on this episode of pedal box we're adding the front part of our role supporting and finally taking off the temporary support we added way way way back when for the steering column and adding in a proper support [Music] getting the windscreen surround done means we can get the next part of our structure built we need to come off this main hoop here down along the a-pillars into the bottom of the chassis now to do that we have to know where the wintergreen is going to sit and that's what this tells us we can position this without having to worry about having a fragile windscreen around here and welding around it so with that in mind I turn to some finest cardboard aided design so this is our a pillar well this isn't because this one's cardboard and that's not very strong but this is the shape that it's going to be and this allowed us to get some pieces bent up this goes from the main hoop down the side of the windscreen and shows us where on the bottom of the car it's going to join up to now we have to make a couple of changes based on stock availability that I had because it's very difficult to get stuff at the moment but here's our actual a pillar thanks the guys at ignition motorsports for helping us get these sorted we just need to cut these out at the top make sure they fit onto the side of the arms in the right place and then build the standoffs to fit into the bottom so we'll start with the standoffs and then fit these on after subscribe to the channel check out the website pedal box show / shot at atrium comm / pedal box show the standoffs are made of two inch three mil wall box this is a fairly standard way to mount a roll cage so that it tucks up really nicely against the roof line even though we don't have a roof right now this still makes it a lot easier to join the tube we have onto the chassis the tops are closed off to make a flat base to weld the tube onto now trim to length on the chassis and then the tube is trimmed to match the angle [Music] there's going to be a lot of work cleaning up the wells around here but at least on the whole our welding is getting an awful lot better than it was way back at the start now I've got this side tacked in and the box is completely attached onto the rest of the chassis I'm gonna put the other box in and start measuring up for the other side which i think is going to be the most stressful part of building this whole thing trying to get these level or as close as I can possibly get making sure this fits and everything else this is gonna take some time last night I managed to get both of these almost completely welded in the underside I'm not going to tackle until we flip the chassis over again or at least put it on its side so I'm not welding directly up because that just doesn't work but the standoffs are in these are in and they're pretty strong so the big test is how easy is it to get out I tried getting in a few seconds ago but I didn't use the wing I was stood on the floor so I'll try now to get back out so it's not actually too bad to get in and out of now the next piece we need to add in is the cross brace that goes across the top of the windscreen and that's just more of the same tube notched and we'll weld that in now so with a couple more welds put in here this is all secured in I've dip the windscreen surround down slightly because it's support runs right through here but we'll move it back around once we're happy with everything else the next thing I'm going to look at is joining across the front of these 2a pillars and that's got a little bit of a problem attached to it because we have no 40 mil we can't get any more 40 mil because places are closed and we need to join them together now the only thing I have is the 50 mil that I originally tried to build this out of which joining 50 mil on to 40 mil isn't going to look particularly pretty and I'm not exactly thrilled about the whole thing so we're going to have to do the best we can but it's definitely gonna be strong enough and it's very similar if not a little bit thicker than what they normally put in the TTS in the a3 that we took all of the governs out of for this car so hopefully it'll still work and it will fit right underneath the two supports I already have for the windscreen so it should meet up with the bottom of it really nicely after spending a couple of days trying to fit these this almost seems positively easy so just cut this around and this fits in just like that now we have still got the problem that this is a 50 mil tube and this is a 40 mil tube and the way I think I'm going to solve that is just take a little bit off the back of each one so we haven't got this massive gaping hole that we need to try and fill up well do then is fill over the back with some two mil plate to match the wall thickness on the tube just so it comes up and joins the back of this pipe here a common thing the last few episodes on this has been either getting rid of or modifying things we put in a long time ago like the rear suspension mounts or now this so we're going to be able to get rid of our other steering column support that we've had in since almost the very beginning this is never really fit well and it was always a bit of a temporary measure so I'm going to take this out because now we can mount the top of this steering column bracket onto the back of here a lot like it is in the stock car stabilize the steering column support like we had before I'm gonna make