The Top 5 BEST RC Beginner RC Planes 2022 range in price from $65 to $450. If you are interested in the RC airplane hobby, but you do not know where to start, any of these planes will be perfect to get you in the air!
1. HobbyZone AeroScout S 2.1m RTF
Check it out here:
2. E-Flite Habu STS 70mm RTF
Check it out here:
3. Arrows Trekker 1200mm RTF and PNP
Check out the Trekker RTF and PNP here:
4. HobbyZone Sport Cub S 2 RTF and Arrows Pioneer RTF
Check out the Sport Cub S 2 here:
Check out the Arrows Pioneer RTF here:
5. Eachine Warbirds
Check out the Spitfire here:
Check out the P51 Warbird here:
Check out the Mini Corsair RC Plane here:
Check out the Eachine Mini T-28 Trojan here:
Check out the F-22 Raptor RC Smart Jet here:
Check out the BF109 here:
Check out the Eachine P47 here:
and the XK A210 Trojan here:
Check out the XK A260 Rarebear f8f here:
Check out the Eachine P-40 RC Plane here:
Check out the XK A250 BF-109 Fighter here:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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Jake Barnes, Jason day, Jeff Buys, Jeff Stone, Jesper Larsen, John Badrick, john salt, Jose Valentin, Matt Reetz, Michael Schouten, odatsteve, Raymond Hausele, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ron Erickson, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, Brian Buckstiegel, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, Doug Dahlheimer, Eddy Sinclair, Gary Zion, and Haar Bear
#rcplane #bestrcplanes #rc
It's that time of year again when we Take a look back at some of our favorite In each category and in today's video We're going to take a look at the top Five beginner RC planes now remember in This video these are our personal picks Our opinions and if you have a different Opinion something that we feel like we Left off the list let us know in the Comments section and why without further Ado let's jump right to it number five On our list has been one of our Favorites for a long time it's the Entire E Shane warbird lineup there are So many planes in the whole lineup now You really have a lot to choose from and They all fly really similarly and it's Very good especially in that beginner Flight stabilization mode anybody can Pick one of these up throw it and fly it All for under about a hundred and fifty Dollars they all come in right around 130 and there might be some sales going On right now where you can pick one up Even cheaper it all started with that Glorious P51 and now we have what seems Like an entire fleet there's so many I Don't even know which one's my favorite Anymore too many all you have to do is Pull up our list which will be linked in The description box below and pick your Personal favorite based on appearance Trust me it's fine they all fly about The same now when they get out of
Beginner flight stabilized mode they Don't fly so good and that's why they Are number five on the list but remember If you keep it in that stabilized mode They fly extremely well number four on The list we let be a tie to tie between The Sport Cub S2 and the arrows Pioneer Both mini RC planes these are both small Park flyer ready to fly planes and they Differ ever so slightly both in quality And in price but that's why they're both On the list they're both amazing first Small airplanes and there's only a 10 Difference as of time of filming between The two the Sport Hub S2 is a little Older it's tried and true and it comes With what's called a brushed motor it's Just a little bit cheaper of a motor as Long as you cut the throttle when it Hits anything it should hold up for Hundreds of flights the Pioneer cost a Little bit more it comes with a Brushless motor and flies on double the Power of the battery and so honestly the Performance is a little higher and the Cost reflects that performance you Cannot go wrong with either one and That's why they are both number four on The list number three on the list is the Arrows Trekker there is Trekker is a Ready to fly good sized brushless 3s Airplane it is a really nice new Addition to the trainer ready to fly Scene we don't see a lot of new planes
That are good released into this Category but this is one of them it has Tricycle landing gear and all of the Basic flight functions that you would Want out of an airplane especially a Trainer airplane which is the flight Stabilization it keeps your plane super Level which makes it very easy to fly For beginners it's also a nice sized Airplane small enough for good Transportation but big enough to be easy To see in in the air it's also a very Cheap and affordable airplane compared To other things in this category it's Very competitively priced so kind of a Funny story but it is so good that I've Literally witnessed a priest who has Never flown RC planes fly it before and He did an exceptional job we can talk About that more later uh but yeah it's Really good number two on the list is For the person that wants a jet and not A plane so we kind of snuck this one in It is the e-plight haboo now believe it Or not when you think of a jet being a Trainer you think you're crazy there's No way there could be a trainer jet this Is a trainer jet it is designed to still Look like a jet because it is a jet but Fly a little bit slower the wing is a Little bigger it is designed to just Kind of go a little slower than some of Our speed setting Jets but it still very Much gets the job done it looks like it
