Removing the floor and frame on my kit car for the Tesla Model 3 Battery EP.08

welcome back to the channel I've been 
out of town for a couple of weeks so   we are going to get back in the swing 
of things first of all got a new seat   lower profile it's lower than that one that 
one's sitting on the ground right now and   this one is sitting on an inch and a half of uh 
two by fours uh we got it sitting back further   it's sitting lower this is the seeds we're 
gonna go with for nrgs um and this is gonna   this is sitting right now at the height of the 
batteries I think we can actually tilt it back   just a little bit more and we'll get a little 
more Headroom which is going to be perfect so for this episode what we're going to start 
doing is now that I have this fitted and I know   where it's going to be sitting at we can go ahead 
and start cutting up the chassis we got to cut the   floor out we got to cut out this entire Center 
remember right here and then we got to cut out   all the parts that we don't need there's mounting 
for uh battery in the back and fuel tank there's   a mounting for steering rack up front we're going 
to cut all that out clean it all up make sure we   got a good clean slate to work with and then we're 
going to go ahead and start fitting everything up all right like I said that's going to be our seat 
I'm going to go ahead and order a second one I'm   not going to go ahead and order the carbon 
fiber ones uh just from my understanding is   all they do for carbon fiber ones is they just 
skim the outside with carbon fiber uh if anybody   does have the carbon fiber one and they want to 
correct me off that please go ahead and do so   um but yeah so this is the seat we're gonna 
go with I think we can like I said get some   more room by tilting it back farther and 
otherwise it's going to be good uh so we'll   go ahead pull everything out of here Jack this 
up and then start cutting out the floor pan foreign so on the bottom here we have all this quarter 
inch steel ribbing that is put in so we're going   to cut it basically we got to cut it right here 
at the front rail here here all the way around   we've got to cut these Center ones out 
and then once we get all these ribs and   everything cut out we can go from the 
top there's only a couple bead welds   across some of portions and then the entire 
floor pan here and here should drop out um and then that should be it then after we're done 
cutting the floor pans out we'll move on back it's back here a little spider webs after the floor pans are done back here this 
entire portion so this needs to extend out back   more so what we're going to do is we're going to 
we have to cut out this entire rail portion to   right about right here and then remove all 
this and then we should have room to get   our battery in and then we can work building 
back the frame after the battery's in here   so go ahead and do that start with your 
pants and then work our way back here thank you foreign foreign of course the camera died right when the pan just 
dropped out so I tapped it up and the whole thing   just swung out and flew over this way and ended 
up down here and you can see right where it hit   the ground right over here so there it is one 
down one to go we'll pick this up tomorrow all right here we go it's another 
day let's get the other half out foreign thank you foreign foreign foreign guys so now we got the floor cut out we have the floor cut out the floor is on the 
floor and we still have all this bracing in   here that we need to cut out so I'm going 
to take for this portion since it I don't   have to get through the thick grinds of uh the 
quarter inch or 3 8 steel we'll take a Sawzall   cut the braces cut the entire cider section 
out take that out of here and that'll clear   up all this we'll still need to take 
this out and the two running back but   for now let's get started with this and 
then we'll hit that up on another day thank you foreign foreign that's out it's clear so next we're gonna 
go ahead and get to the back and we can   take and grind down these Cuts later 
uh these don't matter so much down here   since this entire member across 
the back here is getting cut out all right I'm gonna go ahead and clean this up   and then pick us back up the next day cutting 
takes a lot out of you get it get it oh hell no so first thing you got to do we gotta 
clean off the surface right here   so we can go ahead and weld in our cross braids 
and we're going to use the same two by three   uh frame rail to come across here we could 
probably go with something smaller because   it's also going to get the battery rail but 
that'll be fine because that's already what   it is and we're taking a bunch of weight out 
for what was there from the frame itself might   as well just go onto a little bit heavier 
side right here and we'll be in a good place foreign all right so we need 17 inches of this 
two by three I have an evolution saw   so I just gotta take it out and we can 
go ahead and chop our uh 17 inch piece foreign cut nice talk about a precise cut right on the money thank you all right it's all lined up squared up and in 
position we're going to take it's not moving   anywhere because uh we have to beat it in place 
it was that precise uh and it will take and put   some good tack while it's on there and then we'll 
be able to take and do some drop links temporarily   or actually we can just relocate that drop 
blank before we cut the frame and then   relocated to it like right 
over here we should be good foreign so like I was saying we're going to take 
and just relocate this guy back here   and to do that I went ahead and notched this 
flush with this and we're going to do the same   thing up here we're going to notch it flush 
and then I'm going to take a sawzall with   blade and then just run it flush against the 
bar cut it flush and then re-weld it back here   that way it's not in the way 
you can still get the bolts out   but we got this part braced up and it's 
not going to move when we cut the frame out so I went through made sure 
that if this gets put right here   that if we take this bolt and index it it can 
still exit because this has an eccentric washer   on it uh looks good it's going to clear so we've 
got to clean up this area in this area down here   this is going to get welded in just like mirror so let's go ahead and do that I'm going to mark   it up and then we'll go ahead and 
clean it up and weld it in place foreign foreign foreign it's all braced good triangulation up 
in the top frame right here so we can   take this entire bottom section and 
cut it out right back here where the   battery is going to end up and then we 
can start working on the battery frame foreign should never be able to cut 
open a pipe or a tube that's   all welded shut and it's got freaking water inside foreign foreign sweet so this is all dislodge back here that's 
all dislodged from these frame bars we don't   we're not touching the main hoop we are not 
touching the main hoop we're going to take   and cut this right down here on both sides 
and the whole thing should just come out foreign looks like my blade got a 
little fatigued and broke off foreign that's done Next Step battery frame   so that's a wrap for this episode I'll catch 
you guys next time thank you for watching

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