FAST 100MPH RC EDF Jet!!! – E-Flite Viper 70mm

Check out the new E-Flite Viper 70mm here:
E-Flite just announced a brand new RC EDF Jet that is better than ever! This is the newest Viper 70mm by E-Flite. Our favorite upgrade is the more robust shocks. In this video we take this RC jet out for you a second time for a quick flight. Let us know your thoughts about this RC EDF Jet in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out the new E-Flite Viper 70mm here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

#rcjet #rcedfjet #rc

[Music] We're back with the upgraded 70 mm Viper Mainly we're dealing with much more Heavyduty landing gear with actual Articulation softer tires a little bit More power under the hood and because of That power our flight times are a little Shorter the main flight just wasn't long Enough so we're back for a second flight And I think I might try some crosswind Touch and goes I don't know we'll just Put this in the air and see where it Takes Us [Music] Beautiful every time it is that's why I Stopped talking and uh yeah we just want To have some fun with it put it through Its Paces admire that nice Bright Beautiful orange and uh having said that Abby I'm ready for takeoff let's Go now one thing I didn't mention in the Main flight video I'm going to recommend It for all of you watching now so you Know that it is definitely worth Watching our videos I highly recommend Some Servo wire extensions because um This was a pain to get the wing here we Go we're going to get by this was a pain To run the wires it really truly Was taking off you good Terry you want To watch all right here we Go Aviation always draws an audience It's awesome Crosswinds bad today but

This can handle It now Abby we've done a speed test on This jet before didn't we push over 100 Mph I believe so okay so let's kick that Landing gear up right here and crank It just looks good let's climb it I do Believe this jet is air show worthy it Is just an Awesome [Music] Yeah I think we can KN fedge this I Can't remember if the rudder is yeah we Can knife edge that Puppyoo we'll just roll it over up here On the back end and do a nice cubanate You know what let's go for it why Not you going in the wrong way or can You do it this Way so the cubanate if it's perfect we Hold it right there and then roll over And then pull out about you know halfway Down and we got to maintain our inverted Flight and then roll it over there's our Cuban 8 yeah want a great jet the Viper just Can't cannot be beat if you want the Most well-rounded snap it right in front Of us well the snaps on this aren't that Good remember will it snap yeah that's a Slow a slow just not enough Rudder and Elevator Authority now I could crank Some more control into that but this is Out of the box Performance which is not bad it's low to

The Ground it's a it's a speedy jet it's a Very sporty jet I don't think it's Really a high alpha or 3D kind of thing You're not going to get that kind of Performance out of this I don't believe But if you like the sporty speeds that's What it's all about but it's fairly Fairly trainer friendly too now we've Got a big CR coming down the runway They're coming close to you what I'm Going to do is landing gear down I see Them and we're actually just going to Put her down we're going to put her down Full flat like they're trying to clip You I think they're racing me we're Going to touch and go this way here Let's see we got a tailwind and a Crosswind so can we do it A little little hop but that's cuz I was A little nervous St that grass oh it'll Power slide with those softer tires you Were at about 2 and a half 245 on we Might you know they just turned around So we're going to take off and do Another we're full flaps which is not Totally recommended but there we go We're stay heavy on the right kick the Flaps off we're going to come around and Do a proper landing on the right uh Landing gear is staying down flaps are Up we're going to land right to left and We'll call today just so we don't hit The crane in the end of the

Runway We only have about a minute left of Juice on this thing anyway so guys this Is the best way to do it just bring it Down level off kick those flaps on come In under some power to get it closer to You right you want to get the thing Fairly close to you not just so it looks Good on camera but so you can see those Wheels touch down in the world of RC It's all about when those Wheels touch Down shs are working they yeah they're They're bounced it right back up in the Air that was my speed that did that uh But there you go there's the the new and Upgraded Viper 70 with the guys working On the runway down in the background Very cool very awesome to be able to Share this experience with you guys and We have it linked in the description box Below remember when you click that link It helps support our Channel and our Family at no extra cost to you and I Just want to say a massive thanks to God For getting us out here in front of the Camera to share this experience with you Guys for blessing us with this beautiful Day all glory goes to him and we thank Him for everything you guys are Absolutely awesome one same massive Thanks our patreon supporters because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your amazing support and we Thank you from the bottom of our hearts

And if you missed the main flight we'll Have that video popping up right about Now thanks for watching we'll see you There [Music] Bye

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