Double the Power Double the FUN! – Twin Timber Differential THRUST

Check out the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m here:
This is the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m dual motor RC airplane. Honestly, this isn’t just another timber plane, and we are surprised they even named this RC plane Timber. This is out follow up video after about a year of ownership. Let us know if you think of this RC airplane in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the E-Flite Twin Timber 1.6m here:


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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen

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It really feels like just about forever And a half ago that I got to fly the Twin Timber it's actually been so long That when I looked for the twin timber In my radio I was looking for the twin Otter so I had almost forgotten its name Uh this isn't even that old of an Airplane it's pretty cool as you can see It's got two Motors that seemed to be The theme of 2023 and 2024 they took a Lot of airplanes that were single engine Or single motor and put two on there we Saw that with small planes and big ones And I'm not complaining I like that a Lot this airplane is so much fun to fly If you've never seen it on the channel Or seen anyone else fly it you're in for A treat once we get it in the air this Thing's a blast to fly but a handful on The ground and I'm sure that's going to Come out in today's video so without Further Ado let's power this on and have Some fun [Music] We are totally dodging some rain today So hopefully we get at least one video Out for you guys one flight I should say They safe is Off here we go and it's been a while Since I've flown I tightened up all my Screws on my landing gear before I came Out cuz I noticed they were loose so I Should use locktite on That ah feels nice to fly a big plane

I've been flying so many small things Here recently for no particular reason There's just been a lot of cool little Things coming out you guys have been Requesting to see on the channel this is Flying on a 4S battery Believe It or Not You'd think a plane this size would be a 6S but it's plenty powerful enough on 4S I don't think you need success at all I'll show you here we'll go zero Throttle and punch Out now because of our differential Thrust on this airplane you can do some Pretty wild stuff like Just that that couldn't have happened uh On a single motor airplane because we're Coming in from the outside on that and This plane has such a big Wing uh you Can do some really cool inverted stuff With your flaps coming inverted as well Uh you probably won't see me do any of That today cuz I'm just not that good of A pilot I've been I've been doing so Many different things on the channel This year it's been hard to focus on Getting really good at my airplane [Music] Stuff but I still have fun with it you Don't have to be the best in the world To have fun with a hobby and I try to Remind people of that all the time People think uh even some of my local Friends here think if they're not flying Like me they're not doing it right well

That's you don't have to worry about That there's time to get Better you just push the sticks and see What it does I'm feeling some rain Abby Yes That Cool let's snap it you got to ask them Will it snap we already know yes it Will that was Wild someone told me what I do is not a Snap but Actually something like that is the snap I think so let's try that again I think That was pretty cool oops there we go That was pretty cool that might have Been a better snap than what I do at Least with differential thrust that Turned out pretty sweet it's kind of Scary actually let's see that again Was the opposite direction but man That's Wild you guys see what's happening there A lot is happening There I don't know I do what I do is Like zero throttle I like to see the Momentum burn off so watch this right it Starts off strong and then it kind of Burns off and Falls the recommendation for SNAP is Basically under power that's pretty cool Too though I like both ways That's so cool with the differ Thrust now I'm flying on a 3200 mamp Battery I think it recommends I believe

They say it can fly on a 2200 all the Way up to 5,000 double check that for me It might be 3200 I actually was looking For my 4000s but I couldn't find them And maybe I don't have a 4,000 because This has a unique size battery plug for This big of an airplane it wants an Ic3 or an EC3 which you Know I'm I'm okay with I just I Everybody feels the same way I wish There was one battery connector to uh Rule them all and I got to give Spectrum Some credit because I do think that Their Spectrum smart batteries or at Least just the IC plug connector is the Best in the world it's very high quality You never have problems with it they Don't come disconnect connected they're Nice and clean Connections uh so I wish they could Somehow sell their battery connector Type to all these battery manufacturers And uh we just all had IC plugs they are The best but you know we're phasing Things That You Don't See Deans hardly Anymore in the airplane world ever we at 4 minutes okay I mean we have toy Material this so we should be okay we'll Do an here Come in for a crazy fast snap here we go Like this let's try to break it and it Didn't break so how low can you go how Low yeah uh for what inverted or just

