Check out the Top RC P39 here:
Mini vs Big RC Plane: Which is better? We love our mini rc planes, so we decided to take a look at the Top RC Hobby P39 Airacobra. This 402mm rc plane is a lot of fun and reminds us of some of our favorite Eachine warbirds. We recommend checking those out, linked below!
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We recommend checking out these mini warbirds too:
Check out the Spitfire here:
Check out the P51 Warbird here:
Check out the Mini Corsair RC Plane here:
Check out the Eachine Mini T-28 Trojan here:
Check out the F-22 Raptor RC Smart Jet here:
Check out the BF109 here:
Check out the Eachine P47 here:
and the XK A210 Trojan here:
Check out the XK A260 Rarebear f8f here:
Check out the Eachine P-40 RC Plane here:
Check out the XK A250 BF-109 Fighter here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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#rcplane #rcairplane #warbird
We had a great time with the new P-47 by Top RC which is a pretty direct Competitor to the eachine warbird today We're going to take a look at the P39 Error Cobra this is a good looking Version of an air Cobra I like it I mean It might not be exact to scale but for The size it's really good and I like the Collar that they went with too even the Detail on the spinner now guys this Plane just like the others in this Category comes completely ready to fly With your transmitter battery and Charger it has the beginner flight Stabilized mode which makes it very easy And smooth to fly the p47 did a great Job and I'm excited to see how the P39 Does it just looks like it's going to be Fast and I'm excited to fly it so let's Put it in the air and see how it does Ooh much better take off than your last Top RC hobby plane it was good that was Nice I uh I'm really happy with this one So far this is great I can tell already This one's just flying super smooth That's hands-free right there already Wow like the red nose and I like the red Tip on the tail that was very easy to See on that pass I wanted to see if I Can show that off again guys here this Looks good the P39 is awesome Oh doesn't that looks sweet That's nice yes yes I like this a lot I Don't know if it's just the airplane
Maybe they all are going to need a Little trimming or something when they Come out of the box or you just maybe You won't need any trimming Oh it's cool I like this this is great Okay So when you when you first Power yours On and you throttle up you're not going To get any throttle it's a safety Feature until you go full throttle and Then back down to zero throttle okay so Be aware of that nothing's wrong with Your airplane it's just a safety feature This is something drones have done for a Very long time and sometimes these Airplanes Implement that too so just Wanted to throw that out there they do Come with landing gear but I opted out Of it I think it just looks amazing Without the landing gear because they're Not retractable if you take off and fly With the landing gear on then they're Just stuck down and that just doesn't Look as scale so for me I actually Really like flying this with the landing Gear off just do a hand launch and then Belly landing in the grass but for that Whole flight time It just looks better oh I like that so Much more so the wind has picked back up Of course I'd like to fly these on a Calm day one of these days sorry Abby Because I'd like to try like an inverted pass or
Something this actually they they're Claiming that there's flies in expert Mode really well but I just don't feel I just tried expert mode there and I can Fly it in it but it's just squirrely I Don't feel like I have a ton of control Over it so maybe you need to bind it up To a bigger better radio for expert mode To work well But again when we're flying these small Birds I don't I don't really expect them To have Really good flying characteristics out Of the beginner mode now here's Something we didn't test with the p47 That I'm excited to test with the air Cobra Abby are you ready Um yes keep a close eye on it here we go Okay let's try it again Okay I'm gonna try it the other one bear With me all these are a little bit Different We have a stunt button that's what I'm Trying to do Gotta do something there's an acrobatic Button you press it and then but Sometimes it's a flick of the right Stick sometimes you have to hold it Trying to figure out how we're going to Pull this off That's the button pick a Direction press And hold the button Nothing no oh there we go there it did It it did it so I held it and then I
