Check out the coast guard RC helicopter here:
This is a really cool looking Coast Guard RC Helicopter called the YXZNRC F09-S. It has GPS and several other cool features. In this video we test this RC to show you what it can do!
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Check out the coast guard RC helicopter here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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This helicopter's kind of going wild on The internet there are a lot of people With a lot of views on this thing which Means I fully expect ours to get about 800 views if you're the 799th viewer Welcome you're the last one here We had the Blackhawk version of this on Our Channel and it was like 300 bucks And people were like that's too much Money but some people some people bought It but that was very expensive don't Tell them how much this one cost so I'm Not going to tell you how much this one Cost click the link and find out it's The same size it's got lights the scale Looks cool it's got the sliding doors You know very minimal sliding a motor a Motor it's got a brushless main rotor a Brushless tail rotor the thing about This one though that makes it a little More expensive than the other is it's Got a GPS on board so we can do some GPS Things we're gonna do that in today's Video comes in a case ready to fly uh With a nice looking but off-brand radio I've never heard of use Yang before but Hopefully we hear more of them because It seems like a very nice helicopter That honestly anyone should be able to Fly with a GPS on board so let's get to The Old School compass calibration oh Man yeah I know I know I don't want to Only one time whenever you fly at a new Location but still calibrate that
Company I hate that this has everything About a drone written all over it we had To wait for the satellites to connect I've got a lock unlock switch so we're Gonna unlock it we have to start the Motors with uh down and out Or the motor well it's Motors and Throttle up so here's takeoff I feel Like all this is missing is like Some really cool music So that's a GPS locked helicopter which Is now getting to be more and more Popular and I love it on a large scale Helicopter it's kind of cool not that This is large but if you saw these Things get any bigger I'd like to Personally own a larger helicopter if it Had a GPS lock because these things Scare the poop out of me to be honest With you I try to get better but there You go look at that Coast Guard look GPS Lock there's hands-free I just took my Hands off the controls uh and this is in Some wins so [Music] Amazing That's kind of amazing it sounds crazy It does so we've got some nice rotation Ability here we can really make this Thing fly around like a scale Coast Guard helicopter we're off to save Someone right looks really cool and I Feel I feel really good about the GPS lock I
Feel like I can trust this thing I'm Pretty sure you chose the wrong location To film that well we should have flown Over some water yeah uh this is super Cool though that's Full Throttle ahead It's as fast as I can get it to go in Low rates so let's swing it around and Hit the high rate button We are in high rates now so let's see How much faster we can fly [Music] A little faster not much faster but Again this is in GPS mode so we're Having some fun in the GPS mode Hands-free boom and it just locks in Place so that's really nice because this Helicopter also has a visual position Hold you can take GPS off and just go to Visual position hold if you want to We'll go up on that and it's limited to A certain height when you're in this Mode and it doesn't seem like it's Actually kicked in yet but it still has Like a nice auto level thing going right It's not going to let me tip fully Forward when we're in visual position Hold so that's nice it's still beginner Friendly in other words you can fly this Helicopter if you're inside And it'll have a visual position home Lock so we have a little bit more Freedom here while we're going And let's go back to GPS mode because There's some stuff that I want to try
With this helicopter if it will actually Lock back in place There we go we're locked back in So Abby This has a fun feature that it talks About in the instructions and the Controller has a circle on it so I want To see what it does we're going to push Down on this switch and it should fly in A circle pattern so down on the switch It's going to fly up to the height that It needs to be a predetermined height And it should fly in some type of Pattern this is all hands-free all this Movement you're seeing right now is very Hands-free So this This is hands-free flight all of this Crazy sounding [Music] Very interesting pattern Very interesting sound and we'll just Keep going I'm gonna let it go one more time Pretty cool it's like a circle you know They're circular circling The victim to rescue them or yeah okay All right so I'm going to try to give Some input there just a little bit of Forward Motion uh movement on the stick Took it out of that pattern there's one More pattern this is where it gets crazy There's a heart pattern all right so Let's do it let's three two one heart Pattern where's Amelia and Weiner
