New Model Kits (new releases and restock) December here at Metro Hobbies

Morning all it's Friday morning we've 
got our team back into the city the   city stores open again so we're going to start up 
our what's new and all that sort of stuff again   so we've got a lot of stuff to show you there's 
been a lot of stuff coming over the last few   few weeks i'm going to do a bit 
of a walk around and a bit of   box opening as well to show you some new 
releases other than that well let's get started so first one i want to have a look at we've 
had a big shipment from Mini Art this is   the new Austin armoured vehicle so if you're into 
armoured cars and you'll be picking up the others   this is another new one to pick up this is very 
very nice this is the British version there's a   three or four versions coming out nicely wrapped 
up little box lots and lots and lots of detail   so it's going to be quite an extensive kit as i 
said this is for the British version usual Mini   Art instruction book so it's quite detailed it's 
a nice artwork on the back there to show you what   all the different schemes lots of detail quite 
extensive so it's going to be quite a nice kit as   i said i believe there's three or four versions of 
this coming the Ukraine Russian one is in as well   a slightly different turret i believe and 
then there's other versions so that's the   astronomic car so that's coming so that'll be 
that's in store sorry that's in store now so online whichever so whichever you 
want to go where you want to go   had some stuff in from AFV Club this is another 
version of their U2D now for those who remember   the old Airfix U2 they did a D version this is 
the black and silver version with the radome   unit on the top these have been very very nice 
there's been a few questions and issues about   intakes and things like that but the reality 
is the kits do build very very well it's a U2D   i just love the fact that they've done the 
one that the FX did so it gives you that   bit of nostalgia there again nice kit nice 
detail it's a fairly big aeroplane as usual   you can see that they've obviously got plans to 
do later versions because of the way the kit is   set up nice click nice bits and pieces nice clear 
parts so they give you all the different versions   that's the radome and stuff for the D version so 
lots of bits and pieces that's the decal sheet   there's also a nice little   poster of it with the instruction sheet 
so there you go so that's another nice one   very nice kit in stock drop in and see us now for 
something unusual we haven't got only a couple of   these these are quite rare or quite they're going 
to be limited this is from another new company we   picked up called Micromere there's been a bit of 
discussion on this about how big it is and what it   is this is the Russian K-7 Kalanin they only ever 
built two of them both of them crashed in time but   as a kit this is the most amazing thing it's not 
cheap i'll warn you now but the detail that's the   wing now that's a one piece wing but it's actually 
two pieces it appears to be vac form and they've   already joined it for you to keep the the rigidity 
of the wing because it's quite it's quite flimsy   really but it's all been all the cutouts are 
there in for the wing all the bits and pieces   as you can see this is 1/72nd scale so it's a 
big big airplane so there's that that clear parts   this is all undercarriage parts so you've got 
all this all this structure all this structure   is all in one's one set of bag of spruce so it's 
quite heavy there's all the rest of your bits and   pieces engines pretty sure it's eight engine 
six push it a six yeah six two pushes and six   pulling ones instructions bit of etched metal 
big sheet of it it's a big instruction sheet   so yeah so for something unusual if you're 
just looking for that oddbod we only have a   couple of them because they're not they're 
they're not cheap but for those people that   just want something different that's a 
pretty cool aeroplane so other than that   that's a couple we wanted to show you a 
couple of regulars and a bit of an odd one so   what we'll do now is continue on continuing on i'm 
going to show you some of the new releases that   come in now these some of these have been in for 
a little while but we haven't been obviously with   covered and all the rest but we haven't shown 
you much so let's have a look from Micromere   again this is their new 1/32nd scale magister 
this is a quite a nice kit choice of markings   unfortunately i left the Australian one out but if 
you're looking for 30 seconds ago it's not cheap   for what it is but it's not a mass run kit 
either so you've got a bit of work there we   also picked up a company called clear prop this is 
another new company they're out of the Ukraine as   well nice kits a little bit of work but they're a 
little bit more detailed than the old average 1/70   second scale they do actually have two styles one 
is the standard kit and ones and like an upgrade   kit where they've got all the bits and pieces 
quite nice that's the C-Sprite also from Micromere   something different that's the Miles M-57 Aerovan 
now from Roden they've released their version   of this of the Steerman this is really really 
