【八卦塔羅|21】MewGulf☀🌻 Still MGPFG?

(The video subtitles are directly translated by google, please forgive me if they do not match the language you understand. Please respect others and do not make vicious remarks. I hope you can listen to what I have said carefully, although it takes 28 minutes 😅) The following content is for entertainment only . Don't take it too seriously. Just the right amount of fantasies, Candy Point Infinite Loop has become a rational fan 💖 Hello everyone!!!( •̀ ω •́ )✧.. Originally the Tarot of this episode was the one I mentioned in the last episode about MG disclosed the divination of their relationship, but due to a lot of turmoil these days, I uploaded this video first, which is about these days.

Recently, a lot of negative emotions and comments, I have seen a lot of people say they are disappointed and sad about M, and even said they no longer pay attention to MG/M. I understand that some people get confused or get angry…I think people can think a little bit deeper, if they could (or wanted to) go public they would have done it. Why should they make so many hints? It's because he can't (or doesn't want to) say it at the moment. In my tarot world, what I see is that they love each other, love each other deeply, and are very protective and caring for each other. And M and T are just friends. The close friends who support each other also understand each other very well, and they have known each other for ten years.

It's normal to have doubts about different things every day. I think it's fine for you to express your thoughts, as long as you're not trying to hurt or discredit people. I want to say.. If this person can make others guess what he thinks, this person is not M (¬‿¬)~ With M's current popularity, he doesn't need to rely on his relationship with G to make news.

Everyone should remember that he chose to open this new IG on Thursday's MewGulf day. In fact, he can share this new IG on other days, so as to avoid unnecessary fantasies and assumptions. He also changed the IG name to the code before GAWG belonged to them, obviously hinting to us that if he could express it, he would not do so. If you don't understand the implied words… It seems that few people understand the hints and information I left in the video 😂 If you don't find it, ignore it haha~ Continue the topic just now..

M in the new IG's No. 1 A short clip uploaded in one post is of a sunset, and the caption says the day is October 2. Everyone knows that on October 2nd, G said that he loved Taeyang when he answered questions from fans at the fan meeting in Manila. This is the beginning of M's suggestion to create this IG (the above is purely personal opinion ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ) On the second day that M created this IG, G shared a few photos on IG, and these photos were of him in Manila Sunset photo taken at . This is G's move in response to M. I asked about the tarot card at the time. I just wanted to know the situation, so I didn't record the process. The card I drew was very positive, so I took a photo and explained it later. My question at the time was to ask "Is this move by G in response to the first post shared by M on the new IG?", and then it appeared that these three cards were definitely "YES".

In the past, both in career and in their relationship, they were very stable, but they may begin to feel that their expression of emotions or emotional communication is a bit insufficient, so they want to take the initiative to do some actions to express each other's emotions and communication. They may want to use this IG to imply that they are harmonious, and it is not as complicated as everyone thinks.

I understand that your sadness and doubts are normal. Some people will wonder why M doesn't directly post photos or things of him and G on this IG, but I hope everyone can think about it after calming down. I said it before They have so many obstacles and restrictions that they cannot speak up. As my MG Tarot in the last episode said, they rely on hints to express, maybe what we are seeing now feels irrelevant, but maybe we just don't notice it, or it depends on time to prove it, pay attention His next update. Or use tarot cards to predict what they will do, or even a little inner feeling.

And a person's life is not only about love, but also his career, family and friends. He will meet different people and things every day, not only his own love. And I remember that M once said in an interview that he believed that two people in love cannot "walk together". There will always be one person who walks faster or slower, and sticking together all the time will make the relationship worse. not long. To learn and progress from each other can grow together for a long time. (I have the impression that he has said similar things, please correct me if I am wrong) I think everyone can recall their original intentions, why you are still transporting MG ships and supporting them, because you see To the chemistry between them (and the positive energy it brings to us), you can see that there is love between them.

If they really wanted to distance themselves from each other, they could make any statement or remark to make fans give up on MG's boat, but they didn't. And they don't have any double activities now, they don't need to rely on CP relationship to maintain their career (nor do they need to), and they haven't clarified that they are no longer CP. They can even delete all photos or comments with each other on IG, but M didn't delete all photos, at least he kept GAWG's photos. And when this matter continued to ferment and there were a lot of rumors, I asked about the tarot cards when I got off work on Thursday, and there was no video, I simply said..

