Check out the E-Flite P-51D Mustang here:
This is the E-Flite P-51D Mustang 1.2m BNF Basic with AS3X and SAFE Select “Cripes A’Mighty 3rd” RC airplane warbird. This warbird looks amazing and we love the 1.2m size as it is perfect and easy to fit into our vehicle. In this video, we take this rc plane out again and keep loving it more and more! Don’t miss that glass landing! Let us know your thoughts about this warbird in the comments.
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Check out the E-Flite P-51D Mustang here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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#rcplane #rcairplane #warbird
What is it about a P51 that everybody Seems to like it might not be everyone's Favorite war bird but man Everybody does at least like it it's Gotta be in the top ten for everyone out There even if you're not a an airplane Person for me for a lot of years it was My number one airplane and it might Still be tied for first place I do that A lot and now we have this new one by E-flight and it's fantastic I've flown It a couple times already on the channel But we're back for some more action here With it because it is just that good It's not very often we hit warbirds this Often this quickly on the channel but This one it's got to be one of the Easiest to fly best flying and so far Easiest to land p-51s I've ever had my Hands on I don't think it has anything To do with my skill level getting any Better because I still crash land things So I think this is just a really good Well-made P51 goes right up there with The Corsair and the Trojan T28 you guys Know what I'm talking about in the same Lineup flies on a very common fairly Affordable battery to a 4S 2200 and That's what we're going to put in Probably a short flight today because It's really cold but that's okay we're Still gonna have fun let's go let's go Have flaps oh that's pretty look at that With that prop just spinning nice and
Slow this flaps at half If we just had a real engine sound we'd Be there Now this being a tail dragger we're Gonna shoot for a little right Rudder And then stronger right Rudder you're Pretty strong on that right Rudder when You throttle up uh when you're at the Point where the speed is high enough to Get the tail up you're almost full right Rudder if you want it to be pretty like That And we are definitely getting low Voltage indicators so This is interesting we're going flab Landing gear up It's super cold it's mid-20s airplanes a Lot of times don't like to fly in this Cold weather I've tried to keep my Batteries warm but this might be a Really short flight you guys I'm talking Might be might be ending this really Soon and you know what it just happens When you have cold weather it helps if You're in the car or I'm turning safe Off it flies really really nicely with Safe off yeah planes don't fly well in The winter but trucks well the battery May last a little longer they break even More easier snap easily in the winter Airplanes it's a good idea if you're Going to fly them to do your best to Keep the batteries warm ish not hot you Don't have to set it on the heater or
Anything it doesn't have to be uh you Know hot battery when it goes in but I like to be around room temperature if At all possible and you're going to get A better flight performance even if it's Just for a few minutes you're not going To get low voltage alarms like I'm Getting while I'm flying I'm fairly Seasoned seasoned at this but I do Occasionally push batteries too low and Hurt my plane or not the plane Necessarily if it comes crashing down Sure but I know what to listen for We really probably should be landing but I want to get you guys a video I just Know that this is struggling because of The cold weather and I want to get you Guys a nice little quick flight It's going for a nice sleep Abby It's a very very very scale plane I Don't really like to do anything not Very stale like this I've tried it Doesn't snap well it doesn't love Inverted flight maybe 15 to 20 percent Off elevator will get you there it rolls Really well which we all like to see at P51 do a little Rudder input we can do a Nice big barrel roll And um It Loops really well you get these Low flights like that and it really Looks like you're strafing ground Dropping your bombs Running from the enemy planes a little
Rudder input to keep that looking a Little more scale Your job Let me get out of here and don't tell me You don't make those sound effects when You're flying your warbirds too So guys as much as I hate this that Telemetry is telling me it's time to Land but I don't want to happen is to Crash my new P-51 so my landing gear are Down and I'm going to try to bring it in For a fairly smooth Landing it's hard to Make this look good Um it's it's a lot of times really hard To land p-51s So let's do this I want to try to slow It down once those Wheels touch down It's actually a little bit of left Rudder which confuses me really badly Yeah that was really good someone Explained to me please why on takeoff Which I do understand it's the prop wash And torque that you have to give right Rudder but on a landing I'm giving left Rudder and it's a low to no throttle so Someone educate me please I'm always Learning things and today Ferrell McGovern I'm calling on you why do I Give left Rudder on Landing right router On takeoff Barrel come on come on That makes me really happy that landing And just so you guys know Even on takeoff I heard my buzz buzz and I heard the ESC pulsing and it's because