Just a regular you surprise Us to do A flowish no you're above the hill yeah Okay that doesn't count then does It I Me okay okay so low knife edge below the Hill it's actually a lot lower than you Think Guys when things go when things go under The hill it gets scary doesn't it yeah Even my transmitter is like okay time to Land that's Enough oh I got the jingle of Success all these sounds you'd think we Added these in nope okay I have a light Breeze light oh then there's a strong Breeze and then here we go this this is The fun part of the twin Timber oh yeah It almost always loves to scratch those Wing tips uh yeah that was super fun That was a good flight I I'm glad I got This out the fight this today very very Cool good ground control when it's Slowing down you're just taxing around Because you've got that look at that Differential thrust where one motor Spins and the other one does not you get That in the air and on the ground Well guys that was honestly more fun Than I expected to have out of this I uh I'm really glad we picked this to come Out and fly today I just wanted to I Just kind of went Eeny Meeny Mighty Mo Honestly and picked an airplane and this

Is the one that won uh really fun I I Knew I knew we'd get out here and put it In the air but um just makes me want to Fly it more that's a really fun Good-looking airplane and I'm not saying It doesn't have its faults it it does Landing this unless plus you're on grass It's pretty brutal I have had good Smooth perfect Landings but just for me Personally it's challenging and I think That's because it sits up so high they Did that for two reasons they they have The wing and the motor sitting up high So you don't have prop strikes if you're Coming in unless you're completely Upside down we've talked about how it's Physically impossible to have a prop Strike unless you're upside down I think That given so there's that but also Because the wing is so big and I mean Like wide and we've got lights and we've Got big flaps and all these servos up Here and two Motors up top it really Does make it top heavy I mean on the Ground so that makes it very challenging To have pretty Landings on this you're Almost always going to at least over 50% Of the time even Pro Pilots are going to Scuff up those wing tips so it's nice to Land in grass and maybe we should try That with this airplane sometime because I am starting to run out of wing tip Right This Plane will be linked in the Description box below

Oh my yeah you can tell how many times I've flown this because 100 flights from Now we're going to be down to this Wing Slot right here this will be linked in The description box below if you want to Check it out for yourself I think the Price actually dropped on it I was Looking at it before we came out to Double check what my battery size was And I felt like the price was better Than when it came out it could just be Now inflation it could just be inflation Because now milk is $19 a gallon and so It feels a little better about the Airplane I don't know but I feel like It's a pretty decent price and if you Click that link it helps to support our Channel and our family at no extra cost To you little tiny less money goes to The corporation and you're helping out a Local family uh that's making free Content for the world to enjoy so we Appreciate that now guys I haven't flown This for a while right so I was knocking Some rust off in this video and I think Anytime a person does that you need to Be a little extra careful when you're Flying and I definitely was started off A little slow worked my way into it but But the nice added security blanket that I fly with is called AMA it's the Academy of model Aeronautics it's an Insurance program for those of us that Fly RC's and believe it or not drive

RC's too but it really comes in handy For these big foam toys because Unfortunately you have some people uh in The FAA and other people that think foam Toys are where our priorities should be In life and uh I'm not saying I isn't That what you think Well yes but it's not my job to bring The foam toys down it's my job to have Fun with our foam toys um you know I Have a lot of opinions on the matter but I will just say that I'm grateful Someone is going to bat for us and for The price of a couple batteries a whole Year you can be insured and you are Funding the AMA The Academy of model Aeronautics which is going to bat to say Hey hey he guys hey FAA these are these Are foam toys I don't know if you know That and yeah there might be one or two Bad YouTubers out there promoting The Hobby in a bad way and you really Shouldn't support those guys because What those guys will be end up doing you Know the ones that are blatantly flying Over houses and things like that and Then I'm not saying you couldn't do that But posting it to the world to encourage Others to do it no it's not good so at Least we've got the AMA kind of on our Side there helping to keep Us able to play with our foam toys and For that I'm grateful they'll be linked In the description box below too

Speaking of gratitude I'm very grateful For our blessing today to have enough Time to fly this and get this video out To you guys because rain is coming so Thank you God for blessing us with just A small window of opportunity to share This experience with everybody I want to Say massive thanks to our patreon Supporters too because we couldn't do What we do as often as we do it thought Your insanely awesome support if you Love RC ples especially cool awesome RC Planes we have a very awesome video Just For You popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye

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