I'll explain how to use blender 2.81 Car rig Pro kit. This kit lets you easily set up your Car Rig setup. The car rig introduction was also very good. Delete all default collections before using the car kit first. Load the car rig setup file into append. Load car rig pro 1.4 Optimized into the collection folder. The same Rig setting object is shown on the screen.
Load the car that made the FBX file into append. There are two collections, the car collection and the car rig. The car has four wheels and a body. Delete unnecessary objects ;; Align the front wheel position with the front wheel position on the car rig. Move to car wheels and ground position. Click the rig icon to select three menus. The properties menu is created in the item menu. Click I on the rig icon Set the screen so that the bottom of the car is visible.
Press the number pad 5 on the keyboard to release perspective mode. Adjust wheel positions 1 and 2 to set the position. The front wheel can only be adjusted left and right. Adjust wheel position 2 to position the rear wheel. Move all four rig wheels to the side. Use the snap function to center the wheels and rig wheels. Connect the car wheel to parent mode BONE mode by pressing Control + P. All four wheels do the same. Click on the car body and the rig arrow icon to connect to parent BONE. Check the rig icon i option to ensure the body is connected properly. Open the collection and you will see the ground collection. Check the Viewport View option to make it visible on the screen.
If you check the ground, you will see a Bezier line on the screen. You can edit the line to create a road. Adjust the ground size and count. The options in the ground also create bumpy roads. If you set the drive number to 1 in the rig main icon, the car runs automatically. car gas 1 is the front car gas 2 is the rear wheel speed. Optionally check the cameras in the collection to see them as they move along the car. Move the car position to rotate the front wheels. Once all the settings are done, select the car and wheels and animate the object menu to finish. Finally, set the animation key for the camera as well..