What I asked was "why did M share these photos to make the Do you have misunderstandings and more rumors?", the card I drew at the time meant that his behavior might be an illusion, because for some reason he was diverting everyone's attention. Also, I just want to share a little bit of life. He is in pain but can't tell everyone, because his real love can't be said, he and G are in an underground relationship. M has always been protecting G and G's cause. M has been standing in front, resisting all attacks and bad things. M also clearly knows that now is the peak period of G's career.

And M has different directions to develop, and different things need to be done. I think they would prefer that you could give them more support in their careers, so that they are motivated to keep going, they are working hard for themselves and their love. If you choose to continue to believe in them, you can happily wait for their news. I think people should not put their own positions or perspectives on them, and selfishly decide what they should do. Everyone is an individual and it is their freedom how they want to express their love or mood. A lot of things need to be proved by time.. Next, I will start to interpret the tarot cards and see a little bit of their inner thoughts in my tarot world. However, the recent development has become "bloody and bloody", and I can't keep up with the update of the information, and I don't have much time to follow it.. If it is shared by many people, I will read it, and then add the new divination question Video, so the time of this episode is also relatively long.

First of all, let's take a look at what everyone wants to know, the relationship between M and T, and see how they get along. The cards (reversed) of the devil (upper left) and the hermit (lower right) appeared, it has been clearly stated that they are not lovers, let me interpret it in detail.. The Devil (reversed) means that they have no lover for each other The attraction, the relationship and the emotion between them is not the love of lovers.

T thinks that M is an artist and also a father (or older brother) character. M takes care of others very much. When he has anything, M will lend a hand to help T. M just thinks T is a kind and sunny boy who is very active, T's popularity is also very good, and T's personality is very forthright. Their communication is very direct and will not go around in circles, and they will say everything on their minds. The Three of Cups here means that they are close friends in a group, and because they have known each other for many years, they will support each other emotionally, share joy or sorrow, and care for each other.

This card is a symbol of friendship. And the last "Hermit" card means loneliness and aloneness. "Hermit" is a card that is not interested in love or is not keen on falling in love. What it is saying here is that they are not lovers but friendship. They are each other's spiritual mentors, friends who pour out their hearts and express their emotions. Regarding the MT ghost ship, what does M want to say and feel? Deka means that he does not think he has done anything against morality, he just wants to share with everyone what happened between him and his friends. M's heart has been suffering, struggling with fate. The society's vision or restrictions on him have made him unable to do what he really is or what he wants to do.

He doesn't understand why everyone is so aggressive about this matter, why don't you look at it from a different angle? Many things are two sides of the same coin, and not everything is what everyone said. He hopes that everyone can understand the truth and don't Blindfolded by rumors or misunderstood rumors. And don't do anything to hurt others. Because he has been hurt in this matter, and there have been many rumors that he cannot control recently, this shock has affected his heart, values ​​and trust (people), and he has lost his sense of security. I see that this test is not easy for him, I hope P'Mew you can bravely face your sadness as soon as possible, and there are many people who support you. I also hope that you don't have too many negative emotions, don't be too harsh on M (please have empathy), he is always alone, give him more space, because recently watching his cards has always been painful of.

The next step is to ask MG what his thoughts and developments are in this "rumor storm". The first (top left) is M: M believes that the whole thing happened and developed as a reckless, impulsive, crazy and unwise move, whether it was himself or the person who spread the rumor, the person who misbelieved the rumor or the attack his people. He also cares about what other people think. The second card (above center) is G: G has drawn the Sun card again. Although this incident has affected their mood, for G, he still loves his Sun so much, and looks at this incident and the their relationship. G won't be affected too much by this. The situation became more and more serious, and M began to lose control, which more or less affected his mood and relationship with his friends.

He also fell into a sad mood.. But he seems to realize that there are many people around him because of this ( relatives, lovers, friends) support him and care for him. And he also knows that he can't just focus on this matter (he still has a lot of things to do), he will face everything with more confidence in the future, and there will be more good news in succession. And he's planning and coordinating before anything is released before showing it to everyone.

