World’s BEST and CHEAPEST RC Boat for Pools!!!

Check out this RC boat here:
This is a jet boat and the speeds and motor make it perfect for pools! This is the Wltoys wl917 rc jet boat. We love this type of boat! Let us know your thoughts about this rc jet boat in the comments!
Disclosure: This description box contains affiliate links.

Check out this RC boat here:

The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Jesper Larsen, john salt, Jose Valentin, Michael Keller, Michael Schouten, RC HOOLIGANS, Richard Higginson, Robert Sanges, Ryan Alexander, Terry Kellogg, The Brennan’s, Bob Hardy, Chris Hamlett, Chuck R, David Chenzoff, dmilbrandt, Doug Dahlheimer, erik palmberg, Gary Zion, Haar Bear, Jason day, and Jeff Buys

#rcboat #rcboats #rc

You guys have been asking for this week For a very long time and I'm so happy to Announce boat week on the RC Sailors the First one of the year and we are kicking It off for the first time ever with a Boat and a case that's right This is going to be awesome this is just Like a little knockoff of the old jet Jam mini boat that is perfectly designed To drive in a swimming pool that's Because there's no exposed propeller the Way this works is the water gets sucked Up the bottom of the boat and pushed out The back just like a real jet boat or Jet ski but this one unlike the jet Jam Does have lights up top so I'm excited To turn it on see what it looks like see How it runs and guys the reason it's Taken us so long to get a boat week on The channel it's just been really hard To find enough new boats to actually do A boat week I don't know what's going on With 2023 we've definitely got some Lined up now but it was a challenge so Let's power on see how this goes self Riding all that there's one cool little Feature I can't wait to show you too So check it out it's hard to see because The sun is still shining but we have two White lights on the front our red light On the back so that's great for Orientation you could drive this at Night if you wanted to especially in Your swimming pool that's really cool

Let's see if it has self writing and Then I'm going to show you guys this Awesome hidden feature the water seems a Little low today Abby Okay we ready yeah Don't let it go if it doesn't have self Writing it could get away so one more Time So that's fine here's the other hidden Feature that I wanted you guys to see it Comes with a little flag and I didn't Want to put that flag on there while we Were going to test self writing because It could have possibly come off of there So we do have to be careful knowing that This doesn't have self writing here we Go Oh yeah nice and quick wow that's Punchy Right out of the right out of the box I Love that this has lights to me that Makes it already better than the jet Jam Do you guys remember we did it like Years ago it's a little gray boat and I Think they had a blue version as well Now even though we're in very little Winds it's kind of choppy on the waters For such a little boat I think this is Cool for a lake but we might have Limited range We're not gonna be able to Go to the other side of the lake or Anything so in my opinion this is going To be like the perfect pool boat best Pool boat you could ever ask for you're Not going to be able to get your fingers

Or little kids fingers jammed up inside Of a propeller you're not going to Damage the side of your pull uh no Scratches on the on the siding or Anything so that's what that's why these Little tiny jet boats are just perfect For swimming pools I am a little Disappointed it doesn't have self Writing but with those lights on there I Can see why that Is uh is definitely not able to do self Writing this is Full Throttle just so You know I don't imagine this is going To be a very long video just because What you see right now is what you're Going to get with this little guy but I'm excited to kick off boat week with a Nice little boat that's completely ready To run And Abby wants to drive No we can't have Boat week without Abby's famous huh Bow nuts yes kicking off boat week right Abby's famous bonus what do you think It'll be great in a pool you're in a Lake a little slow Well not extremely capable but this is Going to be great around kids I agree And in a small enclosed area good boat For Amelia to play around with yeah It's got a little case to keep Everything protected at the end of this Video I'll show you guys everything the Accessories and stuff that comes with

This I think you'll be surprised it's Top-notch high quality and this is a Super cheap boat but if any luck Abby Might even have a coupon code for our Early viewers in the description box so If you click the link to this boat in Our description box and pinned comment Right below that Abby you'll have a Coupon code where you might be able to Save maybe five more bucks or so we'll See how good of a code we can get but It's always worth it we're doing water Tests this week we gotta do water tests Yeah Water's kind of low so we're gonna have To get it really close are you taxing it In and I gotta hold the camera and get This thing I'll take it back here okay Nate's back I will be surprised if there's a drop of Water in this thing The light bar is actually grab the boat You did have it upside down though for a Second so that's true here we go so Let's get all the loose water off the Outside of the boat we kick this open Now this boat does just have one layer Of protection but there is foam in there So that helps create a nice seal what I Can see is zero drops of water inside And those drops are from the outside of The boat so that is a great water sealed Airtight boat that is a brushed motor to Those of you that are wondering but it's

Water cooled that's what those coils are Around that yeah this is a very very Cool jet boat to kick off boat week one We're starting small okay we're starting Small not that I have any big giant 8s Geicos to end boat week but what we tend To do is at the end of the week we will Tell you guys what our favorite boat of The week was so you want to stay tuned But there's still going to be some People that say you know what I don't Care if uh the best boat's gonna be a 300 boat or whatever I love that boat And that's in my budget if if you see Something you'd like you might want to Grab it now just because when we feature Things on boat week they tend to get Snagged snacked up pretty quickly Snagged or snacked I know I thought about it for a second They get they they sell out quickly We'll say that I am hungry uh in the Case you get instructions the USB charge Cable for the battery these pieces of Foam were there just for packing you get An extra couple little tools in Allen Wrench and a Phillips screwdriver and Then my favorite feature is the boat Stand that comes in here so if you want To put your boat on display very proudly It comes with a four piece little stand That you just put together really Quickly and then you can put your boat On display on a nice shelf so I love

This this is the world's first RC boat With the case at least for us that we've Ever seen on the channel that we can Remember at least I don't think I've Ever had a boat because Uh and it's linked in the description Box below and using that link does help To support our Channel and our family at No extra cost to you guys I want to say Massive thanks to God for getting us out Here to enjoy this amazing beautiful day At the lake to drive an RC boat I love Boat week and I know a lot of you guys Do too so I'm excited because we're just Kicking off boat week the first one of The Year finally in August you know I Can't it's crazy also a massive thanks To our patreon supporters because we Couldn't do what we do as often as we do It without your insanely awesome support Guys if you want to see more RC boats We'll have a hand-picked video popping Up right about now thanks for watching We'll see you there [Music]

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