Check out the F16 Thunderbirds here:
This has been one of Nate’s favorite RC jets for years for a reason, and the newest updated version doesn’t disappoint. This is the E-Flite F-16 Thunderbirds 80mm EDF RC jet. Let us know your thoughts in the comments.
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.
Check out the F16 Thunderbirds here:
5000mah battery:
7000mah battery:
The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.
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#usaf #thunderbirds #rcjet
E-flight took two of my favorite planes Mashed them together and now we have This and it is awesome I've had a really Good time with my maiden flight although The knees were shaking yes honestly I Was a little nervous and my follow-up Flight was a lot of fun Abby almost Helped me crash that plane like my other Favorite plane the commander gotta stop Listening to my wife so that's a recipe For disaster And now I'm excited to fly again my one And only complaint is the flight times Are not long enough they're three and a Half four and a half five minutes if You're really daring like that last Flight you have a small battery uh for a 4 000 milliamp battery I'm literally Flying on the smallest recommended Battery in the previous flight previous Flights today I'm gonna fly on a 5 000 Milliamp battery it's not a massive jump But it is a bit bigger I'm hoping for an Extra minute of flight time doesn't it Doesn't sound like much but when you're In the air for three and a half maybe Four minutes Now an extra thousand milliamps might Give you another minute that's like a 25 Increase of flight time that's pretty Good remember this can actually fly on a 7 000 milliamp battery those things just Cost more than my house so I'm flying on A 5 000 milliamp
Having said that let's put this in the Air and see if we can get another 30 Seconds to a minute of flight time and a Lot of fun let's go One other thing that I just did before This takeoff was add Expo to my control Surfaces so I've got 30 on the ailerons Uh 25 on elevator and 20 on the rudder I Could maybe do a little bit more I don't Know I'm just trying to see how this Does I'm going to taxi this down just a Little bit farther than what I normally Do uh and see if we can get those wheels Up more in front of us I I've kind of Had a tendency of just enjoying it being On the runway as we like kind of keep it A little bit scale so I don't know Um let's just I'm trying for a bit of a Quicker takeoff today Abby are you ready Ready let's put this in the air I'm easing up the throttle There we go right in front of the camera That's what I mean it does have a Strange tendency to want to Veer to the Right just a hair every time I get those Wheels up I don't know why safe on safe Off both ways kind of feels that way so Let's do landing gear up A little bit too straight on there I don't know I haven't even really taken The time to properly trim this yet I've Really just been enjoying my short Flight times and let's go right in for a Roll or a loop rather
A little bit sideways and crooked but I'll still take it into a roll And there's hands-free I've got a bit of A right pull on the ailerons so that Might be why it's doing that on takeoff And not really fighting it you know once You get the plane in the air at least For me I have a tendency to uh if the Plane's pulling up I I can just push Down a bit on the stick and not really Bother me too much it's just kind of Like I'm not gonna say it's natural but it Definitely just kind of comes comes to Me when I hand the controls to Abby on Anything that I'm flying if it doesn't Just fly perfectly level uh when she Takes her hands off the controls then She does not enjoy it so I'm pretty picky with my planes I was Just trimming it up there on that pass It's always smart to have your planes Trimmed up especially uh especially if You're just maintening them this is our Third flight ever on this I haven't had Any flights off camera so you know no Progress to be made here without you Guys watching well I love a nice roll Into a sharp Bank like that now what I'm Going to do is pick up a little throttle And do a snap up here Abby it always Eats out the juice but it's always so Awesome It just does that little tumble it does
And then we can pull up in the elevator There's a little bit more really close To that Hill Just kind of keeping it in my favorite Flight pattern you know I'm definitely Within my little safe feeling safety Zone of left-hand turns and just Bringing it in nice and low over the Runway what a pretty jet Beautiful Oh man they outdid themselves with this Thing anyone that loves the 80 Millimeter F-16 the gray one is going to Have to pick one of these up just Because it looks so good I know I talked About this in the maiden flight but That's not white foam that's actually Painted foam and it is just beautiful It's beautiful they took the F-16 Thunderbirds forgive me if I'm wrong It's 60 millimeters or 70 millimeters They mashed it together with Millimeter of F-16 we're going to roll over and bring It back down in over the runway my Transmitter vibrated but that was a Steep time for throttle so Do that again down here so I'm not Blinded by the Sun the Prime roll pull Back on the elevator that didn't look Very good because I didn't give it Enough throttle at the top But everything this jet does looks good Everything everything this sounds