nice it's a nice kit lots of detail they've got   a second version coming out shortly yes there is 
another brand out there they're on similar lines   but i think just slightly the rodent kit's a bit 
nicer so that's quite good a fantastic re-release   from Airfix this was a very very popular kit when 
it was first released and completely sold out   and then was going on Ebay and places for stupid 
money this is back and stock the big difference is   of course this is the radial engine Lancaster not 
a lot built but this is also i'm told is a better   kit if you want to do a linking conversion because 
of the the way they've set the engines up but   again nice kit is in stock all these items you 
see up here are in stock at the present time   this is the next new one from ICM in 30 seconds 
car they've been a bit sneaky by doing the German   versions of it first and then they're going 
to do the Italians and there's two Italian   ones coming but this is the CR 42 LW this is the 
German marked one the Knight Fighter or ground   attack fighter whatever you might want to call it 
1/32nd scale the detail is really nice if you've   done their gladiator or any of the polycarbs this 
is like a little bit of a level up further again   the finesse of the parts and everything else very 
very nice so that's quite good going back a little   bit we've had some new stuff from ethics this 
is the re-boxing this is for the Top Gun series   that they're doing this is obviously Mavericks 
Mustang i'll show you some others down the bottom   there from master box we've got this is part 
of their new series of western stuff that's the   outlaw gunslinger series that's the other one 
and then you've got stoke then you've got the   that particular one the gun out 
slinging gun stories kit one i think they're based on movies so i'm not sure 
if that's actually like a scene from a movie also   from master box more of their modern day series 
kits that's a that's the latest one this is the   danger close one special ops so that's pretty cool 
from Dora Wings which we're getting quite a few   a lot of interest remember this is the Block 
MB this is the 1/48 scale Proctor Mark 1   and they've also done the 1/48 scale Lockheed 
Vega 5B they're doing some more Vegas so   i'm hoping one of them will have Australian 
markings in it the big news out of these guys   is they're doing a P-43 Lancer with Australian 
markings be released i'm told early next year   so we're not far off for that one so i skipped one 
for minutes because i had to show you this this is   from border quite nice it's T-34 apparently it's 
one of the more unusual ones because of the side   skirts not really up with my T-34s but going 
by what customers have told me the interesting   thing about this is comes in a wooden box which 
is pretty cool so it slides to spin this around the kit's all in the box and it comes in its own wooden case that's pretty 
cool so the kit itself apparently is very very   nice as i said it's a version that supposedly 
hasn't been done before so that's pretty cool so continuing on from Meng which we've now 
got more of this is the Titanic this is the   Cleveland and this is the Lexington there's two 
variants of this there's a standard version and   an upgraded version the white box is the upgraded 
version it's got edge metal in it and a few other   bits and pieces so from there we'll continue down 
and i'll show you what else is to come in as new   you had a lot of restock of cars and bikes and 
things like that yes the shelves look a little   empty at the moment but we are restocking 
a couple of things to take note of this is   this is actually the old Trumpeter GT40 
being re-boxed by a group called magnifier   so it's basically the same car i think it's got 
even the same markings in it it's 1/16th 12th   scale so that's quite nice if you're chasing 
that older kit again so there's been quite a   few bits and pieces we've had restock from Meng 
and and all that sort of stuff that's the Ninja   H2 so that's back in stock so we've had a bit 
of that in sci-fi there's been a couple of   interesting ones we got some of these in i don't 
know anything about it until a few minutes ago   when we're just talking about this this particular 
vehicle this is the transport truck from a movie   called Wandering Earth it's a Chinese production 
it's got the premises apparently the earth has   got to be moved or something or other so they're 
doing that that's quite a big kit quite weighty   quite an interesting one they've also 
done there's a platform for it as well   and that's the Wandering Earth International 
Space Station there's more to this series   as well and there's more to come so we 
should see some more of that in the future   just a quick one across the top restocks of 
the ships this is the new 1/200 scale ship from   Trumpy this is the USS Enterprise CV6 originally 
i thought this was supposed to be the 1944 version   i've since heard it's not it's might be about 
1942-43 so i don't believe it's the night fighter   version that was out before what else we got 
so these just restocks of the bigger ships hood   i think that's Missouri so there's those sort 
of things a couple more from Dragon the Apollo   series yes it's a couple a couple of years ago but 
they're very released there but they've also done   Apollo 13.