(He won't share his own affairs easily anymore..) Question: How is MG and their relationship now? The bottom card is Knight of the Holy Grail (reversed). Many times this card will appear to represent M. This card is the water sign, representing Pisces. And the reversed card of the Knight of Grail is also a hint of homosexuality. Ace of Swords, top left: They are about to face a difficult new challenge, and they have made up their minds to face it bravely and wisely. They know that the control of future development is in their own hands. Pope Card (top middle): This thing seems to be about rituals (or social moral issues), they will pay more attention to each other's spiritual pursuit, this card also represents that they will participate in some rituals. They will move towards a marriage relationship (this card seems to have come up a few times before), and in the best case, their wedding is imminent.ヽ(✿゚▽゚)ノ Seven of the Holy Grail in the upper right (reversed): They don't need to make another choice, they have already chosen one person, and only each other. As they often say "One heart one love".

They don't stand still anymore.. the clouds (blocks) on their relationship seem to start to lift as they start to make bold decisions and act. M has been on the defensive in the past, and there may have been too many attacks and challenges on him recently, and he seems to be about to lose his defense. In the face of different voices, some people will choose to be silent, and some people will choose to stand up. And M seems to be determined to defend himself, to defend his rights and positions, to overcome these oppositions. Just stay confident and nothing can stop him. The sun card appeared again~ The sunflower will always face his sun, their relationship is still very good and positive, their future is moving towards the bright, just like the child in the card riding a white horse happily forward. The only thing we can do is bless them and wish them a happy day. Question: Will M hint at him and G again on the new IG? Well.. it should be, but it may not be so easy to understand. It may take some brainpower and a little effort to know what he means.

Or it will take a while to find out. Question: After this happened, what will G do to clear the rumors? Or more hints of his relationship with M? Haha! G's cards are often so direct, not as obscure as M's cards that cost me Take a moment to read. G thinks their relationship is happy, what he wants to say is that he and M communicate very well both mentally and physically. They still love each other, and you don't have to worry about them.

So he won't do anything to clear the rumors.. at best he will just say or do something to suggest that they are in a relationship and a relationship. M reposted T's story on IG Story and wrote a set of math problems, the answer came out as "I < 3 U". Question: Is M really expressing his lover's "I love you" to T? The bottom card is coin nine: M just wanted to share his creative talent with a little confidence and wanted to express his uniqueness ( ¬‿¬).. M is not expressing the lover's "I love you" to T. He just seems to be trying to "drop the bag" or pretend to be a mystery (though I personally think it's pretty normal to say I love you to a friend).

He should have shared it without thinking too much at the time, but later he may have found that he was a little impulsive and said the wrong thing, or received a lot of attacks. (Grim Reaper card) So he ended it quickly, he deleted the Story. Question: Who is the person M said he is dating? Who does M love? Wow.. It's the ring and the sun card again.. First of all, the "child" card on the left means that this person is a man much younger than M , and there is a certain experience between this person and M. And they've made a promise to get married soon.

Their relationship is as warm, bright and positive as the sun. This man's skin is dark, his appearance and behavior are lovely, and he is also a person who supports M wholeheartedly, always standing by M's side. In addition, the man's personality is optimistic and energetic, a person to be noticed, and he speaks directly. Who do you think the card is talking about? Actually, it's obviously talking about G.. Haha. There are all kinds of signs and hints, and they are often wearing rings on their ring fingers recently, and they will not resist things about each other.

For example, on October 22, a fan used a mobile phone (with a photo of G in the phone case) to shoot M. When M saw it, he took the initiative to greet the camera and showed a sweet smile. I believe they have said everything they can, and the hints they have given are enough, I think everyone can give them time (and space), and M has taken a step forward and said that he has a partner. We just need to wait quietly, MGPFG❤, Waanjais, cheer up! In fact, I divided this video for several days to do tarot divination, because the amount of information in these days is a bit large, and the whole Twitter is "bloody" (although I I didn't pay too much attention haha), I tried my best to post information and put the latest development into the video commentary.

So this video is mixed with a few days of information and divination. Hope this video can soothe everyone's emotions. Please keep a positive and optimistic attitude and keep hope. Waiting for the day when they can tell everyone. That's it for today~ See you next time! ~(●'◡'●)~ (Thank you for seeing this haha) If you like my video, remember to Like! Subscribe! And turn on the bell to receive my uploads in real time Video notification. Goodbye (^∀^●)ノシ.

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