FASTEST Looking RC Car In The WORLD Only $99

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This is the FASTEST Looking RC Car In The WORLD for Only $99, wonder if it will live up to its looks? In this video we do a speed test on this budget RC car. How fast do you think this RC car will go? Let us know in the comments!
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Jim Mulder, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Russ Cooper, ruudy, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Anthony May, Big Mountain Custom RC, Chris Hamlett, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeffrey Davis, and Jesper Larsen
#rccar #rcracer #speedtest

This has got to be one of the coolest Looking fastest looking RC cars that I've ever had my hands on I saw this Online and I just couldn't resist I Thought I've got to see this thing on The channel and really put it through Its Paces to see how fast it goes that's What we're going to do in this video is Show you guys how fast it goes I don't Know if it'll be any faster than the Monster trucks that we feature on the Channel but it sure looks like it could Blow those out of the water and it is a Brushless setup thank goodness we have a Nice brushless motor the downside here Is we're only running on a 2s LiPo Battery but we've got some metal Reinforcement in here which is great and I love the looks of all the wiring for The headlights it even comes with Optional slicks here they are so they're Not really slicks Abby because a true Slick would be rubber those are hard Plastic so those are drift tires and Then optional LEDs that we can put under The car there's no shortage of Accessories and extras but my main focus For today's video is to see how fast This thing goes so let's power it on and Have some [Music] Fun oh look at the halo lights they're Doing their cool ring effect can you see It yes

Nice all right maybe not the best Mounting job of the GPS meter but there Wasn't a good flat spot to put that on But it's ready to go with Abby controls So we're going to start off on Low the clearance yeah not a lot of Clearance this isn't the best place to Do a low clearance speed test but I'm Having to hold right okay so she needs Trimmed signals oh nice see can we'll Get a little closer so see this is Something that I oh yeah nice Abby those Turn signals look great why can't big Name brands do things like turn signals When you're paying $500 for an RC but This one they do where's the speed Switch oh I see right there yep medium Yep medium let's see how fast so we are Only 12 M hour very slow my guess is 18 Oh wow that was much faster I'm still Going to go with 18 on going left yeah I Remember when you couldn't trim up your Own vehicles I still can't still Going still going left I'm going with 18 I'm going to say this tops out at I Don't think I ever hit Full Throttle cuz I was distracted I'm going to say this Tops out at 25 M hour on high speed but We will See I think it's a very cool looking RC For sure one of the coolest one of the Coolest fastest looking nice 18 I was Right on the money what's your guess for Top speed and High um 22 22 okay how was

It 25 might even go faster than 25 but Yeah 25 that's where I'm At this is a really cool car especially For the price and then I get to drive it After you Abby I don't know you might be Right at 22 or maybe 18 yeah you don't Think it's any faster No it's a very cool looking car though Got to give it that did it even get up Too high or did you switch it up all the Way wait no you didn't even switch it at All I thought I did no you're right and That's why it's still 18 was right You're good at recognizing speed yeah Okay let's go again let's go why did I Think I changed it and I Didn't still say 22 okay I'm still I'm want to go 25 give It a good full full speed pass one more Time yeah that's hitting 20 5 we're 25 man this just looks like a car from a From a cartoon in like the '90s I Can't not bad you can hear it scraping The road all right let's see what we got Abby and then I want to see if I can Beat You oh 24 I was close I was close close Yeah so I win okay let's see if I can Hit 25 though all right I'm just going To start on high now I should remind you Guys this is four-wheel drive too so That's pretty cool and you get some Really cool action out of this thing if You had your drift tires on here we

Go you see those shocks Working when it goes by I think I'm Still going to be right at 24 I love it for the way it looks and You know it is still fast 24 mph still Pretty quick especially for a little Little car let's see how fast I Got still 24 you think it can do any donuts oh Yeah hey oh it's my drob all all all Right now before before she does the Donuts let's do This just in Case no hold on all right let's see what You got on these Donuts Abby burn that rubber girl W Nice I think I can smell the rubber Burning nice job those are good Donuts Aren't they do right there okay let's Go it actually got stuck I straighten up The wheel or I just let go and it was I had to counter steer to get it to go Straight well that's a master donut car That's Cool is there any rubber left on your Tires Abby yes yes so that holds up Pretty well Barely it's starting to get shredded on The edges but this is very rough asphal I think this is like 500-year-old Asphalt just so you guys know it's never Been like resealed or Anything ah

But Beggars can't be choosers and we're Very grateful to have access to this Space for small cars especially with Such low clearance it's a little rough On our speed tests but our bigger RC's Like the Arma stuff you know what I just Realized they got like little disc Brakes in there on the wheels they look Pretty cool so good looking car very Goodlooking car I love it as a shelf Queen and just let the kids run it and Play with that you know knocking it down On low like that with that speed switch And then driving it that is perfect for The kids and I can tell you Daniel will Probably get hours and hours and hours On this he's already taken a huge Interest in driving he holds the Transmitter the right way already isn't That crazy 18 months he's wild and Amilia is a very good RC car driver too This is definitely one to just have fun With the family so it's two huge thumbs Up I don't think this is like a super High performance hobby grade RC but it's Nicer than anything you're going to find At Walmart Or Radio Shack poor Radio Shack If Only They have had the good good RC's they'd Still be in Business there might be a few existing Still I'm not sure do you have a Radio Shack where you guys live we don't but There used to be like 10 anyway what an

Awesome beautiful day that God has Blessed us with and we are so thankful For that I also want to mention that This is linked in the description box Below if you want to pick one up for Yourself using that link does help to Support our Channel and our family at no Extra cost to you and at the very least Click that link and check out the other Collor version they have of this I think I like this one more well it's the one I Picked out so I know I like it more but The other color is pretty cool too They're very Stark color differences so Check them out and before we go I want To say huge thanks to our patreon Supporters because we couldn't do what We do as often as we do it without your Insanely awesome support if you love Budget friendly fast RC cars we have had A very cool one recently on the channel And we'll have that video popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye [Music]

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