15-year-old gets max sentence for killing teen on porch, trying to rob Commanders running back

The judge handed down the tought penalty allowed under DC law. Six years in high security for e Robertson's 15 year old killer. This boy shot my son, told us. No more bullets left in the gun. That's what happened. They want to see my baby. Little Bubba. It was a sentence that lt the victims family far
from satisfied. Yep, I feel like that wasn't en. Lawmakers need to change the rue with these juveniles, period. They need to get them life in jl if they do the crime, they need to do the time.

The 15 year old was among the three teens who tried to carjacked the commanders, Brian Robinson last August. A month and 1/2 later he was amg three teens who shot and killed 15 year old Andre Robertson as e was walking his 92 year old gre, great grandmother. Down her front stairs. He was my little helper. He was my helper. He go to the store and
go get my food. I needed water line that the be, whatever I need it. Andre went down to get it from the teen killer pleaded guilty o separate incidents of manslaugh, attempted robbery and carrying an illegal firearm. Prosecutors say after the plea , they learned of another instance of criminality he did look like. Little boy, but I had to address him. I didn't see any emotion from the team
during the hearing. His lawyers say he is deeply remorseful and has struggled tot least since seeing his uncle sht to death right in front of him. The judge urged him to change hs life before he gets out at age . At DC Superior Court. Bruce Leshan, W USA 9.

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