Hello you beautiful people.
My name's John.
Welcome to my channel! Today we have the wheel adapters that
take it from a 12 millimeter hex to a 17 millimeter hex. Effectively meaning that you can put these tires on any car like this except there's one problem the reason that
i bought these was because when i did my last video i think about a couple of weeks ago testing
out this theory it was suggested that i pick up a set of these because these were better these
were more user friendly so i bought them and i had a quick test and i don't like them so save
your money i will explain why let me just move this up a little bit and get these out of the
way for now stop stop stop stop and i move the wheel extenders here okay this is effectively
a 144001 but let's say it is the EACHINE EAT14 okay let me just take one of the wheels off there we go so that leaves the 12 millimeter
hex you then put this on like so but this actually locks it in you see because it's got
thread on it so you put it on to locker oh as you see on this one and on most of the w toys
most of the cars i own in fact the thread is far too small as you can see so you
can't use it on cars like that good to know so we will go over to this
one it is the what is it the EACHINE EAT04 There's been a lot of EACHINES lately! 🙂 I'll put
it on the screen for you ( EAT04 ) so take this one off like so ta-da leaving a nice fresh 12
millimeter hex so we put this one on like so and we put that on and look it can now be
tightened up fabulous which is great okay now let me just move all of that out of the way so
i'm now thinking this is brilliant excellent a lot better system and because they actually tighten
on to the actual shaft there's a lot less wiggle so you put the wheel on all excited you
didn't get it on of course come on like so you tighten everything up without a socket or spanner set because they all
seem to be missing like so and obviously this one has to be tight or else it'll all be
loose and just fall apart as you know so tighten that up and now as you can
see the wheel just doesn't move very well and you've got the one that it was on oops right
and it's just too tight what's actually happening is when you're tightening this one
up it's pushing the 12 millimeter hex into uh the wheel um hub so i'll just take it
off now and explain what's happening in detail i was 99% convinced i had all my spanners
and sockets here oops let's get that off so what's effectively happening obviously
that's in the way this one tightens up but once you tighten it it's pushing onto the hex
which is then pushing onto the hub and it's just not moving so absolutely useless because even if
you were to use some thread lock on it you've got to loosen it enough that it's then free here but
then it's got the wiggle wobble on it so that all four wheels are blur so again ladies and gents all
i would suggest is do not bother save your money and just buy slightly larger wheels
so if you wanted like for example larger wheels on any of your cars that have
got 12 millimeter hex this has got a 12 millimeter hex so just buy a larger wheel let's
be honest i think these were something like nine nine uh no 10 USD i think when i bought
them um and these is not not the specific wheel but this sort of size you can pick up a set for 12-
13 us dollars so why go down that route when you can just buy with a 12 millimeter hexa larger
wheel that's my own opinion obviously there are going to be some out there that uh have a
different opinion but i just i can't see the logic in going this way i i just can't i'm sorry so
save your money buy something else hit that like button subscribe to the channel and i'll
catch you next time stay safe take care bye you