So that's just come back in lots of 
bits quite a number of new ships as well we've   also again with Micromere we're now carrying a lot 
more of their range of 1/144 scale 350th scale and   35th scale ships they've done quite a few quite 
a few bits and pieces that's the Charter Wall   Torpedo Carry [ __ ] Submarine that's in 1/35th 
scale so that's quite nice they've also done this   is a very popular one this is the 114 135th scale 
CSS HL Hundley from the American Civil War that's   quite nice and as i said they've done quite a few 
other things they do do a couple of world war one   warships as well British K-Class Submarine in 
350th scale so they're quite nice the kits are   quite good a little bit limited run so don't sort 
of expect Hassagawa or whatever so go from there   a few more ships have come in the 
newest one another new one from   Trumpeter and their series of Italian warships the 
Venuto or Vittorio Veneto 1940 so that's come in   1/32nd scale wise there's been a little bit come 
through also from Trumpeter 1/24 scale this is   the new Stuka this is the U4 the winter scheme 
one so there's that so that's come in as i said   this is from Meng again now there's been a 
lot of noise about this this has been out   for a little while now i believe the version 
with the bust is now sold out and deleted so   if you're looking for the DL1 you most people 
know that this is actually the Wingnut's original   design but it's been released by Meng in the 
under their system because of the various   dramas with Wingnuts this is a really really 
nice kit it's not it hasn't been let down   by the design of the kit because it's very 
very good lots of detail if you've built   Wing nuts kits before this is really nice it's 
a nice DR one but as i said i think the the one   with the bust which is a bit more expensive has 
actually been now deleted no longer available so   if you're chasing one get one what else have 
we had from Mini Art again that's the server   they've done that's that's the German 
one and there's a Spanish Japanese   no Spanish one so if you're looking for another 
continuation of that series that's pretty cool   one pre-order i will talk to you about that 
we need to get you to jump on board if you   need to order it now because it may not the stock 
will arrive but i'm not sure when the next stop   if you've had the B-17G from Hong Kong models in 
1/48 scale this is the new B-17F this is coming   with two noses one set of markings are for Memphis 
bell the other is for another aircraft called old   faithful this is 1/48 scale if you've built the G 
you'll love this i can't wait for this one to come   in we are taking pre-orders it's about 130 for the 
kit it's supposed to be released on the 15th of   December from the manufacturer so we're hoping to 
see it either just prior or just after Christmas   but if you want to get in and jump in and get 
it let us know give us a call we'll put on order   for you and we'll go from there for you okay 
continuing on this is the aircraft of 48th and   72nd and things like that had restocks of RS 
models not much new but they've got some new   stuff coming which will be quite interesting um 
their latest ones really has been the Dornier the   DO-22 this is a pretty kit i think i've shown 
this before or talked about this before but   it is a nice kit many plenty of choices markings 
there's two versions comes with American and   sorry with German and European markings what 
else we got been a few other bits and pieces   through there oh this is from this is from Soba 
M this is a models Hercules which is very nice   and they've done the extra parts to do the 
EC one so quite intrigued that's one 144th   so that's a nice little kit what else are 
we expecting Roden with oh the Roden B36   will probably be here just before or 
just after Christmas depending on freight   so if you're looking for that kit pre-order it 
or get in and order it because it's going to   be quite nice it's a it looks quite good so far 
across the top a couple of newbies this is from   this is Modelfit which is another company 
we've picked up this is their AN-10 so if   you're looking for the bigger transports from the 
Russian groups that's quite nice a model as well   that's the polar aviation PE-8 basically it's 
a standard P8 just with the bits and pieces   what else we got this is the TB1 so we've got 
this whole series now so that's quite good now   these guys this is KP yeah sorry this is 
KP they've got a few new ones coming out   we've had a couple of new ones come 
in the interesting ones have been   the bobcats so they're quite nice there's 
about three or four different versions   and the Sopwith series now there we're also 
expecting shortly the Sopwith triplanes and the   LAG threes i think it is due out soon from 
models feeding 1/72nd scale as well this is   their new mirage this is the 3EI Ear that's this 
quite nice good choice of markings i believe   they are going to do an Aussie one but i haven't 
seen any further information on that as yet   so continue on Vellum Vellums this is the Valom 
Valletta they are releasing the Viking so that   will be out in the near future from a special 
hobby we've got the the Sunderland Mark iii which   is very nice there for those interested their 30 
seconds ago whirlwind will be out either late this   year or early next year we should see it so if 
you're chasing that i would order that as well   Eduard of course where we've had all sorts of 
restocks and redos their Mustangs have gone   where very well their spitfire is currently 
sold out with us at the moment but i believe   we're getting some more but i don't think that's 
actually going to be available once we receive our   final shipment continue on in 1/72nd scale i've 
got a bit of more Dora Wings this is sort of some   of the ones that have been coming out which are 
