Real RC Military Patrol Boat – Pro Boat PCF Mk I 24” Swift Patrol Craft

Check out the Pro Boat here:
This is the Pro Boat PCF Mk I 24” Swift Patrol Craft the newest addition to Pro Boat’s fleet. This features scale details and looks amazing. Let us know your thoughts about this RC boat in the comments.
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Check out the Pro Boat here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Welcome back to boat week on the RC Sailors this is now the third boat that We're checking out this week and it is Actually an awesome little Patrol boat By Pro boat with all the attention to Detail and scale looks on this thing I'm Already in love now there's some Negative things that I've got to talk About before this thing gets in the Water but also some really cool things Too this can drive on a 2s or 3s battery With uh Spectrum All Electronics inside Check this out this is a really cool Feature we have an access port there to Our Servo so we have two Rudders on the Back of the boat and each one of those Is individually controlled with a Servo I think that's really cool that's held On with magnets This is a slower scale speed you know It's a speed what do they call them uh Control boat Swift Patrol boat Swift Boat it is scale but knowing that it's 2s or 3s today we're going to run it on 3s this is a cool thing to talk about This is an optional steerable gun turret Up here if you add an additional Steering servo that can be controlled From the transmitter which I think is Very cool then the entire inside of the Boat is accessible just by that being Held on with magnets and not only Magnets but check this out Abby right Here this tiny little connector that is

A wireless connector and on the back of The boat right here you can see the Other side of it and that is how you can Wirelessly get power to the lights up Top on the boat I'd like to see this in Like the RC car world and stuff if you Could at least the scale World that'd be Nice to have less wires so there's a lot To love about this boat on the scale Looks those rubber tires are real they Have to be from like an axial crawler or Something that's so cool and let's talk About the negatives before this thing Gets in the water this Mast has been Broken off in shipping I do believe it Was like this This little Safety harness was bent down it is metal And this rear gun turret which is just For scale looks was also sadly busted Off in shipping I think the problem was The transmitter box was loose in my box And probably during the UPS strike or Something I don't know this got banged Around in shipping and it just didn't Make it so I think I can glue those back On but here's the sad news this mask has A light on top and normally that'd be a Functional light with this little uh Brass lining or whatever that is I'm not Copper lining I'm sure Um that goes here and actually creates An electrical circuit so you can have That light up top Wireless which I think

Is great but the shipping snapped that Off so we're not going to have it what's The reason for that let me see the tape Oh it's like a little rope okay so That's an anchor right and they're just Taping the Rope down but uh for example These chains were also taped down just For shipping purposes and there's this Tiny little hook here So we can actually hook that chain on Now that it's they they did the safety Chain it's a safety chain the scale Safety chain so your little army guys Don't fall off so then this is the Anchor with the Rope so what are you Supposed to like Loop it around this I Feel like there needs to be two clevises Is that what these things are called Cletus clevis's that's a Cletus for sure Cletus Okay There we go there's one in the back too Yeah this was taped down they just taped Some things down for shipping and I Missed that one that's oh I see the only Reason that's still in there oh so it's Yeah it's just just a little skill rope That's it all right this is ready to get On the water so let's have some fun can You lean it back no I chained that on Like a goober Thank you So the wireless is no longer Falling into the water

[Music] Well I love that That made me happy in flashbacks of Childhood one of those little whistle Things Okay so Oh yeah look at that look at the Dual Runners Nice And we have power so this is not one That has to be activated when it touches The water I think the flag needed raised you know It was stuck at that position oh really Yeah [Music] So this is on 3s and I'm just cruising I'm kind of keeping it a little bit Scale right now it's running nice and Straight If you are a fool for scale Vehicles Then you're gonna like this this is just Really cool so this was using Vietnam War right Don't know yes yes it was I was setting You up for an easy yes you know Sometimes Abby asks me these questions And I'm like I didn't come prepared for This I I think so yes but I also think Maybe possibly World War II as well There's Full Throttle and that's really Good you saw how I was cruising it I Thought we were just going to be putzing Around on this little thing this is

