Garage Diorama v.2 1/24 Scale Model Car Diorama

After the first garage building video got
so many views, I decided to build the second one in even more detail with simpler materials. First I designed the main wall with the garage
door and windows on this board. This is a isolation foam board. It's the kind of stuff you can find at any
hardware store. I use a thick, wide wooden block instead of
a ruler to make a straight cut. In this way, I can cut 90 degrees with the

This will be the garage door And the windows And than I start to carving the texture on
the foam. Window and door edges first. Before adding the brick texture to the foam,
First I need to make a simple tool . That's it! Let's add the brick texture This way I will apply this to the entire surface And hours later Now I can add the vertical lines. I also made another tool for this. As you can see, it already looks like a brick
wall. I cut thin strips of foam board to add more
detail to the wall. And I added brick texture Ok I can start to paint it. I am applying a heavy layer of acrylic paint
as primer. And than I am painting it with off white acrylic
paint. This layer will be the base color of wall Painting frames… If you haven’t heard that before this technique
is dry brushing.

If you've never heard of it, this technique
is called dry brushing. Now you see why it's called that. First, I applied dark brown paint Secondly, I used this paint in this mixture. Why did I dilute it? Because the first layer I applied is not completely
dry yet, and this watery mixture will interact with it and create several different tones
at once. Just watch and see. Another color tone of reddish brown After applying those two mixtures to the entire
surface, I now randomly paint the bricks with different colors. This will make it look more realistic. To be honest, it took me a whole week to paint
this and the board behind it like this. It is very important to be patient while doing
this detail painting process. In fact, I did not even finish the front side
of the wall, as I will not use it in the video. That's another story and stay tuned for the
part 2 I made a homebrew weathering mixture with
some acrylic inks and I will apply it.

These acrylic paints appear quite dark when
wet. It won't be this dark when it dries. You'll soon see. The Left side will be the floor of the garage,
the sidewalk, and the driveway. And the right side will be the asphalt street. I will create the sidewalk simply by raising
one of the these. Driveway I create the sidewalk details by drawing with
a needle. This is concrete putty diluted with water. It is widely available in art stores. It's nothing special. I am applying a heavy coat acrylic paint to
the base After the surface is completely dry, I add
the dirt and oil stains on the floor with diluted acrylic inks. Ok let's build something with plastic.

Like window frames I've cut these profiles before to build this. First I cut each end at a 45 degree angle. And on a flat surface I fixed them together. Now I am adding the inner frames. This translucent plastic sheet will be the
frosted glass Let’s build the garage door and its shutter This T profile will be the frame of the shutter. I'm fixing it temporarily. I let it dry for a day and the result To make the shutter, I will prepare a molding
jig with round profiles. Well, I think that'll be enough. I also bought this thick aluminum foil from
an art store. I am adding the first slots with this tool
to make sure they are straight. And then I am using the jig After the shutter is complete I fix it to
the frame. Let's build the garage sign. It's done. But it still needs some metal deformation
effect like bent I am adding that simply like this Now it's time to build the office door And finally scratch build stages are completed This is the last set of Fujimi's garage kit
that I don't have.

With this, the garage set is finally complete. The kit comes with three sprues and some extra
materials like soft plastic pipes. Of course, I will not show the build stages
of all of them one by one. I will briefly show the common plastic modeling
stages to give an idea about the kit. Yes, it's time for me to add mechanic figures
to my garage. I can't avoid this any longer, I need to learn
to paint figures. This is the second kit I will use in this
build. Also it comes with tons of garage tools and
equipments. This kit is little bit old but this is Tamiya. Again classical cut, clean and making them
ready to assembly stages. Finally I can start to paint. Primer first Since the plastic of figures is white I applied
black and white again. Because I want to paint them on a white based
primer. I applied Dark iron color to some of them
to get paint chipping effect. I use hair spray for paint chipping effect.

Now I can apply the main paints. I am dipping them to water and wait for a
few minutes. And here’s the effect This is laser printed homemade decal. I made this weathering mixture with turpentine
and oil paint. And it's time for the job that I always postponed
and left to last. Inevitably I have to learn to paint figures
with the wet palette method. First I paint the figures with the base skin
color. Then I add all the colors I will use to the
wet palette. I will keep it simple. I am gonna paint light to dark basically. After all the paint has dried, it was time
to paint the figures' workwear. I will repeat the same as previous. Painting the base color lightly, and apply
different color tones light to dark.

I just only added lights to the edges I can apply flat varnish and finish the job Okey let’s fix the all parts to their places And one last effect with the pastels I made this sidewall portable. Because instead of building three more walls,
I made one to put it wherever I shoot it. Let the fun begin!.

As found on YouTube

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