Hands-free here we go guys this is Totally hands-free I said it'll fly up And down some and what it's going to do Uh you know what that's too close to the Camera let's pull it out some and I'll Do that again okay lower it and maybe it Won't climb as much too I think it's all A predetermined height oh yeah I do want To bring it out so we can actually get It so we're gonna do heart pattern three Two one From that beep on is hands-free I'm not Touching a thing it should make some Type of heart pattern Crazy crazy ridiculous right Coast Guard Helicopter GPS It's uh I think it's Thinking about its thing here I don't Know this is all pre-programmed welcome To the world of RC do you have clouds in The sky so it's hard to see what it's Doing sad that it would uh fly up down Up down three times and then do the Harps oh okay calculate okay well so Here we go this this is all it ever Since that beep I haven't touched Anything here we go this is now it's Gonna do it Heart So it says I'm trying not to move my Screen other than up and down so Instead of doing hard it's going it's Going it's going it's going you see a Heart
I don't think I think it's still doing The film thing it's a really ugly heart It's a really it's a really ugly heart That's a cool helicopter but these Features feel very unnecessary So to do a three-dimensional heart was It sideways this heart made it cost like A hundred more dollars So I think it's doing it but I think It's like we're at the wrong angle right Like we should have been facing it face It toward us and do it again now let's Not do it again Okay I'm thinking it's just gonna keep Doing it so I'm done I'm done doing that No need for the heart thing that took Forever now we can go full manual mode Too and I think it will actually allow The helicopter to To fly Inverted and whatever you want to do but This has so many features packed full I Wanted the Highlight those features I wanted to you Know I don't know what our flight time Is going to be I will look and see what Telemetry we have on the on the radio It's telling me we actually have one bar Of battery left so we're very low oh wow Yeah hey you remember that military the The Blackhawk it had a very short flight Time too all these really Advanced Helicopters with all these features have Super short flight times but the good
News is this does come with two Batteries they're very very proprietary Batteries too there's a lock in place as A part of the look of the helicopter Finally something we're not even going To get to show you in this video is it Does come with a camera that you can Hook to the bottom optionally as well Don't expect it to be super high quality But it's there So just for a fun easy to fly helicopter That's really scale looking and detailed I'm happy there's so many people it's Not gonna be happy with the price and I'm right there with you but I'm also Really mad when I go to McDonald's and Spend 20 bucks too I don't know 20 bucks You mean like 30 or 40. It's crazy The lights look great even in this Bright daylight it's a very pretty Helicopter I really like this but yeah Like everything's expensive now so it Has returned to home Different flight modes I can go Completely manual which I'll do out here Just for a second because I want to know In manual mode is it going to just you Know go nuts so let's just see real fast Right so when I'm in when I'm in manual Mode nope it's returning to home as soon As I win digital mode No that's actually returned to home I Don't know there's manual that was it
Okay you hit the wrong button I did Manual mode here we go [Music] Will it let me you know fly and do flips Basically is what I'm curious about not That I want to but Ah let's just it feels like it has auto Level It does it does so even in manual mode It's got this auto level see it's not Letting it tip over so that's what I was Worried about this really truly is just A safe drone Style flying helicopter Well hit return to home okay all right Let's go Yeah so return to home I flip the switch It's gonna do just like what drones do Hey Sun drains used to fly up and then Fly away so let's see if it can do it This has a low battery safety net too The helicopter Community is basically Going to hate this I can see it Happening all over again just like it Did with airplane community All I had to learn to fly these with my Own skill set now that they're Auto Everything I I can't stand it well this Might introduce some people to the Hobby That wouldn't have fun helicopters Otherwise is all I can say about that And and I'm I know I'm right about that Someone's gonna fly this that's all on Its own by the way I haven't touched it Since I threw that switch I've actually