Actually good there's Full Throttle Abby It's impressive yeah scale and looks Good so it really has a good Swift boat Yeah I was not expecting that we're Creating like this dual wake on the Sides of this thing this is actually Awesome I like the way it sounds Me too okay way better than I was Expecting the way I was driving it at First I was kind of just thinking you Know when I when we get skill like Banggood boats this is about how they Run right here right just enough to get Through the water I didn't think I could Actually punch it like this And get up and move that is really cool Now I know why they have the safety whoa Whoa so that's as sharp as I can turn at Full throttle so do we have any lights On right now I don't care all our lights Busted because of that one wait I Thought you had a light switch on the Transmitter well let's play with it Let's see what we got here so we do have Can you tell who read about this one We have uh that's an slt3 model trim Over here on this side we have our av Switch so there yeah now we got lights See this is why I read that's right you See him we got the three lights on top I Think we would have another one on that Mask yeah if it wasn't for I think it Right and then I can hit it again turn Them on and off and B does nothing sorry

Guys I keep looking at it with my own Eyes uh the a switch turns them on so Let's just leave that on This is really awesome so people will Ask about range and run time usually With Spectrum radios your range is Further than you can actually see so We've got great range on this There I see the nice headlight that Looks really good I could be wrong about the light on the Mast but I think I'm right And Abby I think it's time for some Abby Famous well give me the controller [Applause] Nice Abby had a long night with kids Sometimes Abby says you know not allowed To show her on camera So it's [Applause] I get it you're good I get it foreign [Music] [Applause] No sure you can just turn turn the other Way maybe no both ways are really live There's left I mean it's it does have two Rudders and Usually two Rudders I think See means you're not going to be able to Turn as sharp I could be wrong about That but I feel like I feel like that's The thing one Rudder with one prop Should be able to turn to see how it Cuts through

I agree it Scale Patrol boat go this fast Now it's lifted up a little bit more There when I get it Lower It turns really sharp when you're at low Speeds extremely sharp on a dime really And like how the water comes off the Side I love it it's like a cool fountain Look I was not I mean I was fully Expecting half this speed which this Boat does have throttle limit trim on it You can go 50 75 and 100. it's on 100 Right now [Applause] Foreign Way better than I expected me too big Time I'm gonna do the water test You know on the sharp curves it Definitely look like water was getting On top of the boat you can see some Water sitting on the top of the boat It's covered in water so do you hear any Sloshing around inside No I don't feel anything either so it Also comes with this boat stand and Because this is such a good looking boat We're just going to go ahead and put it Right on there uh let's see here I'm Going to take these little chains off Just so we can get a really good look Yeah Never see the lights turned off that's

So cool it is really cool Um let's see now I had a drip there from Where I pulled the top off but I don't See any water inside and I'll tip this Forward and it's completely bone drying So with just a seal like that is there Any like you know how they put the Rubber the foam Foam no no it's just the good the way it Sits down over it creates a good seal What I'm curious about come here get in Here this is our Rudder yeah yeah There's our Rudder right there so we Have the steering servo for the rudder And then over here oh these are just Serving arms yeah Okay those are just servo arms I thought They were individual servos in there but That's an access point where you can Mess with that if you need to that is Such a good design the only thing that I'm disappointed in with this boat the Only thing is my shipping things that Got damaged I think this can be repaired Okay well the wet strikes it takes a Woman That's been driving me crazy it's a wet String I think I felt like that was so Disrespectful to have it like it helped It got wet so it moved a little better That's I tried at the house I didn't Want to break it uh I thought the same Thing too though Abby this is a really Good looking boat and I love the whole

Like Wireless aspect with the lights They did such a cool system there now You can drive it nice and slow if you Really want to putz it around and you Might even be able to rig up like this Is me I want to put like a smoke system On here because if you're thinking like Vietnam through the canals and stuff you Know you want to put that smoke coming Off the boat and all around the boat Just make it look really cool I don't Know maybe Abby Abby hates when I say That I think it'd be really cool if you Like scale boats this is it it's the Bee's knees it goes and boogies it's Much faster and more fun to drive than I Was expecting Abby and I have driven Probably close to 10 or 20 scale Military boats and none of them have This kind of power I want to see someone Get this working yeah we might have to Uh we might have to replace these Details and accessories and then buy the Extra Servo and get that actually Working too there's this one screw that Holds that on and then you pull that off The instructions tell you how to install It hey there it is that's our maiden Voyage of this boat and boat week is not Over on the channel we have at least one More boat planned for you guys so if You're having a great time give us a Like let us know in the comments are you Enjoying boat week so far this year it's

Been a challenge because there haven't Been that many new boats compared to Previous years but regardless we're Getting out here and sharing this Experience with you guys and for that I Thank God I also want to say a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters because We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your amazing support guys If you're into RC boats especially scale Boats we'll hand pick another boat video For you to watch popping up right about Now thanks for watching we'll see you There [Music]

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