Emergency Car/Truck Survival Kit 2017 – 60 PIECE SET! (Deal Guy Live)

– Hi, I'm The Deal Guy, Matt Granite. – And I'm intern Daria. – We are gonna save you huge
survivalist savings right now, on an emergency relief
kit that would be great. (plinging) Oh, and we got the
notification we're live. If you're watching us right now, we're gonna give one
of these away for free during the video live draw, and we're gonna be
answering your questions, and Daria's gonna be modeling elements from one of the most awesome relief kits. Now I know for a lot of us, survivalist savings are top of mind. If you have a new driver, and you're looking for the ultimate kit that combines first aid, emergency flashlights, really, really great ways to make sure that if you are stranded, you are taken care of. Alright, where do we start? It's 60 pieces, the link is
right under this video screen– – Wait, let me show you this. (whooshing) – Nice job, that was really swift.

– It just keeps going.
– It's like you've done this before. Do you mind holding this while I start? – Yeah, yeah, totally. – Okay, so, a lot of the
emergency relief kits that you're gonna see, and a lot of the emergency roadside kits, don't combine any of the elements that you're gonna see in here. From emergency blankets, to whistles, to all of these other really great items. And let's start with, my
favorite and your favorite, jumper cables. Now I can't even tell you how many times that I
look at emergency kits. And if you've never seen me before, I hunt down huge deals, Daria is with me as often
as humanly possible. And the jumper cables that are usually included in
these emergency relief kits, are such pieces of garbage. They're very, very small, they wouldn't work joining
one car to the next. These, are hardcore, a big deal, and one of the many
items that you can find. The whole kit is 36 bucks, which is almost a 70% off reduction. – That's all? – Yeah. – Like they mean, like, it's only $37? – With free shipping, the whole kit.

– Wow.
– Actually I think it's 35.99, the price has fluctuated a little bit, but you got a Swiss army knife equivalent. And, btw, if you're seeing
items and they're coming up, the person that made them, did not manufacture them upside down. We're shooting on a reverse lens, so we can see all your comments. Hello, thank you. Okay, what's the next element
that you wanna showcase? – I think we should go
with the safety vest, or safety wear. – You basically just wanna
model this real fast. – I do (laughing). – So while Daria models the safety vest, which I think is just gonna sell this kit, and again, I don't care
whether or not you buy this, but if you are looking to
stay safe on the roads, if you have a student in
your household, a new driver, many of the elements in here, from security whistles to roadside emergency glow stick flares, which we're gonna give a whole
light-up test of in a moment, just absolutely phenomenal.

If you've just tuned in,
watching live right now, really appreciate it. (laughing) That looks so good. – So, if you guys ever get lost
or stranded on the road, just throw on one of
these, they won't miss you. – No, and you know what? This actually comes with a help sign. So the sign that Daria is gonna hold up, is gonna show up reverse as well, but I think like the perfect situation would be you holding a help
sign now with this vest. – Just stand on the side
of the road like this. – So if you see Daria, which is sort of waddling like
that on the side of the road, you would hopefully pick
her up and help her vehicle. And if you didn't have jumper
cables to assist Daria, this would be a great thing to have.

And for those of you right now, and I wanna know where
you're watching from, what parts of the country are you in? I'm in an area a lot of the time, where winter is really a big issue, and there's ice on the roads, and I often see cars in the ditch. I hope I'm never that vehicle, but if I could ever be in a situation where I could assist someone I'm– We're trying to keep a straight face, I'm talking about serious roadside things, and Daria is like trying on gloves, and all these other things. – They do fit my hands. – Again, this kit would
be perfect for you. Daria, you might not know
looking at her right now, she just got into law school, and one of the things
that I'm worried about, is your commute back and
forth to work with me.

– Yes, yes, so it's a far commute, it takes about at least four
hours to get back and forth. My dad's worried as well, so he made me learn how to
change a tire last week, so I'd love these gloves,
so that I can do that. – And, for all of the components where you would need to change tires, this roadside emergency relief kit is absolutely, absolutely awesome. You've got tools that can
assist with many situations you hope you're never in, as well as a fully
functional first aid kit.

You also have, in addition to the whistle, which is right down here, we won't blow out any
of your eardrums today. Ow, she dropped a knife on my foot, but that's fine. This is something that
would work in any situation where you don't have power. It's a hand crank situation, but it's, I don't know
if you guys can see, it's really neat. So you just compress this a few times, and then you have a
fully functional light, that is very, very bright, that can last for a period of time. It's not one of those ones, where you have to just
crank forever and ever. This would be something
that, again, at night, something that can fit
into a glove compartment.

And I don't know if you noticed this, the whole roadside safety kit, also has the symbols you
would need to signal distress. Now I dropped something on Daria. We're a really
well-coordinated group today. If you do wanna grab
this, and I just heard, oh Mary's in Cleveland,
she's buying four of these. I know a lot of people,
especially in the North East, this is something you wanna consider. But you know what,
storm season down south. I work in parts of the country, where hurricanes are an issue. This would be something you
don't just want in your vehicle, but perhaps something
you want in your home, big, big fan of that.