I was pretty high on the throttle and in The cold these things just hate the cold The batteries hate the cold so I thought I'd be in good shape I just wanted to Cruise it around a little bit and as I Did the voltage alarm the Telemetry Coming back to my radio went to settle Down because the battery and the ESC and Stuff warmed up a little bit and so it Kind of found its happy place for a Couple minutes there I landed at 3.82 Volts per cell so my experience and Knowledge on that subject to the Batteries and stuff told me yes I was Okay now I've pushed too far I have my F-16 gray jet that I really should have Paid attention to on my maiden flight I Pushed that battery so low that I Actually crashed so it can still happen To the best of us but I knew from just Experience that I probably could fly Through and push through that cold now In warmer weather I'm not going to get That kind of telemetry feedback when It's cold it's going to hit at the end Of the battery life and then I'm I'm Going to get a longer flight too you Just get shorter flights and they're Just not as high performance flights in The cold race drone Pilots know this Even car guys that race if you were to Race in the cold you're going to not Only have a lower performance but your Things are going to break and snap now
What's crazy interesting and I talk About this on the channel pretty often Is when you fly one or two airplanes Consistently and those are your two main Planes You can get pretty good at flying them It's sometimes challenging for me to get Good at flying things because not only Do I fly maybe a hundred different Airplanes in a year or close to it maybe Not maybe 70 or so that's still a lot of Airplanes variety all the time we do Helicopters and drones and cars and Trucks and we try to be fairly Knowledgeable about all of it so for me To see a noticeable Improvement on a Takeoff from my first flight that first Takeoff was horrible I came in Abby and Almost knocked her out at the kneecaps So the takeoffs got better but The Landings didn't really get too much Better now that one I would say because I learned I knew you know what I just Want to put a left Rudder on this and See what happens those Wheels touch down And that Rudder started I started to put A little left Rudder input and that was The prettiest warbird Landing I've Probably ever had now it was a little Bit you know get it lined up over the Runway but no one judges your most People don't judge your approach they Judge when those Wheels touch down I've Seen it a hundred times I've seen guys
Swoop in and glass it everyone claps I've seen guys swoop in and bounce and Everyone's like horrible landing and you Know you make fun of each other but then You got the guys like me that come in All wonky looks like that someone stole The plane and then if you do Bounce It By Landing you can come in all wonky Like that if the wheels touch down Smooth everyone's like man that was Great landing how'd you do it Luck I got a rabbit split in my pocket That's how So try to touch those wheels down and Make it look as smooth as you can and You'll get a golf clap every time what a Beautiful plane though I think they did A fantastic job he flight knocked this P-51 out of the park I prefer flying it Out of safe I think it's a little overly Sensitive and safe I don't think a touch Safe that whole flight I believe from Takeoff to Landing was out of safe and I'm pretty sure I'm going to keep it That way as3x helps really well that's Just my experience with safe on this Plane but it will help a beginner get This plane in the air absolutely and It'll be linked in the description box Below with the battery were flying on And everything the radio all that stuff The stuff that we use to put this plane In the air When you click that link if you buy this
Plane you're helping support our Channel And our family but maybe maybe you're Just here to have some fun you don't Really want to buy the P51 but you've Been thinking about buying that new Mini Crawler or a battery for that mini Crawler or anything on the website we Have linked below if it's time for you To buy your new charger or whatever Please do us a favor click that link Pull up the P51 but then type in your 3s 2200 milliamp battery buy it then we'll Get credit it doesn't cost you anything Extra and as long as you have an account There you earn points those points Translate to free stuff or discounted Stuff down the road so it's a it's Actually a win-win-win the office and We're very grateful on the subject of Being thankful I want to say a massive Thanks to God just for warming our Hearts to get out here and share this Experience with you guys I say that Because it's so cold 20 degrees it could Be a little nicer but he knows what he's Doing so we'll let him control the Weather and we'll get out here and take Advantage of those beautiful days that He gives us and blesses us with finally Honestly I'm asked if thanks our patreon Supporters because if you guys we get to Get in front of the camera share these Experiences with you guys and we Couldn't do it without your support as
Often as we do so we thank you from the Bottom of our Parts if you want to see The Improvement I'm talking about on These Landings I'll have one of the First couple flights I have of this Those videos popping up right about now Worth checking out so you can see this Landing compared to those Landings Thanks for watching we'll see you there Foreign [Music]