AWESOME Easy to Fly Warbird for Beginners! – Piper J-3 Cub

Check out this warbird RC plane here:
This is a great rc warbird airplane that is easy to fly. This is the RTF Piper J-3 Cub. In this video we maiden this rc warbjrd plane. Let us know your thoughts about this rc warbird plane in the comments.
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Check out this warbird RC plane here:
Check out the Coolify here:


The products in this video are rated for ages 14+.

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Well today I'm just a happy little Camper I've got a brand new airplane That's like Army painted scheme A little brushless motor it's a ready to Fly setup I had to put the main wing on A little bit of screws holding it Together I had to put the landing gear On and I'm all decked out with my Accessories or should I say neck Accessories this is here's another one For you this is the coolest thing I've Ever gotten pun intended I never thought I'd slap one of these Things on but a good friend of ours Jan Sent me one for Father's Day and it was The light fathers I get but this thing Actually has air conditioning built into It it's insane it's not just a fan it Also has heat which I'm excited for so Abby makes fun of me wearing it now but This winter I will bet you a hundred Dollars she will wear this daily while We're out doing videos in the winter It's probably wear it in the house Anyway I know you guys probably want to See this on the channel we will uh we'll Do something on the RC Sailors extra It's very awesome but today's focus is This army airplane and both of these Things will be linked in the description Box below we're just gonna make this Thing and see how it does it actually Flies on a 2s battery we got a little Wind today we have flight stabilization

If it's a good successful flight I will Show you guys some more of the stuff That comes with this at the end of the Video so let's put it in the air see how It does when I turned it on I had a ton Of down elevator you probably can't even See it right now But there's there's the stabilized mode Off there's stabilized mode on it's down Elevator now but I'm thinking when I Throttle up we'll see I had to back off The Um push rod push rod horn clevis quite a Bit here we go let's go got a little Wind fingers crossed I like this little Thing there we go yeah okay Very nice oh very very Trainer-esque gentle scale Ready sorry guys sorry sorry sorry not Distracted visually it reminds me of the Yellow Cab the old three Channel yellow Cub oh yeah Uh but this is just about the champ the Champ yeah you got it But this one has ailerons elevator Rudder throttle and a little more scale Details it's probably really close to The same price little champ used to be I Think when they did about 100 bucks Oh keep in mind we've got some nasty Wind today so anything this is doing It's pretty good A little chime you're hearing I believe But don't know for sure is going off

Every minute kind of like the arrows Planes do they're annoying And I'll take that I like it that's more Pleasant than the screaming beep okay so Nice trainer mode this is hands-free Just so you know And eyes free I don't recommend that Very long Uh very easy to fly nice and stable just Like safe mode it's bigger than most of Your War Birds if you guys fly those e Sheen and now volantex warbirds this is Bigger than those which is very nice and If you can see if you like flying Against a hillside or a wall of trees it Will disappear just like it is Wind the wind is That's with the wind we got to keep up Our speed or we lose our lift it's nice To have Rudder to mix in with those Aileron Banks but we have different Flight modes and I'm gonna turn off the Stabilized mode in three two one Which means we're gonna need a little Trimming and a little more throttle a Little more compensation here And this one let's see is it going to Let us roll completely over in the Middle mode There's six G1 and 6g2 and we are going To go to 6G too no no you want to go There 3D 3D there we go I read the Instructions today So we should be able to yes Loop it roll

It Hammerhead it yeah wow okay Yeah it's not super powerful but it's uh 2s And let's see if we can get it closer to The camera This is flying better than the eachine Warbirds in advanced mode but that's About all I can say it's still not great Could just I think it needs a little bit Of nose weight And yeah let's go back to train remote It flies really well That's pretty cool What is that three minutes yeah I like it super scale nice old school Style of Little Cub you know early foam Days but a brushless setup and 2s power Notice why I'm flying on the other side Of our space today I can't see and That's the grass so we wanted to test Their ability and it was planned to do That yeah sure it was Chuck it Or did you break it Chuck it Yeah I'm always ready Born Ready Foreign Cooler on high for that recovery Bernie Up I would have sweated For this Nightcore I actually really like it I do didn't you mow in it I mowed some In it I won't lead you in it because I

Don't want little things to get sucked Into the thing oh let's see it has these Cooling pads sitting on my neck we'll do A video we'll do a video it's really Cool though Every time I say that I I do that like Because it's cool right it's no punny I like this airplane too this is just a Great day I was worried I was worried I Wouldn't get to have any fun toys today But we're doing it oh it's just nice and It comes with stickers and stuff too I'm Going to show you guys all this stuff at The end of the video let's do a couple Touching goes uh there's another switch On the right side I thought it was high And low rates but I don't think it is it's Beeps but it doesn't seem to affect How it flies I'll go back into advanced Mode and Then kick that and see if it does Anything it's just so windy it's really Struggling so come on little guy let's Get back let's get back fight that win Buddy people ask regularly if the Eastern warbirds just kind of fly in Wind they say are those sub five mile an Hour winds planes no they're not uh but Maybe you are I mean definitely a sub this one I would Keep this one on the ground if the wind Socks says 10 miles an hour or more it's Not finding it so great I think it's