Sounds like a jet now there's a very big Variety in these haboos so remember just Like everything else on this list it'll Be linked in the description box below Please be careful and don't get the jet That goes a hundred miles an hour get The trainer jet this is a beginner list The beautiful thing about this setup is It comes with everything you need Everything on this list has the radio The batteries the charger you just have To turn it on and fly it other things in This hobby you have to buy your own Radio buy the airplane separately bind It up do a little bit of programming and It can get a little bit confusing for The newcomer into the hobby that's why We're picking the easiest things to help You get in the air quickest and fastest With the most success now to all Beginners that are flying before we get To number one on a highly encourage Everybody that's watching this video Whether you've been flying for years or You're just now getting into it for Yourself or someone else you need to Pair your airplanes no matter what You're flying no matter where you're Flying it with the Academy of model Aeronautics it's an insurance program For those of us that fly our seeds now They make this for ground vehicles too But most of us have it for planes it Doesn't cover the cost of the airplane
If it crashes but it does cover costs so Associated with maybe you crash your Plane into someone's windshield of their Car okay uh it sounds kind of crazy These things are very rare but they do Occasionally happen and so it's nice to Know that when you're flying and you're Abiding by their rules and suggested Guidelines that if anything were to Happen you're covered by them again it's The Academy of model Aeronautics it's an Insurance program but also it's cheaper Than the price of any of these planes on The list and you get a great Magazine Subscription that is really a good read Once a month you get that new magazine So you can't go wrong with this even if You don't use the insurance the magazine Itself is worth it linked below also Speaking of linked below if you're Interested in any of the planes that We've talked about they'll be linked Down in the description box below and Clicking those links helps support us And our family we have a daughter and a Baby boy little one on the way she's About to pause so we're not asking you To like go out of your way to buy Something but if anything on this list Does sound appealing to you if you click That link it'll help to support our Channel and our family which is growing Uh and so you know Cheerios are now turning into like wheat
EOS or whatever the off-brand stuff Right All right let's get to number one on the List and this has been my favorite most Suggested beginner playing for years now It should come as no surprise to anybody That watches our Channel regularly it is The hobbyzone aeroscout it's been number One literally for years for so many Reasons and this is a good thing for a Newcomer into the hobby right now if You're watching this video thinking About buying your first plane ever or a Plane for someone else their first ever Feel good knowing the Arab Scout has Been number one literally for years that Means you cannot go wrong it flies on Rails the motor is mounted in the back So if you have a nose dive and you do Crash because you inevitably will crash It kind of protects the motor a little Bit more and hot glue you guys does Wonders of course it's ready to fly like Everything else on the list you don't Have to worry about programming anything You just charge the battery plug it in And go fly it as safe technology which Doesn't let the airplane flip upside Down in any way you throw a switch and You can turn that off and do stunts and Loops and then quickly throw that safe Switch back on it'll help you take off It helps you land it is a really good Program and I have personally witnessed
Probably close to 100 people learn to Fly on that but through our Channel I Have witnessed from testimonies of our Viewers thousands of people by the arrow Scout love the aeroscout buy another Trainer or two and then they get into Jets and the big cool stuff so if you've Seen some RC jets fly and you think man That looks like fun we highly recommend You start with the arrow scalp or Anything else on this list but in our Opinion the era Scout is number one now This is our personal opinion it opens up Everything to discussion and of course We love to hear from you guys in the Comments below did we miss something do You think that our number one should Have been something else let us know in The comments because other people I'm Sure would love to hear your opinions as Well for great 2020 and having some Amazing airplanes on the channel and Just getting to spend a lot of time as a Family I want to thank God I also want To say a huge thanks to our Patron Family members you guys are the backbone To our Channel and the reason why we can Make such honest content for everybody Here on YouTube now we encourage you Guys to go check out any of these planes That were on our list on our Channel Those videos will be linked in the Description box below but we can't leave Without putting the number one video
That'll be popping up right about now You've got to go check it out if you're A beginner pilot and want to see this Thing flying the air Scout videos Popping up right about now thanks for Watching we'll see you there Foreign [Music]