Put the radio behind my back so I could Hopefully save the beeping Uh super cool there you go GPS Auto everything helicopter wow They did what they could I mean you've Got little shocks here on the wheels They actually articulate the wheels Themselves are rubber so when it touches Down it's a nice soft quiet smooth Landing I mean it's there the detail is There it's all brushless I don't know What to say guys I'm personally Impressed the question is who has 500 to Spend on this does anyone have 500 it's Like 450 or something it'll be linked in The description box below yeah it's Packed full of technology and this is What happens new tech comes out and then Eventually someone's gonna have a GPS Helicopter for 150 bucks it is very cool And I'm super happy that it's in our Collection But uh yeah the price is there like I'm Not going to pretend like it's not You've got your brushless tail rotor but Super fun really scale looking I know For a fact there are people out there That are going to buy this is it the Traditional hobbyist Probably not I would say percentage-wise This is going to appeal to way more People that aren't your traditional Hobbyists where the traditional hobbyist Or the new traditional hobbyist that
Watches our Channel probably will be Turned off by this because of the price But It's cool it's easy to fly anybody could Fly this it didn't give me any troubles Doing the calibration you actually saw It probably include this in the video uh It was super easy and super fast to do The calibration that was the first time I did it after reading the broken English instructions and then doing it It was very very easy so so I like it It'll it'll probably remain in our Collection mainly just as a shelf Queen But occasionally we'll get it out to fly It just because it looks so good I Think You're Gonna Fly this again over water Or maybe we'll do a water video that Would be fun flying this on the water All it needs is a grappling hook man That would be so cool if there was a Winch no there's the visual position Hold camera right so if it had a Grappling hook that you could actually Because it's GPS locked that's a great Idea oh you could have so much fun Picking things up a bucket of water on The bottom of it and oh that would be so Much fun tiny bucket yeah you could Probably pick up some extra weight this Is what I was talking about with the Proprietary batteries it's actually you Probably couldn't even tell that was the Battery
And it came with an extra one of these And a very unique charger so that it Could actually charge that battery so Really neat really just a neat thing I'm Happy it exists just because it exists Doesn't mean you have to buy it but let Me know in the comments guys is it Appropriately priced is it very cool is It something you would buy do you know Someone you'd buy this for is like the Perfect Christmas gift or something It'll be linked in the description box Below now that using those links does Help to support our Channel and our Family we're very grateful to you Whether you're flying airplanes that you See on our Channel all the time a lot Lately because I love it or it's a Helicopter or a drone I highly recommend You fly with AMA Insurance that's the Academy of model Aeronautics basically For a fraction of the cost of this Helicopter you can be insured for the Entire year get a very cool Magazine Subscription it'll be linked in the Description box below near the link to This helicopter fly with AMA it's a No-brainer I can't tell you how amazing It is to be outside flying in just such A beautiful weather kind of day today Abby got to fly a plane earlier we're Out flying this helicopter what an Awesome day today as we're very blessed And so I think the big guy upstairs for
Blessing us with this weather today and Just uh just be alive in general very Happy finally I want to say a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters you Guys are uh just awesome you know Sometimes companies will send us Something or send it at a reduced price Or whatever we're very very transparent We always have been since day one I'm Not gonna sugarcoat this thing some guys Out there saying you know it's a steal For the price or whatever I don't know I Haven't watched anyone else's videos but I I'm always going to shoot straight With you I had a great experience with This but yes it's expensive and I am so Blunt and always have been since day one On our Channel as a big thanks to our Patreon supporters you guys just you Support us big time and uh it allows us To be blunt and transparent and I say Thank you from the bottom of our hearts And I I ask and encourage you if you're Not a patreon supporter to consider Signing up so that we can continue this Channel that's been around for a decade Of family friendly content where we just Have fun with RC let you guys know if It's good or not if we like it or not And show real world experience of it so A massive thanks I have another Helicopter video the one I talked about The Blackhawk comes in actually cheaper Than this still very fun to fly we have
A video of that that'll be popping up Right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there bye Foreign
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