Rev Your Engines: WLTOYS 104019 Top Speeds 1/10 scale RC car

Hello you beautiful people. My name is John, welcome to my channel. Yes, we're still at the speed run area. Yes, we've done two cars already. Now we're going on to the third car. Yes, I'm as equally as excited as I was at the start because I get to drive lots of our RC cars today. 🙂 Now I promised all of you when I reviewed this car that we will get up here. And do a 2s and 3s battery speed run. Well, hasn't happened until now, I'm afraid. So apologies about that. But we do have a 2s. 2800 milliamp-hour battery here. And the GPS is set to zero. So let's see how fast it goes shall we? Controller on? Battery compartment shut. On. Nice. Let's see. Come on you? So what's speed do you think Colin? Colin: 56.5 kph. An optimistic, 56 and a half kph, ladies and gentlemen. So what has it got? 56? How are you doing this? Colin. Point 4. [So 56.4 and Colin's guess was 56.5] Right? Luckily, I brought the 3s battery in my pocket.

So we shall get straight on with that. For those of you wondering. Here, as you can see, I've drilled the whole slightly bigger here. It is very, very rough, done this morning before we left. The reason being that I can pass that cable through there, And it gets it nicely out of the way. Because there's not a lot of room for this 3s battery. See it fits. I mean, like everything fits, if you push it hard enough. And then. Like so. Excellent, excellent. Did I say what car this was? Can't remember saying what car this was. This is the WLTOYS 104019 Is there an RC aircraft passing over the top of us? Coin: Yes. Can you get some of them in the shot? 🙂 It's the ducted fan ones…. That's so cool. We should get a plane Colin that goes that fast. Because the crash will be spectacular!!! I need to reset this GPS back to zero. Hold.
Yes? And hold. We are at zero. Let's go.

Let's go, let's go, let's go. That doesn't seem very fast. That's a brand……. I know that that battery was newly charged this morning. All right. 67 kph on a 3s battery. Let's see if we can get any faster. Not like that we are not. 🙂 Come on. Straight. It definitely felt like it was going slower past us.

Now it's gone slow again?! Isn't it?! Feels like it? Oh, come on. There we go. What have we got? Still at 67 kph.
[I did not reset the GPS so could be much slower.] Right, 67 kph. 3s battery. That's not great. But This was never supposed to be a speed monster, was it? It was actually designed just for bashing and having a lot of fun with it. But I'm glad that we've finally got the top speed out of this, Which is very good. Thank you so much watching. Here that's a subscribe button. Hit that like button. Have a great a day. Stay Safe. Take care. And if I don't see you before, have a good Christmas. Bye bye.

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