3D Printed Off-Road RC Cars by 3D Sets

Hello everyone! We are 3D Sets and we would like 
to show you our project. We have a lineup of   3D-printed remote controlled off-road cars.They have plenty of great little features and they look   just like the real thing. So, what we do is we 
sell premium-quality 3D models for 3D printers.   We wanted to offer models that will go 
beyond the usual statues and flower pots   and since we are both RC car enthusiasts, 
it was pretty easy to decide what to do:  let's make 3D-printed RC cars! We set out on 
a journey towards our first model. It's a 4×4   off-road car which is printed using the Original 
Prusa 3D printers. The only thing you need to   buy is the motor, electronics and a bunch of screws. 
The cars are rather large, so it will take you   nearly two weeks of non-stop printing to produce 
all the parts and you will need between two and a   half and three kilograms of filament. We also fully 
support parts with various colors, meaning that   parts that should have the same color are already 
grouped together on a single build plate.

Of course,   there is a detailed step-by-step guide on how to 
assemble the entire model. This is the overview   of the model, here's a shopping list, which also 
includes links to a recommended eshop. We also have   a set of testing objects. By printing them, you can 
tell whether your printer is calibrated correctly.   In the end it's almost like LEGO. The assembly 
process receives a lot of positive feedback   from our customers and in case any inaccuracies or 
some other issues with the assembly are reported   we can easily update our Google Slides project 
and all the customers see the update immediately.   So here's our brand new Landy 4×4. Its 
parts are spread across 30 build plates.   Again, this means around 14 days of printing, give 
or take. We understand that not everyone can be   around the printer 24 hours a day, so it's not 14 
days of non-stop printing. We also offer a wide   range of accessories and custom parts, so anyone 
can make them and modify their cars to achieve   truly individual results.

So it's not just about 
the color. You can choose to mount a hard top or   leave the car without a roof, add plenty of 
various little details. You can really have   a lot of fun with the modifications. Plus, in case 
anything breaks, you can easily print a replacement. The only thing we don't recommend printing are 
the tires. Printing with flexible filaments may   be tricky and the results are often not that 

Even if you don't want to spend money   on the electronics, you can, of course, print 
the cars and put them on a shelf in your office or   living room. However, it's still a fully functional 
off-road RC car, so we recommend to take it outside.   We drove it across beaches, mud, we took it 
to the mountains. Gravel, sand, grass… it can   drive pretty much anywhere with ease. I 
would like to add one important detail:   our cars will always have added value compared 
to models you can buy in a regular store.   Replacement parts are a no-brainer 
and you can keep on modifying the car   to your heart's content. Everything is 3D-printed, 
even the gears in the gearbox. We wanted to have   as many 3D-printed parts as possible. Well, as long 
as everything works the way it should.

We wanted to   demonstrate what you can achieve with a 3D printer 
nowadays. Not just produce flower pots and statues.   We even considered a 3D-printed engine… well, that 
was a bit too ambitious. Here you can see the axles   which are fully 3D-printed we even have 3D-printed 
ball joints, which is something many would consider   impossible to make. We did it, though! We came up 
with a fully functional solution that allows   the parts to snap together.

There is one thing we 
did not mention: there is no glue needed anywhere.   Everything is held together by screws. So, the only 
thing you need to repair your car is a screwdriver!   Everything can be disassembled, replaced, upgraded… 
the car will simply grow with you. To achieve   all of this, we had to come up with a flexible 
design. We are using Fusion 360 and cloud sharing.   We are working with parametric models, so 
it's easy to implement any changes without   an exhausting manual tweaking process. I always 
had a dream to start selling something digital   online and worldwide – this was the perfect fit. It 
took us around 1500 hours to design the first car. We had to learn a ton of things from scratch. We 
made our own website, eshop, guides, everything.   And I had to explain to my wife, whether we really 
needed a second 3D printer – and of course we did.

That's really the gist of it. And the most 
beautiful day was when we finally launched the   eshop and orders started rolling in. The first one 
was from Mexico, the next one from Indonesia.   And we managed to reach our goal. We really hit 
the global market. So, right now, we have our   hands full with new products and there might be 
even something more than just more off-road cars.

As found on YouTube

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