Just because it's big and docile that Brushless motor and 2s power really Really helps if this was brushed and won US there's no way you have to have no Wind but it's pretty windy today I mean It's it's pretty windy I'd say yeah the Plane can but if this was your first Airplane ever maybe don't fly in the Wind and I say that with a lot of those Eachine warbirds Ah this is nice if you if you like Justin A docile trainer larger than the eaching Warbirds very easy to fly plane this is Awesome this is really cool and I'm Enjoying these touching guys then I'll Bet on a calm day the advanced mode with A little bit of nose weight would Actually be a lot more fun than what We're getting out it really does Disappear in the trees Does our tail wheel actually steer let's Find out oh we have rotter let's see hey Come back foreign I'm done Oh okay that's a wrap you didn't tell me We're down that was an awkward end of Flight all right Mr coolify that's uh It's funny because that's what it's Called I know They named it appropriately didn't they Uh this is really cool so there's flight Stabilization off and look there's quite A bit of ailer on throw on this just

Right out of the box it's a lot of Movement I think it needs some Expo to Make it more enjoyable but that's not Going to happen on this ready to fly Radio beginner mode on is Cruise mode on And I really Really enjoyed that a lot something that Was really neat because I don't want to Say cool too much in this video now I'm All paranoid about this airplane when I Put the wing on there's two screws that Hold the wing on and there's two wires That plug into the Y harness you can Actually put little dudes or dudettes in Those seats in there when the wing is Off so before you put your wing on if You happen to have little 32nd scale or Whatever this is people action figures From the dollar store or something they Could go in there and that might be the Extra nose weight that this needs Because I do think it needs some Brushless motor it comes with a spare Prop four Double A's and the transmitter It's okay it has a squishy effect right There it's just a sticker on there so if You need like a if you need a stress Ball built into your transmitter it's There what's the coolest neck I've ever Seen Oh I'm extra cool There's our little 2s jst plug lipo Balance battery it's a 650 milliamp Comes with a USB to 2s balance plug on

The other side LiPo battery it's a Char and charge USB Charger that's a good setup it's a great Battery this is like quadruple enough Power it's actually double the power of The eastern warbirds and it comes with Stickers That's kind of stickers there's a when We got ours on the box there's like a Pinup girl it's like a witch pinup girl She is not included if anyone's curious She's not in there but stickers I'm Actually surprised by this I know we had A lot of stupid dad jokes and puns and Whatever it was having a good time in This video but this is a really nice Airplane and it's it's made well it's Got really Durable foam that doesn't Seem to be I hate to like scratch it but If that is painted on it's some kind of Like rubber coating paint or so I think It's I think it is paint but it feels Really durable and I have banged this Into boxes and walls getting out of the House because with the kids and stuff But it's not taking kids for your I'm Well I'm doing it it's not taking any Scratches so I think that's and you saw The crash there's no white scuff marks Showing through so I think it's gonna Hold up really well and the attention to Detail and scale looks with the canopy And stuff and the engine Muffler and all That coming out of there looks great I'm

A huge fan little foam tires and the Shocks they're there but they don't they Don't work they don't work too great They're like you got little shocks but They're really for if you just want to Do this Oh baby yeah they're little sharks but They're there so I really legitimately Like this I think it's a great airplane If you're into the Asian War birds and That stuff pick one up you uh you Deserve to own one of these in your Collection Little Wing struts they Actually work and then we'll have this Linked In the description box below too I got it and I really thought and sorry Jan but I thought at first like oh man I Don't know I've seen hundreds of those But I don't know if I'd ever use one and I opened it and the unboxing experience Was amazing and I thought this has to be Better than one of those like 20 little Fans and it is it's much much much nicer Also much much more expensive way more Expensive but it's really really nice it Has air conditioning and it feels Amazing and I thought this is actually Perfect not just for yard work I'm out Here flying on the flight line we all Sit there under our pop-up tents and Scorch not anymore I just feel like this Was made for RC Pilots just as anyone Else am I alone Abby wait till winter Time off talk about it though all right

Guys I've had a lot of fun today and um You know just be it's always fun to get Out and fly RC but you got to take a Little bit serious and in doing so I Highly encourage you fly with AMA it's The Academy of model Aeronautics it's an Insurance program that allows us to all Fly safely and securely if this Maiden Didn't go so well and we lost the plane Over in the building or a car that's Where AMA would step in they do a lot of Things for our Hobby and have been Through the years more than I do I know That and so it's worth that annual Subscription which costs less than the Price of this airplane no matter what You're flying or where you're flying I Highly recommend you do so with AMA Really if nothing else it's a it's a Program that just lets us educate Ourselves about flying safely and not Recklessly and I think that alone is Worth the cost of admission but you get Magazines and you can fly in all these Different places across the country it's Really nice so that'll be linked down in The description box below too for this Beautiful day feeling great getting out Here having a little bit of fun pun cool Dead airplane jokes and just a really Good time I was thank God for the good Days the bad days and everything in Between I'm super grateful and a massive Thanks to our patreon supporters because

We couldn't do what we do as often as we Do it without your amazing support so You guys are the best if you love this Plane and you want to see more stuff Like it we'll hand pick an amazing video Just For You popping up right about now Thanks for watching we'll see you there

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