Amazing too that's So good this has got to be like their Flagship Vehicle I would say It's definitely your best looking jet You own oh yes yeah I do like the paint It does make it look more clean and just I don't know just good it did it does it Really does you don't get that strange Like foam glare off of the sun we are Getting a longer flight time aren't we You're at four and a half minutes since I started recording so like a four Minute flight I can already tell Now reverse thrust it's right there okay Don't hit it right now you're You're good we're gonna drop this Landing gear just so you guys can see it Oh I'm sorry I'm sorry Don't fight Hey safety Dan will get on to you Very strange Speed I think what's happening is the Door creates a little bit of drag and That pulls and that's why I pulled that Way okay okay that would make sense yeah I I don't know why I felt that more on This than the gray one my imagination I I don't know that was very strange we Still have kind of a cross Breeze too Yeah that's pushing back that way it Could have been a small gust of wind up There but landing gear is down oh I'm Seeing spots for the end of the Sun
And so it's definitely time to land Thank goodness I Kind of dropped it in preparation there Well yeah yeah I know Oh Oh you're scary on this one I'm gonna Bring it around one more time Ah it is scary isn't it it's because Your transmitter's yelling at you it Doesn't help and vibrating oh don't wing Tips that way okay we got this we got This you guys we got this we got this You know why else too oh I want to do This You're getting off because I'm too Focused on that reverse thrust I get it Should even have a smooth Landing my Fingers like reverse you may have Scuffed up one of your mind Of it but okay let's turn that off Please so here's reverse thrust I just Got to put this in a better spot I think Foreign That cool just breaks I just have to uh Get better at that because I'm so Focused on hitting that switch it makes My Landings look super clumsy that one Was not good but it's still fun And an amazing flight that was a blast I like to tell you guys where my flight Time is and voltage is on flights of Something like this because it is so Critical right sometimes we get out and Fly and we've got something that will
Have a 15 to 20 minute flight time and The battery's not even remotely low but Having Telemetry still helps you keep Track of that and so it's good to go Over the flight times and talk about That but with something like this it's Absolutely critical to know 10 or 15 seconds can be the difference Of this coming home in one piece or not And so my battery on this flight was at 3.65 volts per cell it's a little low But it's not so low that we're hurting Anything sometimes I I like my resting State of my batteries to be around 3.8 Volts per cell and most of my like 3s And 4S planes that I'm flying but this Guy is going to get consistently a three And a half to five minute flight time Depending on what battery you're flying On now if you push a 6 000 milliamp or 7000 milliamp battery my guess is you Might get a six to seven minute flight Time it's it's just gonna be a little Bit low it's not an efficient flyer but When it's in the air it is beautiful It's a head turner who doesn't love this I mean we can just set this out and air Show or fly in and not even fly it and People are going to drool over it that's How good it looks I'm impressed I'm in Love with it I'm so happy this exists I Love that gray F-16 but this is 10 times Nicer right like the drool I think did You guys check where you're sitting or
Wherever you're watching the video right Now yeah drool uh I think says we all Agree this is amazing and so if you're In love with this the way we are we'll Have a link in the description box below Uh guys this this is just a home run and A half I'm I'm very happy with it has a Strange tendency when I drop those doors I think we're just getting a little Extra drag maybe I don't know it's only My third flight in now so overall I'm I'm really happy with everything I'm Doing more with my brain reverse Thrusting and you know trying to work That into the whole process and one of These days we'll mess with those flap Runs too they work just my brain can't Handle it too much I'll overload it and We'll I just want this to come back in One piece so it'll be linked in the Description box below remember using That link does help to support our Channel and our family we also like to Guide you guys and if you want to fly on The same radio I'm flying on yes you do Need an eight Channel radio for this to Use all those uh features so that'll be Linked down there but also we'll have Ama link down there if you're spending This kind of money on a jet with Batteries and radios and chargers and All that you've got to fly with Ama it Doesn't even cost what one of these Batteries would cost for a whole year of
Insurance I wouldn't consider flying Anything especially something like this Without being insured and so I highly Encourage you guys to pick up AMA again It's the Academy of model Aeronautics And they'll be linked down right around Where the jet is in our description box And pinned common beautiful day guys Beautiful day awesome day to be flying Something like this those blue skies With a little bit of white clouds this Thing just pops and I'm so happy we got To get in front of the camera and share This experience with you and for that I Thank God I also want to say a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters because Without you we couldn't do what we do as Often as we do it you are truly amazing And we thank you from the bottom of our Hearts we will have a very quick but fun Flight of this jet where Abby almost Caused me to crash this thing that video Will be popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there Bye Foreign [Music]