a couple of brackets out of this 2-inch L section I cut from a piece of box I've got this notch into the back of this one and this will fit underneath the back up to the front of here and join onto the top of the pedal box the crossmember and the front support that we left on here now that will work quite nicely hold it all in or we can tidy this up make it a little bit neater and then hopefully fit everything back on the car now before I put this back onto the chassis we're going to clean it up and paint them all black but there's a few things we need to do first I went over this with a needler to take off all of the loose rust I'm gonna do this on the hubs the cow furs the carriers everything that we've taken and salvaged off various different cars so taking all of that rust offers left this pretty good now the last thing I'm gonna do before I paint it is go over with some rust remover that the same stuff we used on the Thunderbird bonnet and this just cleans off the rust really nicely anything that's left on the top and takes it back to a reasonable bare metal so I'm just gonna put it onto a rag and then just wipe it on around here now you do this in a well-ventilated space or if you're indoors wear a respirator or both but I can't talk and use my respirator so I'm just keeping this at arm's length make sure you use gloves and just wipe it off really nicely now I'm gonna go and find my respirator put the rest of this on clean it paint it and then it'll be done but there's one more thing to do before that and that's remove this spring seat we don't need this whole pad because we're not running a spring on this part of the arm and this is just cast on to the outside and the inside edge you're gonna cut this off flap it down and make sure that it looks a lot better on here the bump stop is actually useful for us we can add a piece onto the side of the chassis later on if we feel the need to and we can still make use of this now while our those parts are drying and turn our attention to the steering column which is slowly been getting more and more rusty this doesn't have any protection onyx it normally lives completely with the inside the car aside from this little section down here so I'm gonna paint up as many surfaces as I can ignoring this one which I'm going to regress because this is a friction surface that goes in and out on this plunger and getting quite stiff to move around so I'm going to clean up as much of this as a can't with the rust remover and then go over it paint it up and hopefully it should survive a little bit better than it is now [Music] with everything stripped cleaned and painted it's time for everything to go back together it looks so much better now than it did before we should have done this ages ago but it at least makes for a nice kind of celebration for the 50th episode [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] well that's a huge milestone for both the car and the channel it certainly makes getting into the car a lot harder we have to put some grab handles so you can kind of swing yourself in when you're getting in and out of it and I'm really glad I've put these bracing plates on so you will actually be able to stand out of the car rather than trying to straddle it that would have been a nightmare but for the first time doing anything with notching tube welding tube bending anything like that this has been as far as I'm concerned a complete success it's really made the car feel like a car rather than just a table sort of with bits thrown together in it when you put the cover on it actually looks like a car which is kind of crazy hopefully Chris will be back soon and we can get on with more work on this I'm gonna keep going there's a lot more work that I want to do and I think I can get done at the front of the car with some lights and start really kind of giving it some more shape I also I need to do brake pipes fuel system I've still got a look at the wiring I still have to strip the rest of the wiring from the TT which I'm not looking forward to it all there's loads and loads of stuff I can be getting on with so the update shouldn't stop I'm gonna try and keep the one episode a week going at the moment whilst I'm not commuting anywhere at the moment I've got loads more time at home which is great so do subscribe to the channel like the video and let us know what you think and check out shop pedal box show if you'd like to buy t-shirts hats stickers or anything else to help support the channel and if you like to supports directly and got a patreon.com slash pedal box show and support us from anything from $1 to $10 a month thank you very much to all our existing patrons it really does help keep us in welding wire and gas and grinding discs cuz I'm not a very good well that's why I've got a lot of crimes to hide under paint so here's to the next 50 episodes we'll get this closer to being a functioning car get the golf on the road get it to a track day get the Thunderbird going again and get the sd1 back when it comes from the body shop we can really push that project going now Chris has got a lot of ideas for that so that's going to be really really interesting to see in the meantime check out the back catalogue if you haven't seen everything so far we'll try and keep the one we showed you a lot and we'll see you next time thanks very much for watching [Music] you you
Adding Windscreen Pillars | Audi TT Kit Car | PedalBox Episode 50