quite nice Special Hobby that's the sea otter   that they've released as i said they've got 
some interesting new bits and pieces as well   especially also the new RER sorry the reissue of 
the 1/72nd scale Boomerang will be here shortly   continuing on mostly bits and pieces here 
i've shown you this for those oh when i was   talking about the top guns top one guns before 
that's the skyhawk that's the so-called MIG   from it what else we got there's the and this is 
the F-18 Mavericks F-18 so there's those sort of   ones coming now if you're into collecting 
classics collectibles whichever we have got   the latest two vintage kits from FX that's the 
Soviet Machete SM79 was a pretty good kit and   still quite nice and that's the Black Widow P61 
Black Widow so that's two more from them they've   also released a number of others at the moment if 
you're into Motorhead we've got more stock of the   Heinkel Motorhead of Heinkel so that's 
quite nice what else can we show you   there's all sorts of bits and pieces 
through there so there's been quite a   lot of i said quite a lot of restock 
things like that Tamir from Airfix   reissue of the Gloucester Javelin for those 
interested they have to have taken the sea   vixen out of the this year's program not sure if 
it might be in next year's program but they've   taken it but if you're looking for a really really 
nice 50s British jet that is really good kit okay now we're into 1/72nd 
scale and 35th scale armour so   we've had restocks of hobby of hats we've 
had restocks of Orion and mars and everything   else so there's been quite a bit of that and 
stuff in there a bit of rodent bit of Airfix   these guys from Galaxy or T model or 
whatever they're called so if you're   looking for something like M122 that's quite 
good as i said before we've had a lot of new   Mini Art and things like that come in lots of 
figures lots of weapon sets these are pretty cool US equipment for tank crew and infantry   US infantry weapons and equipment there's 
also a German one as well so and i said   there's quite a lot of bits and pieces in 
here their their most popular series is this   accessory sets and things like that so there's 
been a few good ones in that a few more figures   have come in so they're quite good in in the 
military side of things we've got things like   german tractor preparing for the road so 
that comes with that vehicle and the figures   we've also had the the T3485 
composite turret so there's that one as i said before we've had the Austin armour 
card this is the Ukrainian Polish Georgian   and Romanian service ones apparently there's a 
couple of differences when these do both come   with interior too so that's quite good this is a 
workstation wagon so it's got all the equipment   for repairs and all that sort of stuff and i think 
it comes with that figure uh what else have we had   oh the Egyptian T-34 85 with crew so that's 
pretty cool so there's been quite a bit of stuff   coming from them german truck 
that's a civilian version of it so that's pretty cool so there's that   from the others Tamiya we've had restocks 
of Samir we're expecting another one shortly   some of the other brands had a lot of restock 
from ming so there's been quite a bit of   stuff come back in from them they've got a lot of 
new stuff coming out next year which is going to   be quite interesting a lot of restock bronco we're 
expecting a bronco shipment in the near future   again probably in the new year due to freight and 
things like that so we'll have a lot of restock   from that AFV club as i pointed out to you with 
the aircraft they've also done some other bits and   pieces now a couple of things they've started to 
move into the accessory type of thing this is the   US army workbench in 35th scale and tool set so 
there's quite a bit in that from the pictures so if you're looking for that workbench area 
so that's pretty cool if you've got we've got   restocks of the 30 cal and 50 cal so if you've 
got the armoured vehicles and things like that   in 350th scale they've done some more of these 
IDS ICTs they did their IST this is an ICT and   they've done some weaponry and vehicles for it as 
well so that's pretty cool what else have we had   this is all restocks things like that 
Centurion mark one again back in stock   so there's been all those sort of goodies from 
Trumpeter we've got some new bits and pieces   this is the KV-142 simplified turret with crew 
so this comes with the crew this time so that's   that's apparently wasn't a bad kit in its time icm 
we've had a few new bits and pieces unfortunately   the moment we've sold out of most of it we're 
expecting another fairly large shipment of icm   shortly um amusing's had a few bits and pieces 
they've got some new interesting things coming   next year which i've already 
seen a bit of information on   also from trumpeter this is the soviet 
5p71 launcher with missiles um so if you're   looking for just the missile stand i find it 
interesting it's on a beach but um so there you go   there's that one uh what else have we had in 
restocks of the australian stuff as well of course   that's the phase three aslav so 
that's come back into into stock   but other than that guys that's about all we can 
show you at the moment uh as i said there is a lot   more to come out in the near future um we'll be 
doing these on a more regular basis now that we're   back in in into the store and things like that so 
keep an eye out for us look for us whatever i'll   also tell you about some um new pre-orders and 
things like that um so there's a lot of nice new   stuff coming out next year that people are going 
to be very interested in so have a great day good   to see you is back hope you like to see us back 
and we'll see you again soon see you then bye

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