Flicked the right stick to the right and It did a roll looks pretty good actually Let off again that wasn't bad we did Lose some altitude which I was expecting What I did that time was a press and Hold of the stun button and then flick The right stick It's not Oh It's they did it so it's like you're Over me so I didn't get it oh it's a Little confusing so I'm going to press And hold that button release it and then That's I don't know I don't know I can't Get it to work consistently but it did Work I guess we'll try it one more time This is very confusing there it's doing At the same time it's like it only works Directly over our head when Abby can't Record it so who knows uh and there's The P39 area code it's flying really Well I can get it nice and tight and Aggressive in the beginner flight mode I Didn't have to trim this one up little Things aren't always so hard to film I Didn't have to trim this one up at all Um just getting it out of the box threw It right in the air and it flies really Well the p47 I had to trim down a lot it Loved to climb but then this is one of My favorite looking many more birds it's Just probably the collar I love that Army olive green
With the red Spinner on there and then that little Tip of red on the tail it just stands Out really well I'm banking this with Rudder input and it is flying super Aggressively super well again I love the Way this one looks This is one of the better small War Birds I have ever flown it's really good The stunt thing don't let that deter you Because I I can never get these little Mini warbird stun buttons to work Consistently on any of them they all Have like just a different Um You push it sometimes it works so what's The intermediate mode do intermediate Probably should just let me Bank further Yeah yeah just more aggressive Maneuvers Okay Definitely This one's intermediate mode is really Nice I like that I can keep it way more Aggressive I like that that's really Good so if you wanted to fly in tighter Smaller dog fighting spaces like this Yeah oh my goodness yeah look I mean I Can get the wing completely vertical Without letting it go upside down you Can it takes those Banks so fast I just Lose it okay so let's now that the wind Has died down here's advanced again it's Just I just don't feel like hold on Let's get it
Trim or something Okay Oh my gosh every time you need to give a Bang And it might be the radio I don't know But none of these warbirds none of them Fly well in advanced mode and I think These are right there with it they say That they're some of the best but I Don't know just not quite feeling that One but the beginner mode and even the Intermediate mode is really good on the Sarah Cobra and this one comes with Landing gear comes with landing gear I Just opted out of it because I think it Looks better flying look see even Against that Hillside that red nose and Against the ground it just pops it's Really nice Love how this one looks and that's what I tell people when you're buying these Warbirds get what one looks best to you Because they all fly great now there is One and I think ironically wasn't it the P-47 ishin bird I don't know it's one of Those just wasn't very good so you know Reviews are are helpful I love this though this is really good This is one of my favorites Abby let's Bring it in for a landing just because My fingers are getting very cold it's Like 25 degrees out super cold day plop So hard to film these things Am I right I mean that one just looks
Good right right there a cobra that's That's got to be one of my favorites I Didn't realize how much this tail tip Would stand out while I'm just looking At it here on the ground right it just Kind of looks cool but when you're Flying that The red spinner and that red just pops And it makes for orientation it just Makes it easier to see really well and You've got that one star on this Wing So Orientation on this plane is really good Now they've got a new lineup luckily It's not like the ishin birds they have That P51 and that's all they had for Quite a while then eachine came out with The Corsair and I think a Trojan and I Believe these guys have three I'm pretty Sure uh and I've got plans to get the Bf-109 on the channel two so now we've Got two of these and they are great but You guys gotta check them out for Yourself we'll have a couple different Links I think in the description box Below where you can pick them up and in My opinion the P-47 was good it let us Know what we can expect with the Airplanes but it was just kind of like I don't know not as good as this I think This one personally looks cooler I'm not Like the biggest fan of the P39 era Cobra but but I do like this version I Think it just looks great so anyway They'll be linked in the description box
Below know that using that link does Help to support our Channel and our Family at no extra cost to you it's a Great way to just say thanks and to Support what we do and on the subject of Thanks just for this beautiful day it is Uh it's a winter day I know you watching At home it doesn't look so bad but it's Like 25 degrees Fahrenheit out it's Super cold but it's still beautiful and A good opportunity to get out and fly a Nice little War Bird and for that I Thank God I also want to say a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your amazing support so we Thank you from the bottom of our hearts You gotta check out the p47 video as Well so we'll have that one popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye Thank you