter which doesn't really help us either because it means we may as well go for a bigger engine but it's still not going to fit yeah we were hoping the 2 litre would be smaller but unfortunately cuz they share the same block it makes no difference just not me so we started looking back at some other four-cylinder options outside of what's usually done and outside of what we know we bumped into the toyota mr2 4-cylinder the sort of 3s I think the 3s GE or something like that pretty good little engine I actually know someone back home who has one in the front of a westfield fairly similar to ours but you know nicer and it's a riot makes bags of power make sounds incredible and it's actually not that common but while I was looking at the mr2 we had an idea yeah if we were considering engines our mid rear engined mid rear engine sports cars why not just take that entire package as walls design about the back treatment put it in the back of our project in everything ends up the right way round is designed for having gear linkages running forward out of the engine rather than back it's designed to being mounted amidships in the car everything kind of works you've got rear drive that's all set up right Sol's a bunch of problems probably caused us upon interesting you on which we can add too if we start considering some of the other engines that are available in transverse package obviously this definitely rules out all the v—aids the inline sixes and things of that nature but the 20 valve turbo the abs and the kr are all transverse packages which are probably about the right width all right so we've just been out to our a3 taking a couple of measurements of the engine and gearbox and everything to see roughly how it might fit in this it turns out it won't but it is roughly small enough that we could conceivably build something to hold it yeah it's about 32 inches across which is about 800 mil and it fits roughly between these two pillars here which is great downside of that is that it sits on lot further back because like most Abi's VW is all the engines being forward the drive line is going to be roughly in line with this beam here so these are still going to have to come out anyway but then so is this so is this this all the way around pretty much the whole back then it's gonna have to come off more or less is not really any much of a structure that I think we could use no there's this beam even the suspension because it's here if we use the original stuff out of the a3 which saves us a huge amount of 5-time makes parts really easy to replace still isn't gonna mount into here which is where the original ones probably would have gone so we have to build new towers and all that sort of stuff yeah basically everything from this you know the everything from our backs back he's got a waist yeah you
Choosing a kit car engine | PedalBox Episode 2 | Kit Car Project