We're gonna show you the glow sticks now. Before we do a live draw, and Daria, you're getting
a lot of congratulations on law school. – Thanks everyone. – People believe in you, just like I do. We're gonna open these up, and since the whole studio we're in, is actually Alexa-enabled. You ready? So I think you have to shake them first, and then you snap them, alright? Echo, turn the studio off! – [Alexa] Okay. – Wow, these are bright, look at this. Why did yours break better than mine? Look at that. So this would be good, and in my opinion, better
than a roadside flare. First of all, roadside flares are little bit dangerous sometimes, depending on how you hold them and how you're using them. These are generating no heat whatsoever, and this would be fantastic, because you get 12 hours of
emergency use out of this. So if your car is stranded
after your rescue, you can give this to kids in the backseat. They can do glow stick shows, this would keep them entertained
for a period of time. Look at that! – It comes with a string too.

– Daria, what do you
think the string is for? – Oh my God, I don't know. – I think maybe you could
attach it to something, if you like. At a car antenna if it's
dangling, or just drop it. Again, as we're dropping everything today. – Oh no, it ties into here,
there's a little, okay– – You can actually wear
this around your neck. If you're ever in a situation, where you probably have to be
wandering through the woods, to walk out to a road to get help, this perhaps is something
you could wear around you, just as Daria and I are now
gonna turn the lights back on.

Although we should probably give you a flashlight demonstration. Look how bright that is. Look at that beautiful face. – Oh hi guys. – Bye, that's Daria. Alright, I'm gonna turn
the lights back on now. Echo, turn the studio on. Echo! – [Alexa] Okay! – Oh she's good, she's
good, thank you, thank you! There we are. We're brightening back up right now. We're gonna do the
giveaway in a moment, but– – [Alexa] Hm, I'm not sure. – It's okay, that was my bad, not yours, totally threw her off. By the way, those of you
asking for Echo deals, those are going to drop probably in about three weeks, and I'll make sure to have those. The price that I found on this today is at a different merchant. It's actually a lower price
than what I found on Amazon, so if you are interested,
I vet all the merchants, I make sure that there's free shipping, that these do get to you
as quickly as possible.

This roadside emergency kit, again, it's 60 pieces you get. The emergency blanket, you
get hand gloves, work gloves. A fully functional first
aid kit on its own, in my opinion, is worth at least $30. So to have all this for $36,
with all of the other elements. The rain poncho, admit it, you
so wanna try the rain poncho. – No I want you to try. – You want me to do the rain poncho? – Yeah. While he does that, Matt was saying that there's a bunch of first aid kit things in here. So there's an emergency
blanket that you always need, to make sure you stay warm.

There's band aids, and there's tissues. There's also electrical tape, so in case you need to tape
anything up, it's there. And then, Matt's gonna wear a great rain poncho right now for you. – [Matt] Where are the sleeves? – There's the sleeves. – Why would it, you know what, oh no, it goes over your head. – Yeah. – Okay, got it, sorry,
I don't get out much. Daria, where's the? Anyhow, you wanna grab this,
it's located right under, Daria, I'm suffocating in this bag.

It's located right under the video screen. This is a really well-organized video. I wanna thank all of
you guys for watching, we're gonna do the live draw now. – I'm gonna get in trouble
for this after (laughing). – There we go, made my own hole. Alright, you ready for the draw? And by the way, I wanna
thank everyone for watching.

If you are a subscriber to this channel, I can't even tell you what a difference your viewership makes. If you're subscribed, if
you've notifications turned on, you're eligible for giveaways. But I know so many people
watching right now, I love you guys. If I don't say it enough, thank
you, thank you, thank you, and I'm gonna make sure that I can do my best
to improve this channel and improve giveaways (laughing). We look like such tools right now. You look better than I do. I'm gonna begin. So, when I do the giveaway
from the computer, it's not always as great of a view to you as I would like. I'm gonna see if we can
make sure you can see. It'll be reversed. Oh, this isn't too bad today. Alright, so I'm gonna use
the Pick A Winner tool. I like the way you're peeking in. Alright, so this is gonna
automatically select a subscriber, who has commented in the last six months.

Someone wrote I look like a pumpkin. I don't know if that's me or Daria, but the winner is Kenya Watson. Your name is upside down, but she mentioned that
she loves the sleep masks. I believe those have sold out. But there you go, so yes, congratulations! Alright, can we do a glow stick glance before we say goodbye to everyone. Echo, turn the studio off. – [Alexa] Okay. – [Matt] Ya, you've won! (whooping) And, there you go. Wow, we're getting designs. There we are. If this is not great YouTube viewership, I don't know what is.

Echo, turn the studio on. Is she still thinking? Echo, turn the studio on. – [Alexa] Okay. – There we go, sometimes it takes two tries,
just like everything in life. – She wanted to watch your party. – Yeah (laughing). Thank you guys for watching. Reminder, if you're not yet subscribed, make sure you subscribe, and
you turn your notifications on. If you've just watched us
at work, I so apologize. That was probably not something you needed on your work desk, but we love you for watching. So now, Daria's gonna say goodbye. Congratulations on law school. – Thank you. – So good, so good, and I'm gonna make sure that
she gets one of these kits, so she's not stranded, so she can come back and
do more shows with you, and that was all.

I love you guys, okay,
Daria's gonna say goodbye now. – Bye guys, keep subscribing, keep liking and commenting on our videos, I check them frequently, so does Matt. – [Matt] 'Course I do. (laughing).

As found on YouTube

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